  • Hari 18

    "This is just such a saga"

    4 Desember 2017, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Quite a bit has happened in the last 48 hours. Our next stage from Colombia (with Avianca) to our connecting flight in Ecuador to Peru (with Latam) was supposed to take 8 hours but has instead consumed two days. We arrived at Bogota airport (Colombia) to find that our first leg had been delayed 3 hours. At least half the flights were behind schedule and a TV crew were there doing a live cross. I was initially quite grateful for the delay as it meant I could watch the nix play at the airport. The way everything panned out however, I just wish we’d just gone as planned.

    Things deteriorated quickly. The nix somehow managed to lose despite leading two-nil at half-time – they’re an absolute disgrace and completely unprofessional. Our flight was then delayed further (“operational difficulties”), sparking an angry mob at the boarding counter. Our first flight finally took off but, despite a sprint in Ecuador to our next flight, we missed it by 2 minutes. Got to watch it take off at least.

    We approached some officials who nodded at our explanations, then left us sitting on a bench for 4 hours. An Avianca official then came up and said that, as we’d booked each leg separately (one with them, one with Latam), they would not compensate us with second-leg tickets to replace the flight we’d missed. His explanation is absurd and we let him know it. Inevitably though, we were always going to have to fork out the $500 USD each for new tickets. They put us up at a nice hotel (why didn’t they just subsidize our flights?) but the hotel bus was then delayed for another 30 min. More operational difficulties perhaps. “This is just such a saga” said Louis.

    Have finally made it to Peru, linking up with our next tour. We’re climbing Machu Pichu next week to meet the Incas. Posts may become more sporadic due to lack of internet.

    ALSO: Louis is writing his own post here on our travels so far (but only after I agreed to suspend my role as editor).
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