Smoky Mountains Bourbon Trail

kwietnia - maja 2022
Time for quiet solitude to find myself again. Traveling north to the smoky mountains, Knoxville to see my daughter and son in law, Mammoth Cave, and the bourbon trail Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 4

    My Grandparent's Summer Home

    20 kwietnia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

    Today I had a great chiro adjustment and a massage. My neck never adjusts, but today the chiropractor did what she called the "traction method". She took a rolled up terrycloth type towel and placed it behind my neck. Then she wrapped each end around my throat to the opposite side and back toward her past my mandible as she was sitting behind me. She said, "ok, keep your teeth together so you don't bite your tongue." Then she pulled up on my neck toward her and it adjusted. My massage by Michael was the deepest massage I've ever had, and really worked out some kinks.

    Tonight I'm staying in the campground where my grandparents lived 6 months out of the year, May 1 to Nov 1. Growing up, we came here every summer for vacation. Back then it was called Fort Tatham Campground after the Fort Tatham Creek. Now it is called Sun Retreats Nantahalla. It's not changed that much in all these years. I am very happy to see how well it's been maintained. The Fort that we played in is long gone, and there's a pavilion now over the shuffleboard court. Some of the cabins have painted the wood siding instead of the traditional red paint-stained look. Some of the cabins have metal roofs now.

    My grandparents cabin was number 16 right in the corner of the property on the creek. Like literally the camper is ON the creek, almost hanging over the creek. The creek is a small but rapid flowing stream that bubbles gently over the rocks. One can hear and see the creek sitting on the porch and all night long inside the cabin. Every summer we would get a big, long watermelon and wedge it between the rocks in the creek to chill it. The water was so cold. There are so many memories here, but besides nostalgia, I'm just happy to see this place thriving and so well cared for. When I arrived today, the office was already closed so I couldn't check in. I was sure that I had made a reservation for 2 nights, but I never received a confirmation email and I don’t see any charges on my credit card statement. So I'm thinking I never made the reservation. Tomorrow when I go into the office to let them know that I've been squatting on their property all night, I'm going to inquire to see if my relatives still own cabin 16. Cabin 16 is one of the few cabins here that hasn't been updated. It really looks the same as it always did. My cabin I mean a little trailer built inside of a roof overhead, deck and porch.

    The weather warmed up so beautifully today. Once I arrived at the campsite, I walked around quite a bit... both exercise and a walk down memory lane. Then I set up camp, had dinner and took a really nice, hot shower.

    Another set back today: pulled out the grill, a brand new table top grill. to grill the chicken. The screws to attach the legs to the grill are missing, so I couldn't grill. Tomorrow I'll see if I can get replacement screws or find out the size and length of the screw. I guess there is always something with camping, but especially with new campers and new equipment. I'm still in disbelief that I have no way to prevent my van from going into lithium battery collapse without manually turning the ignition on.

    Today was a day of release. Release of stress. Release of burdens.
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  • Dzień 5

    The Road To Nowhere Part 1

    21 kwietnia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

    Driving up from Sylva NC to Knoxville, I wanted to make a few stops including driving through Bryson City and checking out the Road to Nowhere. I did my research on it. I knew that it was a road that was started in the 30's and 40's. At the end of the road they built a tunnel, and then just stopped the construction. I knew there were walking trails and that you couldn't drive to the tunnel but had to walk, but what I imagined it to be was not at all what it was. I made it much more difficult that it actually was.

    I set my Google maps to lead me to my destination. It was a winding mountain road just like all the others. The further from the city, the less reception I had. Listening to Fleetwood Mac and the music would stop and start streaming. I pass a scenic overlook that looks stunningly beautiful but it's on the opposite side of the street, so I pass. Just part this point, Google maps says I've arrived, but I don't really see anything and I don't know if it's accurate since there is no phone signal now. I see a parking lot with about 3 parked cars. There are some trails there. They are blocked off to vehicles, but I'm not sure it's the Road to Nowhere.

    I decide to double back to the lookout hoping to get phone signal so I can figure out where the Road to Nowhere is located. I get there and take some pics, but there is still no phone signal. The overlook was a gorgeous view of the river below between the mountains. With no more information at hand, I decide to drive 2 miles back to the small parking lot and trail head to see if that's the Road to Nowhere.

    Now if you've been there before, you are already laughing at me. Anyway. I get our of the van to hike. Layered 3 layers of clothing, my backpack on my back which includes nothing but a bottle of water and my keys. I start down the trail which is a very steep blacktop road. It's so steep that I'm taking baby steps and my toes are hurting as they bang against my shoes with each step. I need better hiking shoes. "OK, this looks like a road. It's steep, and yes, I will have to walk back up this mountain, but I've come this far and I'm going to find this road to nowhere and the tunnel."

    I come to the bottom of the blacktop road and it splits in 2 directions. To the left is a wooden bridge over the creek, so I decide to go that way.

