  • Tag 9

    I can see!!

    30. März 2015 in Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    I'm recovering!! Eyes are still a bit blurry and sensitive to light but just a quick note to document the whole laser eye experience, which in one word, was SCARY.

    In case anyone is thinking about getting it done, I went with the PRK option, which has a more painful/ longer recovery time than the equally popular lasik/ Intralase option. The benefit being its meant to be marginally safer and also recommended for people who do impact sports (such as being punched in the eye).

    The worst part about the whole thing was the fear of something going wrong. Chances very slim I know, but the thought of not being able to see is pretty scary, and don't forget you are getting a LASER IN your EYES (getting your eyes prised open by scalpels and then the burning tissue smell afterwards was not nice.. fortunately the clinic was professional and amazing). The pain is moderate but bearable, what got me was barely being able to open your eyes and not knowing if that was normal or not. Getting the reassurance after the first follow up appointment was a huge relief. Also being so dependent on someone else is not something I'm used to, fortunately Travis was there and amazing, would have been pretty horrible without him :-)

    Remarkable improvements yesterday and as of last night I could see almost 80%! 2nd follow up appointmemt today and then we're off to Whistler!!

    Not too much to report since I've been blind/ bedridden however please find find a photo of;
    1. a root vegetable we got served by our Vietnamese airbnb family in new Westminster that Travis refused to eat (it was not bad!)
    2: all my glasses/ contacts which I will no longer need (yaaay!).