T-1 Stunde vor Start

Letzte Vorbereitungen zu Hause und steigende Nervosität.
Letzte Vorbereitungen zu Hause und steigende Nervosität.
Barranco, a really beautiful and artsy neighbourhood in Lima. Lot‘s of street art, galleries and interesting architecture. And of course ... a bohemian vibe everywhere.
After mostly spending time in Barranco, Miraflores was a quite a change for us ... and kinda reinforced our love for Barranco. Much more western with many high buildings and lots of shopping malls, itRead more
After arriving in Ica late at 10pm, we realized that night - and especially the next morning, that Ica is a noisy city! Many Tuk-tuks, many cars and a lots of honking. But the sun was shining andRead more
Like every country in the world, Peru offers a great deal of typical dishes and ‚bebidas‘, aka drinks.
So far, I‘m sure I’ve only tried a small percentage of all typical food but i will tryRead more
After lousy WiFi for the last days, I finally have some working internet to overflow you with new pictures and updates.
Starting from Arequipa, our next stop was the small village of Cabanaconde toRead more
Nur für dich, Miriam Eisinger!
In Liebe, dein größter Fan!
Day II started early as well. And it went up again! For 4 hours, climbing over 1000 meters. Like the day before, it was really exhausting and if you look at the pictures and I look happy, it wasRead more
Gut Flug mama