  • Hari 33

    Buenos Aires

    7 Mac 2017, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Within the first ten minutes of arriving to BA, these two guys on my coach had already been robbed of their bags with their money and passports in. Luckily, I got a taxi from the bus station to my hostel so I was okay, but this instantly put me on high alert.

    When I arrived at my hostel I decided to try and work out what I'm going to do when I get to Torres Del Paine in Chile, as this requires some forward planning. With not all the availability for camping which I wanted, I think I have managed to book accommodation to hike the 'W' route. I'm so excited, this is one of the thing I've most been looking forward to when coming to South America.

    My hostel is by far the worst one I've stayed in South America so far. It's in a really good location and the rooms are actually quite nice but it just lacks any sort of vibe and is not good for solo travellers looking to meet people. Most of the people staying there just lie in their bed in the dark ALL day it's so weird. On the plus side though it was cheap, but I know for next time to not book somewhere on price but on atmosphere.

    Other than that, I'm loving BA and have managed to do the six things I wanted to do whilst there:

    1. Visit San Telmo market on Sunday and watch the tango in the market square which I loved (it felt like we had been transported back to the 1920s with all the music).

    2. Go to Recoleta cemetery and see Evita's grave - this place is eerie af and you wouldn't think a cemetery would be one of the must do things in any city but it was really good to see.

    3. Eat steak (parrilla) - this ended up being expensive but so worth it. I met a really great English couple in Iguazu and have been meeting up with them in BA. They described me eating steak as 'introducing a vegetarian to meat for the first time' which I found hilarious because they had to explain to me that bifo de chorizo was a cut of meat and wouldn't come out with chorizo on it.

    4. Visit La Boca, this really colourful neighbourhood in the south of BA which something I didn't want to leave without doing but the tour we went on was very disappointing.

    5. Go to La Bomba Di Tiempo on Monday night. Everyone who I've met that's been to BA raves about this so it was definitely good to go and see what all the fuss was about.

    6. Volunteer at Fundacion Banco de Alimentos - I've been planning to do some volunteering on my way round South America. This is a food bank in the suburbs of BA. I did two days of sorting food, checking sell-by dates and packing them into boxes for distribution and I really enjoyed myself (and met some really lovely people). For me, BA is a tale of two cities as there is a lot of poverty which you don't see in the city centre so it was interesting getting to know a different part of BA.

    Next stop is Ushuaia, the southern-most city in the world and the gateway to Patagonia. One of the things I have most been excited about this trip.
    Baca lagi