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    Atherton to Cairns

    11. August 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Not much to report on today. We had to wait around for a load in the dryer, one go through wasn't quite enough for the towels. First up we stopped at the giant curtain fig tree, then off towards Yungaburra to the platypus viewing platform, no luck today. We did the Petersons Creek bushwalk and suspension bridge, looking out for the tree kangaroos, haven't seen one yet, but hopefully soon. Next was Lake Eacham in the Crater Lakes national park. We did the 3km walk around the lake, lots of signs to be casso'wary' which was a bit of a worry, but all good! Heading through to Cairns via the Gillies Ranges, we got stuck behind a lot of slow drivers and someone.. was getting pretty annoyed with them. I'm pretty sure if I was driving I'd have been just as slow, reminded me of the road through Kangaroo Valley I think it is? Long, windy roads. It's so strange to go from essentially dessert to wet and cold rainforest yesterday, then today lush farmland, sugar cane, back to rainforest and now we're on the coast. Cairns is much bigger than we expected and reminds us a bit of Waikiki. We stopped at the pier pub for lunch, then attempted to get the chip in the windscreen sealed up. They said it was a bit too big and in an awkward spot that they suggested we wait until after the Cape since there will be plenty more bumps and possibly more chips, so not worth replacing the windscreen just yet, gah. A quick stop at BCF then to our airbnb. It's a lovely little apartment, pretty close to everything and damn it was cheap, lucked out I think! We relaxed for a bit and charged our phones up before walking to the shopping centre for some late night shopping. Wandered back to the apartment, cooked up dinner and had a proper shower. Still working out what the plan is for tomorrow, but we're doing Kuranda on Saturday.

    Happy Birthday Nan!