Blue-Green Highways... 2023.

april - oktober 2023
Envisage leaving Arizona first week of May, 2023. Les mer
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  • Dag 3

    April, 25th, 2023.

    25. april 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    Slowly but surely the excitement is building so departure date is still due for the first week in May, all things being equal. A number of things have to be negotiated especially the price of gas in Arizona. However to use the good old Africaner saying: "... alles sal regkom" (everything will come right). We'll see. Irrespective, the excitement monitor is steadily climbing - as the thought of hitting the blue green highways in the very near future approaches and forms in our consciousness more and more solidly. Oh, why a blue green highway...? Stay tuned all will be revealed.Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Welcome to Blue-Green Highways (Update).

    28. april 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

    As per the previous Find Penguin posting, the excitement builds. However, we have a few hurdles to overcome such as a doctor's appointment and a hike coming up next week. Other than that, we will probably be leaving the second week in May. Not the first at present. Our dearly beloved, Chariot Major, also known as "the truck", "the van", whatever, is undergoing a final inspection having its tires rotated and replacing the motor of the interior fan that cools us down at night and possibly having a hook for a hot water shower placed on the outside of the Chariot so that we can... shower - and with hot water too. Of course, hereby lies an interesting lesson. When we were in Wyoming last year we had just invested in a hot water heater powered by the Sun. However we had overlooked the fact that as we were camping in forest in Wyoming we were not... in Arizona. What difference does it make? Not much, except that the sun is not quite as strong in Wyoming as it is in Arizona! The lesson in this of course is that when we decided to shower it was cold water. Which for someone like myself who insists on a nice long hot shower was not really conducive to camping out in National Forest! Such are the joys of getting away from it all!
    While it is still early days, I look forward to being able to put you on the mailing list for the potential, repeat potential Blue-Geen Highways video updates that hopefully will be coming on a sporadic basis after we press the firing button and launch into the wild blue yonder - until such time - all the best,
    Charioteers of the Blue- Green Highway aka, Connie and Jack /
    Jack and Connie.
    Les mer

  • Dag 6


    28. april 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

    We need to be in Tucson at our residence until May 12th. We foresee now a pretty certain departure date of the Monday after that, be it probably the 15th I think it is.
    Your Charioteering Duo, Connie and Jack.Les mer

  • Dag 23

    Crack the whip, horses compping, chariot

    15. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 93 °F

    And here we go after a determined amount of packing this morning, eventually at 12:02 we cracked the whip behind the ears of the horses and chompping at the bit, horses allowed us to put air in the tires and in Chariot Major we're on our way! On our Blue-green Highways way! Patting each other emotional "Happy trails everyone!" for we know what lies ahead or we don't. For now, we're headed into Tucson just quickly and as things stand at the moment on the green-blue highways the blue-green highways whatever we could land up in Bisbee for our first night or whatever, after that it's in an easterly direction as long as the horses tend to pull we'll go east and from East we might go north, how far north is completely in the lap of the mountain gods - and the price of gas.
    3:33 pm (15:43) Got the chairs out, sitting quietly in Cochise's Stronghold, where, with zero water and limited campground facilities, we'll spend our first Blue-Green Highway night at $10/night.
    We are on our Blue-Green way!
    Les mer

  • Dag 25

    Bisbee Coffee Shop

    17. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    Hooray an actual Wi-Fi connection in the coffee shop! After two nights at Cochise Stronghold in an oak grove with acorn woodpeckers doing their number and all the rest of it, were two nights of lovely relaxing we're now at Bisbee having just finished the best veggie sandwich in the Bisbee Coffee Shop that I've had for a long time. all is well.
    Most historic town. a major negative it's Wednesday morning and the cheese shop that looks as if it could hold cheddar cheese behind the counter, that I have been searching for for years, is closed on Wednesdays. That's a major negative for Bisbee... but anyway.
    Absolute MAJOR Bisbee Coffee Shop sourdough veggie sandwich !
    Les mer

  • Dag 25

    Cave Creek, Portal, N.M.

    17. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

    My ABSOLUTE favourite campsite, Stewart Campground in Cave Creek, Chiracaquas, N. M. This is our third stay here and I vowed to try to return to hear the creek - and yes! It's creaking! Not much water but it is flowing, possibly from the thunderstorm we came through turning off NM 80.
    After supper nice long walk along cool damp road up to sunny Flat camp. Magnificent sunset on surrounding peaks. Woods seem much more luxurious than on previous visits.
    Time to curl up under the duvet.
    AT LAST truly on our way... Land of Enchantment awaits on Sunday!
    It would seem that by some quirk of Blue- Green Highways travel, we have acquired two stowaways, by name: Hickory and... Dickory... Doc had better not make an appearance. Need to get online to figure out how to remove stowaways from the storage hold. Hmmm. Lovely early Thursday a. m.
    Les mer

  • Dag 26

    Stewert Camp, Cave Creek. 5/18/23.

