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  • Day 10

    Scooter Tour around Lovina (Part 1)

    October 29, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Entli moll "usschlofe", i üsem Fall het da 7ni ufewache gheisse. Es het aber dennoch sehr guet tue. Gmüetlich simmer denn ufgstande und hend üse Zmorge im Hotel gnosse und dezue ane üse Tag agfange plane. Und was macht mer, wenn mer en volle Tag het und nüt ob het? Genau, mir hend en Roller gmietet und sind eifach druf los gfahre - e sehr spannendi Erfahrig, so uf de linke Strossesite z fahre. Hupe heisst do eher: "Achtung i überhol di etz denn gad" und s rote Liechtsignal isch mengmol meh e Empfehlig. Vom Norde, uf Meereshöchi, simmer wieder südewerts gstartet, in Richtig "Berge", womer denn bim Ceburan Dukuh Wasserfall en halt gmacht hend. Noch eme ca. viertelstündige Spaziergang über Stock und Stei simmer denn am Wasserfall acho. Isch das e schös Erlebnis gsi! Mir sind ganz allei döte gsi und hend de Moment, d Rueh und d Chüeli vollkomme chönne gnüsse und uf üs iwirke loh. Leider hemmer nöd ewigs chöne döt bliebe, drum simmer witer gange. Ufem Zruggweg het üs üse Guide verschiedeni Pflanze zeigt. Under anderem e Vanillepflanze oder au en Kakaobaum, wo er üs extra e Kakaofrucht obenanbe gholt het. Mir hend schnell gmerkt, dass s Wisse Fruchtfleisch zwor sehr fein isch aber de Kakaokern selber (het roh e violetti Farb) zerst no bitz tröchne und fermentiere brucht bis er gnüssbar wär. Nochher hemmer no en wietere Dorfbewohner troffe, wo chli mit üs gred het. Mer hend chli was über en erfahre, dass er moll Taxifahrer in Ubud gsi isch, was er etze so schafft und wien er so lebt. Im Gspröch inne het er üs noch üsne Ferie gfrogt und wos denn noher no witer goht. Mer hend mit em druf abe abgmacht, dass wenn mir witer reiset, mir mit em lueget, ob und wo dure mir e Privat Tour chönd mache. Er isch sehr dankbar gsi, dass mir ihm ä Chance zum schaffe gebet. Obs klappet, da gsehnd mer no 😅
    Finally some "sleeping in", for us that meant 7 o'clock in the morning. But still did good. We got up, had some breakfast at the hotel and started planing our day. The big question was: what to do with a whole free day on bali? Exactly we rented a motorbike and started our ride at sealevel. Its quite an experience to ride the roades of Bali. Driving on the left side, honking means more of an "Attention im passing by" and red lights are sometimes more of a suggestion to stop. Our ride took us from the north of Bali southwards in to the mountains. We firstly stopped at Ceburab Dukuh Waterfall. It took us about a 15 minute hike down to reach the waterfall. It was such a nice experience to be completely alone enjoying the calm and cool atmosphere there.
    During the hike back up our guide showed us multiple plants such as a vanilla plant or even a Cocoa tree of which he took a fruit down for us to try. We quickly notived that the white fruit pulp of the cocoa is very tasty but the seed itself (raw it is violet in color) at least needs some drying and fermentation before its enjoyable. Later we met another citizen of the nearby village who we talked to. He told us about his time of being a taxidriver in Ubud, what he does now and about his life on bali. He asked us about our holidays and what we are planing to do. He also offered to drive take us on a one day tour showing diffrent spots while driving us to Ubud. We accepted and he was very thankful that we give him an ability to work. We'll see if he showes up on wednesday 😅
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