
junho - julho 2022
Uma 29aventura de um dia na Reagan Leia mais
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  • Dia 11

    Day 11: Uluwatu

    9 de julho de 2022, Indonésia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    After dropping of our laundry we headed to Tarabelle - Sam had ‘eggs my way’ and I had a breakfast wrap. As the weather was pretty grey we stuck around and had a doughnut whilst we finished our tea/coffee 🍩 Our main mission today was shopping followed by a beach afternoon, as we were both short on swimwear. Let the nightmare begin…

    The first shop we came to was for girls only…Sam immediately felt awkward as it turned out to be a lingerie shop as well as swimwear, so lurked in the corner trying not to look at anything. I tried on a bikini but it seemed the most coverage they had available was a thong. I will have to wait for my booty to be a bit more tanned before I whip that one out I think.

    The next place we came to was called Drifters - a very cool surf shop with a cafe. After a brief look around we headed across the road to compare what was about. I then made Sam try on 6 pairs of swim shorts - none of which were successful. He did however come away with a pair of flip flops he was in the market for, which were made of recycled tires from Indonesia, so he was sold. Back at Drifters I gathered another 8 pairs of shorts and 2 shirts for him, much to his disapproval! Luckily this time, we finally found the one! He came away with a new vest and pair of swim shorts completing the surfers outfit he aspired to.

    Sadly, I was not as lucky! After a quick coffee and smoothie at the cafe we headed to some more shops down the road. I ended up trying on ‘Large’ bikinis which still resulted in me having 4 bum cheeks they were so tight! Another 3 shops later I was ready to give up however the same can not be said for Sam who had managed to buy himself another shirt along the way! I ended up with what we named the ‘Skank bikini’ as it was truly awful looking but did however fit…which was rare!

    Finally we made it to Padang Padang beach where we managed to catch the last hour of sun and watch the surfers do their thing 🏄🏼‍♀️ On the way back we stopped off at The Cashew Tree for dinner to prepare us for the treacherous journey home in the dark - cars seem to drive in the middle of the road here which isn’t the best when you meet them on windy corners!
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  • Dia 12

    Day 12: Sams Birthday Eve

    10 de julho de 2022, Indonésia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    This morning we set out to do what we were supposed to do yesterday…a beach day! But first, breakfast 🍳 We headed to Bulls Coffee where I had a pain au chocolate and Sam had a breakfast bagel. After a quick detour to pickup and drop off our laundry we decided we were suitably ready for another coffee (for Sam) and more food (for Reagan). We stopped off at Suka Espresso for a yoghurt and fruit bowl and some eggs (classic).

    We eventually made it to Nunggalan Beach after another trek down hundreds of stairs…I’m not sure why we always pick places that are located down so many stairs! We spent the afternoon reading/snoozing/paddling. After a few hours we were suitably restless and found a shipwreck to play on and a ‘warung’ for a bag of crisps and a drink. We then called it a day and ventured off on our trek back up the cliff! Very sweaty work.

    Now dripping in sweat, what better timing to head to the nice beach club we had planned on watching the sunset at 🥵 Annoyingly, as it was a Sunday we could not book a table and the place was already packed! We eventually found a seat after giving people evils for 30 minutes in the hope that they would leave - this did not work. It was clear however why no one was sat at this table as it STUNK of toilet. We sat for 10 minutes and couldn’t get served so decided it was all a sign and abandoned ship!

    A quick google search showed another club around the corner, so there we headed! Luckily we managed to get a table here and they even served Sams favorite…pizza! A rather stressful evening in that end, much different than the relaxing sunset scene we had imagined. As we felt our skin tightening on the way home, it soon became clear that you don’t put suncream on when wet…I somehow managed to escape the worst of it!
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  • Dia 13

    Day 13: Sams Birthday

    11 de julho de 2022, Indonésia ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    Our planning hadn’t been the best moving location on poor Sams birthday as the day was a bit all over the place. The morning was full of putting luggage into storage and hanging around playing pool/table tennis waiting to be picked up at 12pm for our boat.

