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    On the road again

    11. Juni 2015 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Excitement filled the air this morning as the 4 sisters got up, got their coffee and tea and got ready found the big trip.

    The first order of business was to take a photo of chocolate man. Then we were off to visit Tim and Jamie at their house. They have worked hard to make their house and yard beautiful, as you can see in the photo from their back yard.

    At 11:30 a.m. we were on the road headed south. In Westminster we took a detour to find Grandpa Pomeroy's house. And we found it! There is a little garden wall in front of the house that wasn't there originally. The field that used to be across the street was full of houses and a gated community. Still it was neat to see the old house standing with a family living in it.

    By now the stomachs of all 4 sisters were singing in unison about hunger. We had passed a lot of restaurants on the way to Grandpa's house. Google led the way to Nancy's Cafe. The outside was non-descript, the inside was no better, but the food and the service were excellent!

    Patsy brought a book along to read aloud, Love Does by Bob Goff. We started reading and discussing what we read. Our plan was to take a second detour in Pueblo and find the house we all used to live in. But we were so engrossed in the book that we drove right through Pueblo and didn't even notice. Ah well.

    There was lots of rain and some hail as we traveled down I25. Joyce was driving, so it didn't bother the rest of us at all. By sunset the storms had moved east of us.

    Somewhere along the way, after we had called Richard and Judy, we decided to spend the night in Santa Fe. We filled up the gas tank in Raton (thanks Dennis for filling it up yesterday when you washed the bug guts off the car) and had supper at Dennys. I asked the gas station attendant how long it would take to drive to Santa Fe from Raton. He said 2 hours. Boy did that sound familiar. It actually took a little longer than that. We stopped at a rest stop about half way to Santa Fe, and while waiting for everyone to gather together we were attacked by a pair of birds who were sure we were a threat to their babies in the nest. They did us no harm, but scolded us for a long time and flying at us and all around us before settling down in the nest.

    We pulled into the comfort in about 10:30 and have settled ourselves down for a long spring nap. Tomorrow is art in Santa Fe.