    As you can hear on my video, I'm convinced that I'm on the road to nowhere. I cross the bridge, and the road turns to a mulched dirt trail. A little bit further down, I cross a second bridge over the same winding creek, followed by a third and fourth wooden bridge. I'm being careful to count, make mental notes and document everything in pics so I can find my way back.

    This app only allows me to post so many pics and videos per post, so this story is to be continued...
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  • Dzień 5

    Officially not the Road to Nowhere

    21 kwietnia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

    After the fourth bridge, the trail turned to grass, then mud, then the trail narrowed to 2.5 feet wide with downed trees and rocks blocking the path. The creek is now to my right. I'm officially in the wilderness in my own with nothing but an Italian leather backpack and a bottle of water. I'm seriously beginning to doubt that I'm on the road to nowhere at this point. There is no phone signal.

    There is an area by the creek with lots of rocks. One rock is large and flat enough to make a bed on, so I head that way. My right foot slips on a rock and I splat down on my behind on just the rock I had intended to sit on. I take a break to enjoy my surroundings and drink some water. I'm not rationing yet. Why would I? If I need water, the clear cool water of the creek is right there. I find a sign. I'm on the Noland Creek Trail at campsite 65. Just beyond this, the creek ends into a still lake and I officially decide I'm NOT on the road to nowhere. I turn back and retrace my steps. To be continued...
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  • Dzień 5

    One More Try

    21 kwietnia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

    I'm pretty sure no one has searched harder for the Road to Nowhere than me. At this point I'd already hiked 4.5 miles, but I was determined. As I returned to the trail head, I decided to take the trail in another direction hoping that it might be the road to nowhere. This time, however, after about 40 minutes of walking I found other humans on the trail and I asked them if this was the road to nowhere. These were the first people I had seen in three hours. "Is this the road to nowhere?" I asked them with the same emotional intensity of "Are you my mother?". No, they replied. "The Road to Nowhere is the main road that you were driving on. If you take it just a bit further, it will end and there is a parking lot where you can park and walk to the tunnel."

    OMG how did I miss the obvious? So I turned around once again, laughing at myself all the way back to the van. I think I got a 7 mile hike in before breakfast. It was actually a very beautiful scenic hike and I would do it again.
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  • Dzień 5

    The Road To Nowhere Tunnel

    21 kwietnia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

    I found it! Finally

    The main road just ends like 6 miles out (I think I read). The end of the road is barricaded to cars, and just beyond the barricade is the tunnel. They were building this road in the 1940s and after completing the tunnel, just stopped. I guess that's what happens when you get tunnel vision, you end up in the road to nowhere.

    The tunnel was about 15-20 degrees cooler than outside it seemed. Graffiti lined both sides of the walls. The road has eroded over time and the horse manure is plentiful. It didn't smell bad though. Starting into the the tunnel there was plenty of light, but when I reached the middle it was pitch black dark except for the light at the end of the tunnel. I had my lantern. I walked to the other side and sat down on a fallen tree trunk for a bit. Walking back I was the only one in the tunnel, so I sang The Alpine Shepherdess, an Italian aria that I know by heart. I sang it in a recital when I was 17. It's a fun song to sing. I sang it walking down the Grand Canal in Venice too.

    La Pastorella dell'Alpi

    Count Carlo Pepoli

    Son bella pastorella,

    Che scende ogni mattino

    Ed offre un cestellino

    Di fresche frutta e fior.

    Chi viene al primo albore

    Avrà vezzose rose

    E poma rugiadose,

    Venite al mio giardin.

    Chi nel notturno orrore

    Smarrì la buona via,

    Alla capanna mia

    Ritroverà il cammin.

    Venite, o passaggiero,

    La pastorella è qua,

    Ma il fior del suo pensiero

    Ad uno sol darà!

    The Shepherdess of the Alps

    English Translation © Nicholas Cornforth

    I am the pretty shepherdess,

    Who comes down every morning,

    Offering a little basket

    Of fresh fruit and flowers.

    Those who come at first light

    Will find delightful roses

    And apples damp with dew,

    Come all to my garden.

    Those who lost their way

    In the horror of the night,

    Will find their path once more

    At my little cabin.

    Come, oh passing traveller,

    The shepherdess is here,

    Yet the flower of her thoughts

    She will give to one and one alone
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  • Dzień 5

    Cherokee NC & Minco Falls

    21 kwietnia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

    I'm alive. Yesterday was pretty packed with travel, hiking and sightseeing. I hiked outside of Bryson City near the Road to Nowhere for about 4 hours. More on that saga later. I keep laughing out loud every time I think about it. It's a good one. I did get several miles of hiking in though before breakfast.

