  • Hari 13

    Driving along the Adriatic Coast

    28 Oktober 2017, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    We enjoyed another lovely breakfast this morning with an incredible view of the ocean. :) spoiled! Today was mostly just a day of driving up the coast to then return the car in Shkodër (north of Albania) but as the scenery was so stunning, we stopped plenty times along the way. Gorgeous turquoise coast line, next to huge ragged mountains and passing people walking their goats amongst the crazy driving- only in Albania!

    We visited another lovely castle high up in the mountains of a town called Kruja. Very scary road to get there as it was so tiny and steep with two way traffic... but we made it! It was worth it though as the views were stunning and you could see for miles! wouldn’t be a proper road trip without a huge traffic jam so we finished the day off waiting in traffic for about an hour (of what should have been a 5 min journey). Great fun. It was amusing watching all the Albanians try to overtake and undertake each other though- mad. And there was a guy selling a puppy and a baby rabbit at the side of the road! Can’t say I wasn’t tempted...

    We were happy to arrive safe in Shkodër and give the car back! We ventured out for some food but it didn’t look too promising at first. We then came across a little traditional looking place so thought we would give it a try. It was amazing! The waiter was so lovely and made us feel so at home. He gave us some great recommendations for what to eat and the best wine that €2 (for 0.5 litre!) could buy! Such a great find and a lovely way to finish off our trip in Albania!

    I can’t comment on meat dishes, but if you are heading to Albania and want to try some great local food- you need to try;

    Albanian breakfast pancakes
    Stuffed peppers
    Baked aubergines
    Traditional pie (a bit like a crêpe)
    Traditional beans

    It was all so good!! :) I would recommend this country to travel. (Although I think that I would have felt slightly intimidated if I was travelling alone- often you would struggle to find a girl anywhere in the evening, bit strange) However, the people were friendly and did not harass us even in the bigger cities. Driving culture is another story... but overall a must visit for the beautiful scenery!
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