  • 日212


    2023年4月24日, インドネシア ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Will and I did snorkeling this morning. We had tried to do it on T but with the festival a lot of things weren't happening. Thankfully with it over, we managed it.

    The boat took us and a guy from our hostel out to the main spots. We first hit turtle lookout. The turtles were once again illusive and so far down we could only just see them.

    Our next spot was Meno wall. The coral just ends randomly creating a nearly perfect drop to the ocean floor a few hundred metres below.

    Next we jumped in a little way from the spot as one of our guides spotted a Turtle. This guy was massive and swam directly beneath me it was amazing.

    A little swim down was the iconic spot for diving on Gili, the statues. These statues are really quite something. A perfect circle of them, just in the middle of the sea. Very random and a tourist hotspot.

    Moving away from everyone we found a ship wreck. The hull was upside down on the bottom of the ocean. Seeing all this had made me realise how much I want to get my PADI and learn to scuba dive. I would have loved a closer look but have no clue how to manage it. One day I will be able too.

    Back at the hostel they were having a Lord Of The Rings marathon so we joined for a bit to watch and plan our next steps. Neither of us had accommodation booked for tomorrow so needed to do so. Will is going down to Kuta Lombok and I'm stopping off at Senggigi first. There doesn't seem to be much there but it is far closer to Mt Ringani which I want to check out. I'd rather stay in the north and then head south than have to ride the 2hrs back up to see it.

    I then began the arduous task of writing my Findpenguins updated. I have barely had a chance since Moni left. I began on simply compiling the photos for each post and then got bored so Will and I went for lunch.

    We found a cute, slightly dodgy looking restaurant so obviously checked it out. I got a dragon fruit juice which is officially my favourite thing ever and some satay with rice. Very nice but bit too much peanut sauce, I felt very heavy afterwards.