    18. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

    Allison's birthday tomorrow!
    Recorded audio from the Creek. Then the thunderheads I saw looming over the peaks early on - matured into decent showers.
    Read Adobe Lightroom manual and messed with the app. Most impressive. So far, no absolute need to access internet to use Lightroom. Am using one image from Cochise Stronghold to experiment on. Most impressive results.
    The old adage serves well: "When all else fails - reboot!" or, at very least juggle the batteries in the ZOOMRecorder and try to record happy creek enjoying an influx of gurgling thunderstorm! It works. Editor Joe: I have audio/video clip and ZOOM audio of Cave Creek for B-G-Highways.
    18:46 Thursday. Overcast and spitting most of the day. Went to ranger Station the only wi-fi around. They were closed. wifi down .
    Les mer

  • Dag 28

    Cave Creek, Stewart, Sat 5/20/23

    20. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    Managed all DAILIES images, i.e
    Cochise Stronghold and Cave Creek. A select few .MP4's of the actual creek have adequate audio, but image wise, OK.
    Stumbled upon a Garden Party hosted by Friends of Cave Creek. Met researcher with Northern Jaquar Project (UofA/Tucson) also two climate refugees from De Santis (Gov.) and Florida hurricanes. Lost their home and all stuff "We are so happy to be here." But would not be on camera. Her husband and her arrived in NM a few months ago.
    Park Service said: Go to / Nat Forest. gov. Go to request permit and receive map + regulations, re: photography/drones.
    Advice re: climate crisis and getting suthoritive people on camera? How? "Visit the CATTLEMEN's ASSOC ask to speak to the oldest rancher. DO NOT MENTION Climate crisis at all. Pose questions about rainfall soil erosion, etc (!)"
    Found interesting leads, esp to erosion/flood/fire damage just up on Twin Forks Rd. (?) Also sighting of ELEGANT TROJAN migratory species moving north out of Mexico.
    21:00 Saturday. What a decent sense of achievement! As in tech-writing to describe the application I need to use it. So, to become proficient with my hardly used ZOOM AUDIO RECORDER, my LUMIX in many different settings and exposures, the answer is - use it, use the functions - and learn. That is happening. Learning and being more productive. BIG challenge now that I have a 200mm zoom on the LUMIX - having a stable image. Most due to a nervous tremor in my left hand... yes I know a monopod or tri-pod is the answer, but cumbersome they be. So.. could mind over matter work? Maybe... but brain needs so many facets when video is rolling. Aah well.
    Stay tuned. Finally discovering Hitchcock and his directing. Anyone know a good book ref: Hitchcock? I am setting my sights on storytelling with emotional images, i.e. Directing !
    Till to-morrow, and a sad farewell to Cave Creek, the Western Aspects of Cathedral Peak Massive and... hullo Las Cricius, N. M. (Los Cruces spelling please?)
    P.S. Ooh, this is NOT one of those "... but I'm not awake, it's before 12:00 noon..." stories. Sitting at camp table, dinner time, SUDDENLY I see a flash, not any flash heading down the Creek, wings flapping, RED FLASH! "The Trogon!" , I yell, nearly choking on the tasty tslapia, "..the Elegant Trogon, a rare species, moving from Mexico, climate issues..., I've seen my first Eleg...!"
    "No, you haven't... that was a red tail-light from a vehicle passing between the trees on the other side of the Creek! " says Connie. What a downer, WHAT A DOWNER!
    Les mer

  • Dag 30

    Farewell Las Crusas...

    22. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    A great evening with Connie's relations and a decent Mexicanast meal last night - oh, and two nice long hot showers! We head out very shortly for a camp on the other side of the mountains from Las cruces. We then go off into the forest that were burning last year and we were not able to get there they were closed. The big delight of being in Las Cruces? Gas is $3.09 to $3:15 a gallon as opposed to Arizona's $4 nearly $5 a gallon. What what a rip off in Arizona for once I can't lay the blame on the Republican governor, because there isn't a Republican governor and in typical American fashion I'm trying to blame someone else for something I can't control.
    Anyway the stay here has been wonderful even the meal last night was with the chili con carne burrito was superb. We had our shortly.
    Les mer

  • Dag 30

    Organ Pipe Peaks 05/22/23.

    22. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 73 °F

    Absolutely "WUNDERBAAR" too wonderful! Aquirie Springs Campground just over the Organ Pipe Range from Las Cruisas, where we are camped for two nights. Lovely cool breeze, quiet and most scenic.
    Looking North from this camp affords a view of the South African veldt - seriously. The prairie, the shadows, clouds - straight out of sub-Saharan Africa.
    A slight negative... also to the north is the Army's White Sands Missile Testing Site. Yes... uuuum.
    All is well, NO! Gas is $3.15, all is VERY WELL.
    Till tomorrow,
    Jack & Connie.
    Les mer