
Took a while to get started. Ian was supposed to pick up Tom following his toe amputation. Turns out no Doctor has seen him and he may not get discharged until tomorrow. So decision was made to setRead more
Took a while to get started. Ian was supposed to pick up Tom following his toe amputation. Turns out no Doctor has seen him and he may not get discharged until tomorrow. So decision was made to setRead more
The sun is shining but its cold. An early morning march to the nearest toilet block...a good 20mins. Frankie came too. We found a good off lead park, but unfortunately didn't have a ball! There wasRead more
A busy morning! Major rush to the loo again (1/2 mile away) with Frankie in tow. Stopped in the dog park on the return journey, so Frankie was happy. The battery has failed, so no hot water or power.Read more
Frankie and I walked the circuit again, into NSW and back into SA before packing up. The showers were basic but lovely and hot. Today we stopped in Brokenhill Outback Resort. From one extreme toRead more
Today was tourist day in Brokenhill. The first stop was just up the road from our resort, at the reservoirs. We were lucky to get the chance to talk to an employee. The Dam was full, but he said thatRead more
We had bought a portable washing line yesterday for $70. We have never needed one before... but this caravan park is so fancy it doesn't have washing lines! So after the rest had left for their bowlsRead more
We are heading to the Lakes at Menindee. They have been described as being 117% full, by the 'Weather Man' who was talking to Ian and Greg outside the shopping complex in Broken Hill. (He also said toRead more
Today was a long driving day, originally the plan had been to stop at a free camp 80km outside Wilcannia, however those camps were terrible.
So we headed to a free camp outside Coban 70km from Bourk.Read more