    We were eventually collected and made the 1.5hr transfer to Sanur harbour. With another hour to kill, we thought at this point we would should grab some lunch as we were unsurprisingly starving again! We ended up in a place called Beer Brothers - I ordered nachos and Sam ordered a noodle omelette. 40 minutes later still no food and we were due back to catch the bus to the port!

    I decided to check the status of the bus and headed down the road where I witnessed the last few people boarding! I then ran frantically back to Sam to tell him and we had to abandon our food which was heartbreaking to our starving stomachs. We waved down the bus as it pulled out the driveway but it was now full so we were instructed to wait for another driver. In hope of his noddle omelette, Sam ran back to the restaurant to see if the food was ready…which it still was not…apparently 1 minute away! Back he came again in anticipation of the driver who had now arrived. However, another couple were joining us and were in the process of loading all their luggage…which was a lot! So back to the restaurant Sam went with me screaming RUN at him across the road! Just as the driver was about to leave Sam returned with only the nachos as the omelette was still not done 1 hour after we had ordered it!! At least we had something to keep us going 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Now suitably stressed, we were transferred to the beach to board the boat. This involves timing your approach to avoid the waves as you wade through knee high water. Sadly my timing was extremely off and I thus had to endure the rest of the journey with wet knickers and a soaked skirt. The journey itself was what I would refer to as interesting…if that is what you can call whiplash and a near death experience. BIG SWELLS. The escape routes and life jackets were well noted and my fight or flight was activated for the full 40 minute trip (Sam says I am being overly dramatic here but I fail to believe that).

    Thankfully we did make it to Nusa Lebongan and were pleasantly surprised to arrive to turquoise waters and white sandy beaches…which we again waded through to reach land. We were met by 3 crazy ‘lads’ who chucked us on the back of mopeds and delivered us to our villa which was in a great location.

    We headed straight out for some food at the Thai restaurant a 1 minute walk from our door, that looked out over the bay. I ordered a green curry and sam had chicken satay…but what he did not realise was that the chicken satay was a starter and thus he was left starving…again! Luckily for him however, I never finish my food so my leftovers were enough to keep him going.

    We then jumped on the moped and headed to the devils tears 😈 were we watched some big waves splash against some rocks and had a go with the drone. Next up was crazy golf…I was winning up to the 9th hole and then had 2 shockers in a row and Sam took the lead. This did not go down well and I decided crazy golf was a rubbish game anyway and i was so only there for the mojito…it was mojito Monday after all. And also as it was his birthday so I guess I had to let him win.

    We then headed to a beach club for dinner but at this point we had crashed and we’re both ready for a sleep. I had also started to develop a strange feeling that something wasn’t quite right within me. Back at the villa Sam had a second wind and fancied one last drink, so we headed to a bar called the Howff which was a funky little “underground” bar with one side completely open to the sea. We had the “Lad and Lassie” cocktails which came as a pair and were dark rum based…of which we both remembered we didn’t like after drinking the first sip!

    What a day!
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  • Dia 14

    Day: 14 Nusa Penida

    12 de julho de 2022, Indonésia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    So today began with myself on the toilet. That funny feeling from the night before had sadly not disappeared over night. Nonetheless we were up and out for breakfast at another eco cafe before check out at 10am. Sam had a seaweed smoothie bowl 🤢 and I had a berries one - seems this was not the best decision for my stomach! The cafe was cool, doing lots of work with recycling on the island and also neutering/medical care for strays.

    Back at the villa things took a turn for the worst and I was dragged back to the loo. We checked out and had to retreat to the beach for my stomach to settle before the day could continue! As a loo was no longer within reach, Sam bought a coffee at the cafe next to us so I could use theirs. An hour later I was good to go and we headed to Mushroom Bay. The roads on Nusa Lebongan are certainly not flat and this 10 minute journey was enough to send my stomach back into haywire.

