5 ülke gezdi Okumaya devam et
  • Gün 95

    Corn Islands, Nicaragua

    24 Mayıs 2016, Nikaragua ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    How long: 6 Nights
    Stayed: Mimundo (big corn), Green House & Elsa's Place (little corn)
    Travelling with: Susan, Tom & Pete

    Flew from Managua to big Corn on an amazing little 12 seater plane which was pretty cool and amazing views as it flew so low. Met a new friend on the plane...Pete from Switzerland who lives just beside lake Konstanz. He was surprised to find that I had lived there. Naturally thought I would speak German...bless him! He was to be our partner in crime for the next week...and even managed to understand Susan...eventually! :)
    Stayed one night in Big Corn and had a really nice cycle around the island, stopping off for beer and fresh fish lunch and a swim on a beautiful beach. Finished off with a beer watching yet another beautiful sunset on Aeanis beach. Then back to the hostel where the boys cooked us dinner and we chilled and chatted. Next day we headed off to little corn on a Panga.
    Little Corn was a treat. No cars and everything within a 30 minute walk. The first language of the people is an English Creole that sounds like Jamaica. Island was once inhabited by British Pirates who brought in African Slaves to grow corn...hence the name and the caribbean culture. So funny to hear that accent in central america. Everyone so wonderfuly friendly and helpful. We stayed first two nights in a hostel that was fine apart from being stinking hot. The island has water and electricity scarcity so power is turned off from 6am to 1pm every day. So at 1 minute past six you are awake in a lather of sweat as the fan goes off. Even Susan was getting up early! Third day we moved to the other side of the island where there was a fabulous sea breeze and we got ourselves two little cabanas right on the water. Next few days were spent relaxing, snorkeling, swimming and eating. Bliss. The island is covered in mango trees and they fall to the ground and lie there for anyone to eat. Going for nice walks and fuelling myself with fresh mango along the way. Loved it.
    We met a really lovely English/French couple (Kelly and Dorian) who had moved to the island and were building a house. Many evenings spent at the happy hour with them (where everyone seemed to congregate). Saturday night we ended up in the local Raggae Bar until the wee hours of the morning. Great fun!!!
    Susan and I went snorkelling twice and saw Baracuda, Nurse Sharks, black tipped Reef Shark, Eagle Rays, Sting Rays, and so many different types of fish. The water was an amazing turquoise colour and crystal clear.
    Unfortunately we couldn't stay for ever so after a week we got the boat back to big corn, spent one night there and took the early flight back to Managua on the 1st.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 94

    Managua, Nicaragua

    23 Mayıs 2016, Nikaragua ⋅ 🌬 33 °C

    How long: 2 nights
    Stayed: Managua Backpackers Inn.
    Travelling with: Susan and Tom.
    Arrived at the Managua Backpackers on May 22nd after a quick trip from Laguna Apoyo.
    Said goodbye to Derek at Paradiso and Vinnie when we got to Managua.
    Very lazy time as a detox from the shenanigans of Apoyo. Chilling by the pool and a little trip to the local mall. First time I have visited somewhere and seen none of the place (mall doesn't count).
    Pretty shameful really but sometimes it's needed.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 92

    Laguna Apoyo, Nicaragua

    21 Mayıs 2016, Nikaragua ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    How long: 2 nights
    Stayed: Paradiso Hostel
    Travelling with: Susan, Derek, Tom & Vinnie

    Such a fantastic couple of days spent in the Paradiso Hostel at Laguna Apoyo. This place wasn't on the agenda at all but as we were sitting on the hostel in Granada and Tom was describing it and told us his plan to go we decided to jump in. Also managed to convince Vinnie to join us for a couple of days.
    Got a shuttle with Susan and Derek after we had recovered (somewhat) from the effecst of the night before and made the short trip to Paradiso and were met with a little taste of Paradise.
    The lake is basically the crater of an extinct volcano and the hostel is perched on the edge with its feet dangling in the water. Such amazing views and a wonderful chilled out vibe. The water is amazing, warm, clean and so refreshing.
    Next two days and nights spent swimming, floating in inner tubes, eating lots and drinking way too much rum and coke. Met some crazy people (a girl called Kitten for example), had some adventures (including some naked, midnight crater swimming) and generally made the most of this great place. Fun times with great peoole!!
    Was sad to leave but the journey must go on!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 89

