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  • Dag 3

    Day Two

    16 april 2022, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

    Day Two: ///slogans.servicing.koala. I wake up after 4 fitful hours of sleep, over Iceland. An arrival breakfast is served and the sun is blazing out the window. We get ourselves packed up and ready to make the transfer in Amsterdam, to the fourth plane on this trip! Our departure gate is only one away from our arrival and we easily make the change. Settle in for the last leg of 8 hours to Kenya. Trying to stay awake for another meal is a challenge. Finish lunch, and just as I recline to sleep... bad turbulence... for the next 2 hours! At some point I wake up, sitting up, still in turbulence. I'd fallen asleep. Huge full moon over Egypt with endless desert below. A Cheese Burger is the pre-arrival meal before we land. It was everything I could have hoped for with a malaria pill chaser as a bonus! Watch a huge lightning storm over Ethiopia while counting down the last hour until we land. We arrive in Nairobi and 2 out of 4 bags for the group are "misplaced." Two hours later we head to the hotel, Casey and I empty handed but for paperwork that says the bags might arrive sometime tomorrow night. Finally crash into bed after midnight.Meer informatie