  • Dzień 8


    27 czerwca 2016, Republika Czeska ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We left Dublin a couple days ago to head towards Prague in Czech Republic. It was my first time flying with Ryan Air (a budget airline) and it was fantastic. Absolutely no complaints.

    In Czech, the currency is different than the rest of europe. We had to use kronas, which are horrible to convert back and forth... We only knew one conversion and that was "100 Kcz is 5$, 50kcz is 2.50$" which we would repeat every single time we bought something.... Also cause we thought we were hilarious. Soooooo when we got through customs, shaunny had to take out some money.. The options on the ATM machine were 20,000, 18,000, 16,000, 140000 ect. She took out 14,000kcz.... Which breanna and shaunessa thought was around 75$ Canadian but nope... 800$ Canadain. We ended up exchanging it back into Canadain money and she lost 100$ because of the conversion. We might have goofed a little 🙊

    As you can imagine, our time in prague wasnt starting off on the right foot... But it only got better & much better. 😊

    We navigated our way around to find our bus that would take us to the tram so we could get to our Air BnB (without using a map💁🏼). Let me tell you, it is quite difficult to find where you are going when NO ONE speaks english in the country.

    We got to our place safe and sound in no time. It was also a 10 minute walk.... Well an hour if you are drunk. It was located just above a resturant called the Grand Cru, which we didnt get to eat at but looked simply amazing with their rustik feel to it. Our appartement could have fit up to 9 people, it came with a full bathroom, a living room, kitchen and small dining area.. All for 23$ a night per person.

    After we got settled in we headed out for the night, determined to find a super market. But as you can all probably tell by now, we never get to the things we need. Instead, we walked to Charles Bridge, which was beautiful at sunset. We took some pictures & then i remembered that Buzzfeed had posted an article about how, in prague, they sell ice cream in a donut.. So plans changed VERY quickly. Off we went off for another adventure. We connected to the starbucks wifi & searched up where we could get one. After stumbling upon it, we enjoyed an apple struddle and ice cream filling.

    After walking up and down Karlova street and old town square, we decided to try to find a grocery store. On our way there, it decided it would be a good time to down pour. We casually continued to walk in the rain while everyone ran for shelter.

    We also did a huge circle while trying to get back to the apartment, all becuase we wanted to crash a bacelor party walking down the street.

    We made it back to the apartment safe and sound, obviously cause im writing a blog post, & we each took our turns showering. Getting to bed around 12:30pm. With nothing to do the next morning, we decided it would be a good time to sleep in & give our livers a break from ireland... But not too much of a break ;)
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