Einisch um d Wäut

marts - juli 2017
Et 113-dags eventyr af chantal Læs mere
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  • Dag 26


    15. april 2017, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Yesterday we visited the Buskers Festival in Freo. Good music, absurd and funny artists, good weather and my first fish'n'chips, wonderful. Now we will have another workout in the pool before heading 350km into the outback to Hyden. Happy Easter to you all!Læs mere

  • Dag 26

    On the road

    15. april 2017, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    We drove up to Hyden and made a first stop in York, one of the first settlements in Western Australia. We quickly visited a Galary where another uncle of Tom had some pictures in exhibition. We arrived at Hyden around 4pm in the afternoon. So I thought the farm was in Hyden. We past the 'town' of Hyden and drove and drove and drove. Oli and Tom were discussing after which turn the farm could be. Everything looked pretty the same to me though. Suddenly Tom said, i think it's over there and indeed, we arrived. The farmhouse was built by Melinda and Mark. They have three kids, Belle, the youngest, will soon travel through Europe before going to Canada for a year or two. Melinda and Mark will come to Switzerland in July. And I was like, me, too, when do you arrive? They will land in Zurich 20min after me. Same date. What a coincidence.Læs mere

  • Dag 27


    16. april 2017, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    We visited Waverock, had a walk and wondered how this rock just got there. Mark, Tom and me went to one of the ponds to get some yabbies. I had no idea what I was gonna catch. You can see them on one of the pictures and they are yummie!
    We returned to the farm and the house was filling up with people, coming in by car and of course, this is Australia, by plane. I can't remember all the people i met, they were all related with Tom and all of them very nice and welcoming! Anna, which grew up in Little Italy (they call the land of the family like that because her grandma is Italian) is a ER doctor and has a huge area to cover. We had a nice chat even if we tried hard not to talk about work. We ended up compairing our system and their flaws and figured out that we were on the same page. In the evening Chris, Melindas Dad drove us around the farm to see some Roos ("Kangoroos is too long a name for those bloody animals") which was a lot of fun. That was a really nice way to spend Easter Sunday.
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  • Dag 28

    Goodbye Western Australia

    17. april 2017, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    The farm in Hyden is huge: 20000 acres of land where they grow lupins, canola, wheat and barley. They also have 4000 sheep. Not many farmers have sheep anymore because they are a lot of work. Since everything is so spread the kids go to boarding school to Perth from the age of 12. Here they do not home schooling, a bus brings them to the school in Hyden.
    If they need medical advice they go to town and there is a nurse. If she thinks they need a doctor they put him/her on vidocall and then they decide if hospital, an ambulance or the plane is needed. I was very impressed by this way of life and especially by Mark and Melinda. I am very looking forward to see them again in Switzerland!
    Tonight it's my goodbyes to Oli, Tom and Lea since I am flying out to Sydney tomorrow morning. I am very sad to leave them after spending such a good time with them. I will miss you!
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  • Dag 29

    Wiedersehen Nr. 5

    18. april 2017, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Why not flying spontaneously four hours to meet your oldest childhood friend? I don't think I would do that in Europe, but in Australia, of course! That was just a wonderful catching up going from coffee to Apéro to diner. We couldn't believe being together here in Sydney. It felt so good and the best thing, spending another day with Fabienne and Marc tomorrow!Læs mere

  • Dag 30

    Friends: best thing -Wiedersehen Nr. 6

    19. april 2017, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Fabienne, Marc and I met at 10 for breakfast. Since it started to rain we ended having an extended one. That's the beauty of traveling like that, you have time. We took the ferry to Manly beach and walked to Shellybeach, had lunch at the Boathouse and went to the beach. At the beach we had an important photosession: We wanted one of those jumping pictures. Now you need to know that our day was already filled with silly jokes and a lot of laughs the whole time. So trying to take such a pictures takes a bit of synchronization and stuff. We failed completely: It ended with pictures where we would all jump. Just one after another. We just didn't manage to be in the air together. At some point Marc was just jumping non stop like a Roo. It was so funny. We entertained the whole beach since we heard giggles from the bench at the other end. We were even able to miss the ferry because of our very succesful project. That was not a problem, we started then Apero right away. No need to mention that helped a lot for our silliness. We had then diner in a Italian Restaurant. We wanted to pay and get rid of coins. Suddenly there were two different sizes of 50c coins on the table. I was very confused and asked the poor waitress if there are two different ones in Australia (I think the red wine was a bit involved in this rather stupid question). She looked at me like i was a bit gaga. It's then I realized that one was a coin from Fidji, where Fabienne and Marc had been. Oh we couldn't hold back, we laughed tears at that. After that the next project was in front of us: Finding the bar of Matt. Matt was my divebuddy in Thailand a year ago and lives in Sydney. He texted me that it was The Rocks. Being there no one had heard of that bar. We ended up in another one and met him finally. So actually the area where the bar is, is called the Rocks, but he forgot to tell me the name of the bar. Anyway, it was nice catching up with him. Tomorrow we meet at 8am for breakfast, that will be a short night since the day ended at 3am. It was a wonderful one every single second. Or as Campino would say: "An Tagen wie diese wünscht man sich Unendlichkeit."Læs mere