    Granada, Nicaragua

    18 Mayıs 2016, Nikaragua ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

    How long: 3 nights
    Stayed: Sierra Hostel, De Boca en Boca
    Travelling with: Susan, Derek and Tom ( met Vinnie)

    Lazily took taxi from San Jorge with Susan and Derek and arrived in Granada at about 2 to find that our hostel reservation had been lost and we were now roomless. The guy in the hostel was very apologetic tho and was trying to help so it was hard to be annoyed with him. He helped us book somewhere else for the night and promised a free brekkie in his hostel for the following morning so off we went to sweat our way to our new hostel. Granada is bloody hot!!
    Dumped stuff and headed out for a wander.
    Granada is a beautiful "colonial" city(town) but prob not as nice as I was expecting...but that may be because I am spoilt after spending time in Cartagena...which really is a gem!! After a delicious lunch at the lovely Garden Cafe we headed off and saw a good chunk of the city and countless churches and cathedrals. After a few hours wansering in the heat we were then sorely in need of a cold beer and so finding ourselves in a very touristy, bar filled street we decided to take a rest.
    The minute O'Sheas was spotted by Ms Feirtear I knew all was lost but as they had outside tables I tried to convince myself I was not really in an Irish bar in Nicaragua! That self deception wasn't to last unfortunately as she proceeded to take a pic and tag us on facebook...so i was ruined.
    Being stuck in a particularly bad insomniac phase I headed home to bed at 8pm while the guys headed out and ended up in yet another Irish bar.
    Woke up the next morning to Susan asleep on the floor....as the top bunk was too hot!! Had to laugh...from 4 star NYC hotels to the floor of a dorm in just over a week...her words :)
    Next day was spent exploring more of the town with a visit to the cemetary, which was really fascinating with hugely imposing and ornate graves and a lot of memorials and graces from the Sandanistas. Next we hit the market which was hot and sweaty and a little manic and stinky but strangely enjoyable too. Back to the hostel and met up with Tom who had followed us on from Ometepe and then went out to the Garden Cafe again...so good we had to go back for more.
    Evening was spent chilling at the hostel with a few beers and a bucket of guacamole.
    Next day, after lots of faffing and messing around we finally got moving and Tom, Susan and I hired some bikes and went for a spin around town. In the afternoon we went on a kayak tour of the islets which was really great fun and really beautiful.
    Back to the hostel where we met up with Vinnie, a Kiwi friend of Tom's who joined our merry band. Later headed out in search of some Latin dancing and after trying a few dead end options we ended up back in the Irish bar...much to my consternation. Turned out to be great fun tho and with enough Latin music to keep me on the dancefloors for the night showing off.
    The night ended with people leaving in dribs and drabs and unfortunately us all ignoring the frequently received local advice of always getting a taxi at night...even for just a few blocks. Most of us got home fine but unfortunately not all. Susan was attacked and brought to the ground with a punch as he went for her bag. Thankfully Vinnie and a very brave Aoife from Carlow jumped in and fought them off but not before they had grabbed Aoifes bag. Scary stuff.
    Everyone ok apart from a few cuts and bruises but a stark reminder to us all that we need to heed the local advice and as per Susans text to me that night....GET A FUCKING TAXI! :)
    So, Granada was great. Stayed in a really lovely hostel and people are lovely and helpful and open. However, there is a lot of poverty there too and crime is getting worse....with gormless gringos being the main target.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 88

    Ilsa Ometepe, Nicaragua

    17 Mayıs 2016, Nikaragua ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    How long: 3 nights
    Where stayed: The landing Hostel, Moyagalpo
    Travelling with: Susan, Derek & Tom

