TravelerWow Bev - what an amazing trip you have done. So nice to meet you in Canada! Here's hoping our paths cross again- keep in touch and take care. X
Last day ambling around Chinatown. now writing this at the airport waiting for my final International flight.
Pics of things I saw today, plus the last one of the fountain at the Jewel, at Chiang airport.Read more
After a very big sleep in ( alarm clock for 10am, Bev wakes at 12.30!!) I've been out and about using the MRT (subway) without a hitch. Thanks to Champika's excellent tutorial yesterday. Hot and sunny day. Started day with lunch in Chinatown, then afternoon at botanical gardens, then to Little India for dinner. More international jet setting ( via MRT).Read more
Hello from Chinatown, Singapore. Arrived to torrential rain, thunder and lightning. What a welcome after minimal sleep on the plane. Still a taxi to the hotel and a restorative snooze, and by then the weather had abaited. This afternoon had a wonderful time catching up with Champika, who I worked with. She's a doctor here. She took me on the gondolas, and to the aquarium. A lovely time catching up with her then we went out for dinner and rode the MRT back to my hotel. Now time for more sleep.Read more
Written while at Istanbul airport. Spent the morning packing and went for a walk in the park near my hotel. An oasis of trees and green in the middle of a metropolis of restaurants, souvenir shops, hotels and PEOPLE. Farewell Istanbul, thanks for having me.Read more
My last full day in Istanbul. Had a nice restful day, a bit of final retail therapy, reorganize and repack suitcase, then down the road for a pleasent dinner. See pics.accompanied by a passing downpour and thunder and lightning. Sitting opposite the local mosque, watching prayers, me eating baklava and drinking apple tea. A good way to end my visit.Read more
Another morning walking tour, this time away from the crowds, more enjoyable. Had lunch of butter bean type stew with rice, yum. Tonight went with some of the group to see a Dervish ceremony. Then dinner. Hot today, 27 degrees. Last day with any of the group. Most off home, Kate and John staying in town a further week, they are senior nomads with no permanent home, in their mid 70's. The last photo is of them tonight.Read more
TravelerYou are on the countdown now and have had a great trip with lots of good memories, no doubt. See you next week.
Interesting day in Istanbul. Last day of our tour. This morning went on a guided walking tour of all the sites including the bazaars. Huge queues for the blue mosque etc. So didn't go in. Had roasted corn cob and roasted chestnuts for lunch. Then this afternoon went on a sunset cruise on the bosphorus. Tonight our final dinner as a group at a yummy roof top restaurant. Had a fish stew , delicious.Read more
And just like that I'm in Istanbul, after a 6 hour bus ride and 2 border crossings. The city is so much bigger than I imagined, 15 million people. On the outskirts lots of new apartment blocks, also the city has more than 3000 mosques. Busy place. All we had time for today was a brief wander to the central area then a yummy dinner. I'm pooped, again. It's 10pm and 21degrees, and the city is still going strong.Read more
Here i am in Plovdiv, for my last night in Bulgaria. Buses from Sofia this morning, seems an age ago. Plovdiv, is the longest continually inhabited town in Europe, so I'm told. There are Roman ruins under the centre of the city, very impressive. Today we had a quick introduction walk, then I wandered about enjoying myself, now an early night. I'm tired and it's a long bus ride tomorrow to Istanbul.Read more
TravelerMore amazing pics, eastern European countries are impressive and interesting, I reckon. But you'll know better than me, Bev!! Enjoy Turkey
Traveler Well done, Bev!! Welcome home! Thank you for allowing me to follow your travels. What an amazing adventure!!! You did it 🌟
Traveler Awesome Bev, well played. It was lovely being able to share in a little of your adventures. See you at Christmas xx
Traveler Where are you fellas now? You'll have to send me the occasional Pic, to help with my post travel blues🤪
Traveler Wow Bev - what an amazing trip you have done. So nice to meet you in Canada! Here's hoping our paths cross again- keep in touch and take care. X