  • Jour 22

    Kayaking, Climbing and Swimming

    21 septembre 2019, Croatie ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    Yesterday we went climbing in the Marjan Hills. Towards the end of our climb, the rocks were so hot, we would have burnt out hands had we kept on climbing. Following our climb, we went swimming. However, there were pebbles on the beach instead of sand so our feet hurt. However, the water was very refreshing since it was so hot. At the beach, we also went to a little cafe and had freshly squeezed orange juice.


    Today, we walked to Old Town and went to a bakery and got four pastries. Two of them had pudding in them while the other two had chocolate in them.

    Then in the afternoon, we rented some kayaks and paddled in the ocean along the Dalmatian coast. Sophie and I got out of our kayaks and swam around. The water was really deep but you could see the bottom because the water was so clear. On the way back, we saw a school of fish jump out of the water (one little group at a time). The fish were forming arches and it looked really cool. Today we also saw a lot of cats which we think are stray, or they might have owners. They are very soft and cute.

    To answer the trivia question about the number of fountains found in Zurich. The answer was D - 1,200. There were so many fountains.

    My french blog post will be posted tomorrow. I have to write it again because when I went to post it, it accidentally got deleted.


    Aujourd hui on a louer des kayaks on les a pris sur l'eau puis on les a areter au millieu du lac et moi et Sophie on sauter dans l'eau. L'eau était vraiment clair se netais pas frois. Quand on a repris les kayaks au plage on a vue des poisson sauter de l'eau dans des pettis groupes.
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