Day 11: Disembark, visit Abdeen Palace

We flew back to Cairo and visited the Palace of Abdeen, the Presidental Palace for a great lunch. Back to the Four Seasons for dinner American style. Pack and leave the next mornng for America.
We flew back to Cairo and visited the Palace of Abdeen, the Presidental Palace for a great lunch. Back to the Four Seasons for dinner American style. Pack and leave the next mornng for America.
We sailed to Qena, to Dendara to see the best preserved temple in Egypt, the temple of Hathor -the goddess of love.
We saw the relieve of Cleopartria and son Caesarion by the Roman Emperor, JuliusRead more
Fun pictures from our trip!!!
Visited the Karnak Temple the largest religious complex in Egypt built over 1,300 Years. Then to the temple of Luxor built by Amenhotep III, Ramses II, Tutankhamun and other pharaohs. Riley and IRead more
The Nubian Village was colorful and the people were wonderful. Riley was selected to dance with them. We visited their modest home and purchased a handmade purse. The Philae Temple complex had aRead more
We flew to Abu Simbel to see the more than 3,000 year old temple to Ramsus II with four large statues of him. Queen Nefertari's smaller temple was visited. They moved this site due to dam a LakeRead more
Cruised to the Temple of Horus, 2nd largest in Egypt. The falcon-headed god's temple was built in 230 BC.
The Galabeya was a fun dressed up in "Egyptian" attire. We played games and danced..yes weRead more
We visited rock cut tombs in the Valley of the Kings. King Tutankhamun's mummified remains, Temple of Hatshepsut -1st female ruler. Hatshepsut was a female pharaoh who had herself representedRead more
We visited the Coptic Church where there is the cave, where the Holy family (Virgin Mary and the Christ) hid during their journey in Egypt, fleeing Roman persecution. We visited several churches,Read more
Statue of Ramses II, Alabaster Sphinx, Step pyramid of King Zoser - oldest one on earth. Giza complex with 3 large pyramids from 2589 BC and 2504 BC. Lunch at Mena house and Camel ride.