    Finally got it together to leave San Juan and make out way to Isla Ometepe where we were going to meet up with Tom. After much farting around and talk of local buses and saving money we ended up in Kenneth's car again taking the lazy option. About an hour to San Jorge and then we got a ferry over to the island. Ometepe is basically an island created from the eruptions of two volcanos. Volcan Conception and Maderas. Conception is still active but there hasn't been any activity for a long time. Maderas is extinct and is covered in a cloud forest. Coming over on the ferry you get a great view of both of them.
    Arrived about 2 and met up with Tom at The Landing hostel. So good to see him again so we repaired to the roof to drink some beers and catch up.
    Next day we hired some scooters and went to explore the island. Derek crashed his into a wall before we left the shop so he had to go pilion with Tom. Spent a lovely day zipping around the island stopping off in an interesting little museum, then over to Santa Domingo for lunch, after which we got stopped by the police and got told off cos we werent carrying our drivers licences. They told us we would have to leave the bikes and walk home. This went on for a while and finally they relented and sent us on our way with a warning. Next stop was a wonderful natural pool in the forest. Beautiful cool water to cool off on a stinking hot day. There was a tarzan swing out over the water which tom was like a monkey on. Susan eventually decided to give it a go and let go immediately and landed in the water about 1cm from the wall. My heart stopped as i was sure she had split her head open...i wasn't the only one...the whole place was watching then erupted with relief when she surfaced unharmed. Needless to say she was barred from the swing for the rest of the day. Started to get late so time to go but on way home got caught in the mother and father of a rain storm...literally couldn't see! Finally made it back to town where the road back to the bike shop had turned into a river! Great fun...once the bike was safely returned :) Had a quiet night as had to be up at the crack of dawn to head off to climb Maderas. We got a taxi to the base, picking up our guide along the way. Started walking about 8 and as it was another hot sticky day so we were all dripping with sweat within minutes. Susan started to lag and was finding it tough going, as the climb intensified and a got further into the cloud forest it started to get really slippy and wet. After about an hour she had to admit defeat and turn back. The guide called the driver and got him to go back for her. A continued but after a few more minutes Derek decided he had enough too and turned back. So it was just Tom and me and the guide. We ploughed on and it started to get really tough. The cloud forest is basically always raining so the higher you go the wetter it gets....so we were slipping and sliding through rivers of mud on an almost vertical climb! Eventually made it to the top and down into the crater which was really cool but unfortunately a dark rain cloud had settled at the top so we could see nothing. We made a brief stop for lunch and then set off back down again just as the rain came on in force....same as day before. So it was a very wet and slippery decent! But we ploughed on and made it down in record time. Great feeling!
    Back to town for a much needed shower, quick nap and then we treated ourselves to a nice dinner and wine...a rare treat!!
    Decided time to head off so we made plans to head to Granada the next day while Tom opted for one more day in Ometepe.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 78

    San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

    7 Mayıs 2016, Nikaragua ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    How long: 6 Nights
    Stayed: Colonial Hotel, Sueno del Mar, Eco Hotel Playa Hermosa
    Travelling with: Susan and Derek