    Then I drove to Cherokee. This was a vacation stop for us every year as children. I had a little Indian doll (this was before PC) like the one pictured. I went into the Qualla gallery to see the pottery, basket weaving and wood carvings of the Cherokee tribe. Then across the street seemed to be just store after store of cheap trinkets. There were some cute little baby moccasins. I got a couple scoops of ice cream and started talking to a Cherokee man who was beating a drum and selling tomahawks and beaded chokers. He said his son lives in Brandon. I asked him if any of the shops sell flutes. He pointed me in the right direction and I found a beautiful walnut flute in C minor and a pair of turquoise earrings.

    Then I headed up the road to Minco Falls. It was a steep walk with about a hundred stairs to the top where the bridge and waterfall is. I've never been here before that I recall. It was really gorgeous and so worth the steep climb.

    Then I was headed to Knoxville. Goal: reach Knoxville by 7:30 pm, about the time Moriah and Eddie are finishing work.

    Driving through the Great Smokey Mountain National Park was beautiful. There were overlooks, museums, creeks and large deer. I wound by Gatlinburg and stopped at the Gatlinburg scenic overlook... through Pigeon Forge and waved hi to Dolly.

    I made it to Knoxville where my daughter and son in law live by 7:30. Haven't seen Moriah and Eddie since around Christmas. They are loving it here. They live within a mile of the mall, chic fila and everything you could want.

    We freshened up, had a toast and headed out to Conners for dinner. They have raved about this restaurant. Very delicious steak dinner (I had fillet mignon) and the best calamari I've ever had.

    I slept in the van last night. Today we're headed to downtown Knoxville.
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  • Dzień 6

    Knoxville Hiking and Day Camping

    22 kwietnia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    We decided to wait to go to downtown Knoxville until tomorrow because parking is free on the weekends. We decided to do some hiking and go to another park for lunch and hammocking. We're at Admiral Farrugut Park on the Tennessee River. There is a Frisbee golf course here and there is a steady use of groups coming through to play. We hiked about 3.5 miles this morning on a trail before heading here. Set up camp, made our own Boars Head turkey subs and chillaxed in our camping chairs. The weather is beautiful in the shade and the birds and very happy. It's relaxing to just be and relax here together. I'm sure Moriah needs this relaxation time after tax season and a long winter.

    I did dishes outside in my outside sink after lunch, then packed up. I repacked my cargo carrier so that the things I need the most often are on the top.
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  • Dzień 7

    Downtown Knoxville

    23 kwietnia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    Downtown Knoxville is pretty awesome! I love how it is a metropolitan area with all the venues of a large city, but yet it is so accessible, making it feel more like a small hometown. It's the people there and the way they interact with the city mainly that gives it that smaller hometown vibe. Today there was an EV show, the Dogwood Crafts Festival, and lots of prom couples. Moriah and Eddie only live about 10 minutes away from Downtown, so we got there quickly and parked for free in the parking garage.

    Knoxville was home to one of the last World's Fairs in 1982. They built the Sunsphere and an outdoor theater just for the event. We paid $5 to go up inside the Sunsphere. It's a 76 ft diameter gold ball that is 26 stories high, where we walked around, had a 360 degree view of the city, read about the city, the history of the sphere and the World Fair.

    From there we visited the Knoxville Museum of Art that features Tennessee artists, Asian artists and Women artists.

    After that, we were feeling quite hungry, so we headed to Market Street where we saw mass hula hooping and street musicians and ate lunch at Stock and Barrel. Delicious hamburgers there.

    We then walked up Gay Street across the railroad tracks to the winery, but they were having a private event today so were closed. We headed back down Gay St to Blackhorse Brewery for a drink. And then found ourselves back at the park at Market Street where we took some photos before heading back home. After all that walking in the hot sun, full bellies and drinks, we came home and took a nap.

    Knoxville is beautiful!
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  • Dzień 8

    Sunday Brunch

    24 kwietnia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    Scrambled Jake's was voted best breakfast in Knoxville and I can see why. Southern grub with a sophisticated flare. I had the Fungus Among Us scramble.

  • Dzień 8

    Last Day in Knoxville

    24 kwietnia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    After a wonderful, long weekend with Moriah and Eddie in Knoxville, I'm pulling out this morning. Yesterday was our final day. After brunch at Jake's, we headed to Pigeon Forge to enjoy some mountain views and found ourselves at the Curahee winery. We did wine tasting and bought a few bottles. I bought Strawberry wine for Rebecca whom I'm picking up in an hour on the north side of town. The winery was in a shopping plaza with a little kiddie train, a large grassy area with corn hole, large chess and checkers. We walked around and watched people fly up this ride real fast only to be dropped down. We went into Flavortown and walked around a bit. Then at REI, I became an official lifetime member of their Co-Op. I bought some walking shoes and walking sticks as well, so now I'm all ready for the bourbon trail. Last night we went to Firebird for a nice steak dinner and carrot cake for dessert. I took a nice long bath after dinner. Might not get one of those for awhile.

    On to Mammoth Cave today. We're expecting rain and cold again. I see a campfire and strawberry wine in my future. Right now, enjoying my morning coffee.
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