Europe trip with my camper

Haziran - Temmuz 2022
Quit my job and decided to travel through Europe with my camper Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 10

    Coyote gang

    30 Haziran 2022, Yunanistan ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    So the next morning I decided to leave the "dangerous" village and move on with my trip more south. Again I went to a place where "they were a lot of other campers here" and AGAIN I was alone. Oh well by now I'm kinda used to it. One day, with patience, I will find other travellers !

    Before I got there tho I almost got stuck again in sand with my camper but this time I was smart enough to first check the road before going down the road.

    So I arrived at the beach where there was a beach bar and omg omg omg omg: toilets!!!
    Sadly enough the beach bar closed them in the evening but oh well. Then I heard some howling from dogs or cats or idk kids? Couldn't place the sound until I heard some Greek people look at the way of the sound and say something like "coyote". So that was fun to know that when I'm sleeping there alone there is a gang of coyotes there too. But yeah didn't hear them anymore for a few hours and I went outside to watch the beautiful sky full of stars. A car passed my camper and while I was standing outside the lights of the passing car showed me a coyote, like 15 meters from my camper.

    So ofcourse the smart human I was, I went inside (sort of). And stood in the door opening flashing my flashlight in the direction. It was from my phone so not the best light but I could see 3 pair of eyes scouring for food. So I sat there half an hour watching the eyes and the stars and then decided it was time to sleep.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 11

    Caves of Ditos

    1 Temmuz 2022, Yunanistan ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    So in the morning after my usual iced coffee (I got highly addicted to it here). I went of again to the next spot. It was a spot I also went to 3 years ago, so I knew it was a chill place. This time there were other campers but the people were around 60 years old and French and Italian so not a lot of English came from them. I decided to hike to the caves, which was only an hour, and ofcourse started on the hottest time of the day (cuz I don't learn). So I started my hike and walked passed 3 churches (trespassed one of them). You know you're in a religious part of Greece when within an hour walking (which was like max 10 minutes with the car) you see 3 churches.

    Finally arrived (half dead) at the caves and had to pay 15 euros for something mother nature made. Oh well in the end it was worth it! Cuz damn such a beautiful place. The water was so clear and still it reflected to stalagmites ( or -tites idk) perfectly. Met 2 old Germans there who were so freaking cute and talked with them a bit. They even took me back to the beach with their car so I didn't have to walk for an hour again and when we were at the beach she gave me so much fruit!!. They also used to travel with their VW van and traveled around India for 11 months and went to Nepal, left their van there for 3 months and just traveled Asia by train. I mean that's fucking life goals!!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 12

    Antibiotics, tattoos and weed

    2 Temmuz 2022, Yunanistan ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    So on the 2nd of July me and my dad decided that it was time for me to go to the doctor for being ill for so long and there I got antibiotics. Then he forced me to stay at a camping where I would be close to a toilet.

    Let me tell you, I really don't like campings. There are awful kids screaming and running, it's way to expensive and the rest of the people are above 60. But I met a dude who asked if I wanted to smoke weed with him. I ofcouse said yes and had a nice joint in the evening at the beach.

    Then the next morning when I was half a sleep at the beach he woke me up to ask if I wanted to tattoo him, and I was like sure why not. It's not like I have anything better to do in my life right now besides being bored as fuck.

    So I tattooed him, while sweat was dripping out of my gloves down my arms (disgusting, I know. Not a proud moment of my life). But yeah it turned out fine and he went of again and I was bored again.

    So the next day I decided to go to another camping cuz this camping was just too expensive for me and went of to kalamata.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 14

    Kalamata to the next camping

    4 Temmuz 2022, Yunanistan ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    4 - 8th of July

    I went thr 4th to the other camping Tholo which was way cheaper and nicer (in my opinion). I liked the less commercial vibe it had.

    Chilled there for days, sometimes went to the beach and once tattooed myself all day while being in a sweaty warm camper.

    Downloaded tinder to find weed, couldn't find weed but I did find a French guy with a Belgium Shephard. The funny thing about this is, is that the German couple I met in Meteora, they told me about this French guy. They traveled with him for a month and went to this beach. The fucked up thing is that I forgot about the name of the beach so I never found it but somehow while looking for weed on tinder I find the French guy and the beach! I couldn't be happier and went there the 8th of July.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 18

    Friends for life

    8 Temmuz 2022, Yunanistan ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    8th - 14th of July

    I went to Elia Beach to meet the French guy (Arthur) and his beautiful dog (Pepite). When I arrived there I know I was in the good place. It was so nice there and so many nice open-minded people.

    It happend to be Arthur his bday so we chilled and drank some beer and talked while I played ball with Pepite. Met a friend of him Sven who had some weed so my day was made.

    Later in the evening we went on the beach. It is a beach where seaturtles go to lay there eggs. People go there in the morning to check where they laid eggs and put a sign there so nobody trips or sits on it. We saw 4 sea turtles go on the beach to lay there eggs so that was pretty fucking amazing.

    The next days I don't know what we all did. Most of the times just chilled, went to a canyon and went for dinner. We talked about that I really wanted to adopt a dog and then Arthur told me about Filia. Filia is a place where you can do laundry and eat vegan food and all the money they make is donated to the dogshelter they also have. And then he told me Filia has puppies they get of the street and make ready to get adopted.

    So we went there on the Monday and o m g I couldn't be happier. It was such a lovely place where we got some lemonade and food and we could do our laundry. There were 3 puppies and 1 was ready for adoption and it was such a cutie. His name was Dino and he was 4 months old. I told here I wanted to adopt him and she first wanted to do a screening of me and just have little chat. I really love that she does that because if she thinks the dog is not for you, she will also not give him away to you. So I was able to try out if the dog worked for me for a couple days and if I didn't like him, I could bring him back. I told her already, that is never gonna happen.

    So yeah now I have Arthur, Pepite and Dino so I was so happy. A little family! When we brought Dino home we did so many things together and he could sleep in my bed :). We went to the beach, took walks, did a little hike, we swam. It was amazing but then sadly enough the 14th I had to leave them and travel to croatia with Dino to meet my friend Anouk there who was gonna stay with me till we're back home.
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