  • Dag 9

    Onwards to Central Vermont

    8 september 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    In the morning, Bob made some eggs, shredded root vegetables, and spinach and arugula salad. Good way to start the day, thanks Bob! Then I lent Anderson a hand with leak testing the plumbing we had installed the day before. After fixing a few leaks, the pump primed and pressurized the lines. The water supply system was working and the wiring mostly done. Next step I'm bummed to miss is the spray foam, cooool. I know it doesn't take much.

    After a good mornings worth of work it was time for lunch! Kate made puffed pastry stuffed with sauteed onions and red pepper.... Yeah and she made the pastry from scratch! Shortly after lunch I helped Lane and Bob put up some flashing on the other house that was being worked on. An intense finger work out.

    Then it was time to leave some more wonderful people behind. I'm constantly asking myself if this is the right choice. Despite the difficulty I'm still ready to find out via trial, and hopefully not error.

    The next stop put me in Plainfield VT, with Karl and Mary! It was also a good time to test my mileage capacity. On the way to Plainfield I ran out of gas in my main fuel tank, and switched to the tank reserve. The reserve I think is about a half gallon, which should get me close to 25 miles. I hit the reserve fuel at 184 miles, which is good but I was hoping for closer to 200 miles. After switching to the reserve, I arrived at the Bissex homestead at about 200 miles on the entire tank.

    Every stop I've made along the way has been fantastic with different settings and small groups of friends. This visit was no different. Upon arrival, after going through the end of the day routine, I joined Mary Judy and Karl to dismantle and prepare basil for some delicious pesto that covered the pasta dinner. Fresh tomatoes, carrots, and some warmed bread on the side and that makes a damn fine meal.

    After dinner Karl and Mary and I went outside to look at an amazing sky. The stars were bright despite the moon, and we saw several shooting stars. The most I've seen this summer. Post star gazing I found myself in a hot tub. A great way to begin a really long time riding a motorcycle. I think I'll book end the trip with a hot tub at the other end.

    The pictures below are as follows: The view out of the back yard just before I left. The sunset the night before. An extremely large batch of primo pesto for pasta. A presto action shot!
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