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  • Day 81

    4 days in the Amazon @Nicky Lodge 🦜🦋

    January 23, 2023 in Ecuador

    After 10 hours bus ride from Quito to the Cuyabeno bridge, the way to our Amazon lodge continued 3 more hours via the river. By the way this region is ubicated right on the equatorial line, from which Ecuador has also his name.

    The days in the jungle passed so fast. Suddenly you find yourself in another world, a world without signal, without constant energy and light, no traffic sounds, but only the sounds from nature and there are a lot of them! 🦅🐒

    Every day you wake up from the howling of the howler monkeys and various kinds of birds, you start your activities with the sunrise and end it with a jungle walk at night. You see wildlife wherever you look (at least with our guide 👀). Many animals I couldn’t even take a picture from, because they just passed so fast or involuntarily crossed my path 🦜🐍🐊 Unfortunately, we didn’t spot the pink dolphins :/

    It’s incredible how much we learned about Mother Earth, how everything is connected, but also how sensitive the ecosystem is. After hearing about the Amazon in the news, I now can picture it myself and now I am also convinced that it is a good thing that people come and experience the Amazon themselves (in a non-harmful way) 🦋

    I was very excited to see that the Nicky Lodge truly followed the mission to preserve the Amazon and the indigenous communities living there by renting the canoes from them and raising awareness about wildlife protection. Whatever happens in the lodge and tourism must be agreed on with the indigenous which love their jungle. I highly recommend the lodge with their passionate guides, the local employees (the food was amazing!) and their magical place in the middle of nature. I am sure this experience will stick to my mind as one of the most incredible things I have seen! ✨🌿
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