  • Dzień 35

    Even a Pilgrim ...

    14 października 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    ... needs to rest.

    After 35 days of walking, Coleen and I are content to trade out our hiking boots for sandals for the balance of our time here in Spain. We returned to Santiago de Compostella for a second time this morning. Our total mileage on the 3 Caminos we've hiked is just north of 1,000 kilometers by my calculation.

    But truly as one Camino graffiti author wrote "Smiles, not miles, are what counts" and we've had thousands of those.

    Much like the Galician dirt and manure have insinuated themselves into my Scarpa boots, the call of the Camino has resonated deep in my soul. I expect we will return.

    Hasta luego from this side of the Atlantic and I look forward to catching up with all of you when we return to Canada.

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