  • Dag 31

    Bondi Beach: not the best thing

    20. april 2017, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Mir si auso fasch nid usem Näscht cho hütt Morge, hei üs no usem Bett Sprachnachrichte gschickt, so dass mr dr Tag scho mit viu Glächter agfange hei. Leider hetts nachem z'Mörgele gheisse Abschied näh. Es hett so gfägt, die zwe Täg mit dr Fabienne u em Marc ds verbringe, miechi gad um so! När hani mi gad e chle ume as elei sii müesse gwöhne. I bi zur Coogee Beach glüffe u vo dett ar Küste entlang bis zum berüehmte Bondi Beach. Auso dä Bondi Beach isch nüt spektakulärs. Sisch haut eifach e Sandstrand. Mit viu Lüt u Wäue. Ha auso weder es Foto gmacht no schüsch öppis. Mou, d'Graffitis bewunderet ar Wang vom Wäg hani u bi de ume retour id Stadt. Am Abe bini id Bar vom Matt. Ha Glück gha, sisch Livemusig glüffe u i ha mit zwene Mädels, womi unger iri Fittiche gno hei, flissig ds Tanzbei gschwunge.Læs mere

  • Dag 32


    21. april 2017, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Today I tried for the second time to visit the zoo - and I succeeded! I was most interested in Australian animals and wasn't disappointed. I especially appreciated the nocturne enclosure and the Platypus. My new favorite animal after Manatees. Such an amazing creature.
    As I was walking I heard some sobbing coming from a path where only staff can go. The sobbing came from a little 5 year old boy, Lucas. I asked him what was wrong and he answered: "I lost my people." So I promised him to find them again. I also offered him a carrot (since I was eating one myself) and he declined because "I am not supposed to take food from strangers." Good boy, no? We chatted a bit and he calmed down. We finally found his people again thank to a wristband with a phone number on it and everyone was happy again.
    Now I will spend the evening with Brooke who is staying at the same flat and call in an early night because tomorrow there is a flight to catch for New Zealand!
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  • Dag 34

    Wiedersehen Nr. 7

    23. april 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Back in New Zealand! I spent 3 months here 5 years ago, I did an intership at the Hospital in New Plymouth and met a lot of wonderful people. So New Zealand had to be on my list since this whole around the world journey is about seeing friends again.
    Irit and her family live in Auckland and immigrated 6 years ago from Isreal. Irit had to confirm her diploma as a nurse in a 8 week course which she did at the same time and hospital I was back then, that's where we met. I had a very warm welcome back from her yesterday evening, a long catching up over cheese and wine and a lovely sunday morning including a swim session with her daughter.
    Auckland is very busy at the moment because of the Master's Games. More then 28'000 athletes from all over the world are here for all sorts of sports. A lady asked for the train station and from the accent I figured she had to be Swiss. Indeed, she is from Zurich, just finished her orienteering and wasn't very happy about her result. She told me that there are around 60 person representing Switzerland here. You have to be 35+ years old, only for swimming competition you can start at 25. I have no idea why.
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  • Dag 36

    Palmy and Wiedersehen Nr. 8

    25. april 2017, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    One of the main reasons why to come back to New Zealand were Andrew and Yvonne. I did the internship with Andrew at Taranaki hospital in New Plymouth and got to know Yvonne She spent some days with me in Auckland before I left the first time. They got married in 2013 and I was invited, couldn't do the trip just for a wedding then. So I was so looking forward to seeing them again. I took the bus yesterday from Auckland to Palmy, a scenic journey throughout the Island, passing lake Taupo, the volcanos and finally arriving in Palmerston North. Andrew picked me up and Yvonne was home shortly after. Again, so lovely to meet them again.
    Today we woke up at 5:15 for the Anzac (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) Day. It's a day to remember those who served for those countries or lost their lives doing it. The date was the beginning of the battle of Gallipoli, Turkey, in 1915. The battle started before sunrise, that's why the service starts at dawn. After the service we had breakfast with friends of Andrew's and Yvonne's, played Settlers of Catan, went for lunch and for a walk and had another round of Settlers of Catan in the evening. So that was again a really nice day surrounded by wonderful people.
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