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    Cave Creek, near Portal, AZ.

    12. Mai 2022 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    * We are at Stewart Camp, in Cave Creek , near Portal, AZ.
    * Talk of Trogan and Pigmy Owl. Woman at Visitor Center played Sibley Spotted Owl call. Should download Sibley as well, bur zero Cellular service here.
    I Spotted White Breasted Nuthatch, dismounting from 'Chariot', as we arrived about 11:45.
    * Enormous peaks on either side. Astounding in height and drama. Never thought anything like this existed in AZ.
    * Hopefully nature trail tomorrow, then back to TUCS.
    * Hiked up nature trail, to a another camp site. Walked back on road to Stewart Camp.
    Surrounding peaks and crags highlighted by setting sun.
    * Connie saw fungus growing on roots of live oak.
    * Incredible mountain scenery and caves in peaks. How were the caves formed? Boulders eroding?
    * We have thoughts of returning for a much longer stay - up to 14 day stay allowed.
    * Slowly getting used to life in or rugged 'Chariot'.
    * This shakedown is proving useful.
    * Surprised and proud of my driving all the way From Bonita Camp in the West side of Chiricahuas to here, Stewart Camp, on the East side.
    Friday 13th, midday. sketching at the ranger station. moving back to Tucson in the near future.
    absolutely magical stay in the cave Creek we really are determined to come back here very soon.