    We found another cafe were I lay down and Sam brought another coffee 😅🚽 Another hour later I muscled up the energy to continue on and we headed across the bridge to Nusa Cennigan - The blue lagoon. It truly was a very blue lagoon!

    It was then time to head back as we had a arranged a private boat transfer to Nusa Penida through the guys from the hotel as the price was the equivalent of £2.50 more expensive than the public boat - or so they told us. Wondering what kind of boat we were rocking up to we were pleasantly surprised that it seemed to be in good nick - despite no signs of a life jacket anywhere! The journey was only 10 minutes and went surprisingly smoothly.

    Once on Penida we hired our moped (the best one yet with ALL working parts) and headed for our hotel. We ate lunch down at the restaurant - I had the most amazing pumpkin soup and Sam had banana shoot soup, all made with homegrown produce. We then headed to Sekartaji Cliff point to watch the sunset and have a fly of the drone.

    As the afternoon had gone so well I assumed my stomach was through the worst of it, however that sadly did not prove to be true. The evening was spent back on the 🚽 and room service was the only option for dinner - not that I ate much as plain food in Indonesia is hard to come by!
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  • Dia 15

    Day 15: Nusa Penida Day 2

    13 de julho de 2022, Indonésia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Sam was awake early as he had found a gym in a nearby village so headed there first thing. He arrived to find the gym open with no one inside and a ceremony going on next door. It was a basic “spit and sawdust” kind of set up with everything you would need (minus some air con). Before starting his session he decided to go outside and watch some theatrical “samurai” looking dances and listen to the local music (AKA chaotic drumming).

    However he soon realised he was the only foreigner around and there were a lot of eyes fixed firmly on him. Unsure if there was any local etiquette he returned to the gym to train till someone either arrived or told him to leave! After about half an hour (chaotic drumming still going on in full force) someone arrived to quickly say “sorry sorry, in the ceremony, sorry sorry, you pay now yes?” He paid his £1.40 and was then left alone to train as the locals transported their song and dance in the back of pick up trucks to the temple down the road.

    Back at the hotel he returned to find me in my all too familiar position - on the toilet. My prayers for a 24hr bug were not heard! After a quick breakfast in the restaurant we headed on our scooter to Diamond Beach. The beach was beautiful but it was another tourist heavy destination. Luck was partly on our side as the tide had just started to go out and therefore no one had ventured down to the beach, so we pretty much had it all to ourselves! The trek down was extremely steep and there were tactically placed ropes to cling on to to stop you falling over the edge. Almost immediately Sam spotted a washed up paddle and became extremely attached to it. Of course this paddle was then my responsibility to hold on to whilst trying not to be sick and also not fall off the back of the scooter!

    We then headed to our next accommodation which was an amazing hut on the edge of a cliff with a very cool garden setup. It was extremely exposed to the wind and had a toilet with a view. The entrance to it however consisted of a very narrow 700m single track concrete path, which took Sam a lot of effort to not fall off the edge of. His CBT will be a breeze after this trip!

    After some lunch and another stop on the toilet, we headed to the thousand island view point. More steps and more turmoil for my stomach. But a very nice view nonetheless - and this time all to ourselves! After a few pictures and a fly of the drone we called it a day and headed back for dinner. I had toast and “butter” which certainly didn’t taste like butter and Sam had an Indonesian feast which he was very pleased with. We attempted to set up the outdoor cinema but sadly failed, so resorted to watching the Umbrella Academy on Sams phone.

    10 minutes after lights out, we were startled to what sounded like an old woman chanting behind our hut! Upon further exploration it seemed it was of course the local ceremony blowing in the wind, not wanting us to miss out. Still only half convinced we weren’t about to be sacrificed my the local tribe, we attempted to go back to sleep ready for another day of action.
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