    Finally made it to San Juan del Sur after a long days travel!! Set off from San Jose at 10 on a local bus that took 7 hours to get to the border. No aircon and so the bus was about a million degrees. Window open with a breeze like a hairdyer to the face. Got dropped on the Costa Rica side of the borderd and had to go to exit immigration there. Then walk a few 100 metres down the road to the Nicaraguan side. All very straight forward...thanks to the numerous blogs i had read in advance. Came out of immigration and got pounced on by bus and taxi touts. Unfortunately got a bit fleeced now! Ended up paying 12 dollars for a 15 minute bus journey...3 more than I paid for the previous 7 hour one! And they promised to drop me in the middle of a town where there were loads of taxis to take me the rest of the way....a journey that would cost me $2. In fact when they dropped me on the side of the road where there was one taxi charging $10. Fuckers! Wandered the road a bit until I met a kindly lady who explained that there were colectivos passing that way and she the stopped one for me. I paid the gringo rate....which was at least double the local but at that stage prob would have paid the $10 just to get off the road. And off we went. Dropped me at the hotel where I met up with Susan.
    Saturday night in San Juan so after a short rest and shower we headed out for a lovely Tapas meal. Then on for a drink and ended up in Corcks "irish" bar....needless to say that was Susans doing. Corcks was full of all the local alcoholics which was fun at first but got very tiresome with lots of unwelcome attention. Didn't stay long.
    Next day we took a wander around town and then settled on the beach for the afternoon. Derek turned up at about 5 and we had a few nice beers on the beach and caught a beautiful sunset!
    Next day we set off looking for a taxi/shuttle to take us to the beach and met up with Kenneth who was to be our chauffaur and surfing coach for the next week. Over next few days we visited Playa Marsella which was a stunning, almost deserted beach with an amazing sunset and the best lobster i have had in a while. Playa Ramonsa where we had out first surfing lesson and the best fish tacos ever, Playa Hermosa which lived up to its name and where i had two more surfing lessons and rode my first (and only ) green wave. We stayed out in the eco lodge in Hermosa for a night which was really lovely and then headed back to San Juan for one last night. Beautiful almost deserted beaches and breathtaking sunsets. Sunset photo count...abiut 12 thousand!
    Last night in San Juan we headed out for a party, which was great fun until my bag was snatched from my hand on the way home by two boys on a motorbike. Had to admire the efficiency! Thankfully I had left phone and cards at home so was just down some cash and my lovely bag. But it was a lesson....a crossy over bag should be worn as a crossy over bag and not carried in your hand as a little gift to the local yewts!
    All in all a very enjoyable time in San Juan and environs. Lots of laughs and good to be with some Irish again :)
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 76

    San Jose, Costa Rica

    5 Mayıs 2016, Kosta Rika ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    How long: 2 nights
    Stayed: Pangea Hostel, Barrio Amon
    Travelling with: Solo

    San Jose.
    Long old journey to San Jose. Close to 12 hours of boat, mini bus, big bus with lots of hanging around and messing. But got there in the end. Got to the hostel late so it was pretty much straight to bed. Late start next day and after breakfast went for a wander. San Jose really not a pretty city with not a lot going for it. Checked out the city centre and then went to the national museum for a few hours. Back to hostel to chill for a while and then went out to meet Susans friend Bernard for a drink in a nice area called Barrio Escalante. He's ex digicel so it was an evening of digicel bashing :)
    Dropped me back to hostel where I met up with Derek who had just arrived. Quick beer and a disgusting burrito from the local takeaway and off to bed.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 72

    Bocas Del Toro, Panama

    1 Mayıs 2016, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    How long: 4 Nights
    Stayed: Selina Hostel
    Travelling with: Shira and Solo

    Arrived in Bocas after a sleepless night bus from Panama City. No idea why they have to have the busses so cold!! Met Matin and Yardin in the bus station in Panama and they were travelling on same bus. Parted way in Bocas and Shira and I went to our hostel which was right on the water so a win straight off. Chilled for a while and then decided to hit the beach which was a taxi boat across from us. Came back in the late afternoon and treated ourselves to a lovely meal in an Indonesian restaurant on the water. Next day got some bikes and went for a cycle across the island to bluff beach....absolutely stunning. Deserted and just sea and sand for as far as the eye can see. Next day we opted for a boat tour out to the national park and Isla Zapatillas beautiful deserted island where we spent a few hours relaxing and swimming. Stopped off to try and spot some sloths (Oso Perezoso) on an island on the way back. Saw one lazy bear far up in the trees but needless to say he was sleeping.
    Back to hostel, had some dinner with Shira and she opted for another early night (we had been in bed by 9.30 every night) but i reckoned it was time to discover why Bocas was called a party town. Had a fun night out with the two Israeli boys until they disappeared then was chatting to the local police....yep out drinking...and some French Canadians.
    Shira headed off next morning but I opted to stay another day and then head to San Jose next day. Easy day, reading and swimming. In the evening met a nice NYC girl called Jackie in the hostel so we headed out for dinner and back to the hostel when the Israeli boys came to meet us. Bit of madness ensued which involved high dives into the sea in the middle of a bar....never too old!! :)
    Very painful start next day but was happy made the most of my time in Bocas
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