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  • Day 452

    Pacuare River Lodge

    January 27, 2020 in Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

    Day 452.

    It was 8.30am and as instructed we had taken a bus to a local rafting bar in the middle of the valley to await our host for the next few weeks. Kirk arrived shortly after and from there it was a steep 30 minute descent by 4x4 to the Pacuare River Lodge - our jungle home for the next few weeks.

    We were quickly brought up to speed by 4 friendly French workawayers - and soon realised the owner wouldn't be sticking around. We'd have free reign in running and living at the jungle rafting lodge!

    Our cabaña was surronded by miles of uninhabited jungle, deserted waterfalls and most importantly the mighty Pacuare river. It was a 1.5 hour uphill walk to reach the closest road and sign of life - so it looked like we wouldn't be leaving anytime soon!

    The cabin that we called home for two weeks consisted of 4 mesh walls to keep the bugs out and a roof over our head, this meant for 360 views of the jungle from bed - the perfect wildlife spotting position. Watching dozens of toucans fly from tree to tree all day was a popular past time. A particular highlight was spotting our first sloth, from bed, swinging in a tree 200+ yards away - I should have been a pilot.

    The upside of living in the jungle, depending on who you spoke too meant we were constantly surronded by spiders, snakes of all shapes and sizes. Fortunately we avoided the spree of poisonous ones a week before our arrival, consisting the anti venom is required within 1-3 hours its safe to say we'd be well and truly screwed. At least when danger was near one of us managed to keep a cool head - if it's not already clear, this was not limbster. Frantic jumping (plus screaming) infront of the snake poised to attack is not a recommended response ever. Maybe now she'll finally watch jurassic Park and heed my advice...

    Food was plentiful, with the river guides cooking us up delicious feasts on a daily basis, but that didn't stop us taking advantage of what was growing right outside, our lodge was scattered with coconut, banana, orange and lime trees - the latter being perfect to add to the local rum for an afternoon (or morning) cocktail.

    Our routine was easier than expected, starting after breakfast our work would be to clean the lodges or polish the ever growing pile of bamboo ready to be used in the cabins. Once the clock hit 11 we didn't waste any time in heading straight down through the jungle, leaping into the river for a swim, it was hard not to be amazed at the beauty of this place and the hours quickly disappeared whilst here.

    It wasn't all sunshine however, in fact we took an extended battering of rain, which submerged the jungle into the clouds, and the landslides wasted no time in turning the bright blue river brown. We were prepared for this however and the cosy afternoons snuggled up with limbster and a movie was an experience in itself, watching season 3 of the crown albeit a little surreal amongst the noises of the jungle was a like a little snippet of home.

    Somehow even the realization that our backpacks had started to grow mould didn't dampen our spirits. Whilst it should have set off alarm bells it actually had us digging in our heels further and holding out for that sun once again. When the sun did creep through we wasted no time in making the most of it, slippery adventures to the nearby waterfall together felt like they were right out of an adventure movie!

    After growing tired of using my 3x camera zoom to capture any wildlife in detail it was like a nearby Toucan heard my calling and went flying right through the side of the nearest cabin. Credit were credit is due it was eagle eyed Limbster that spotted this one, much to my amazement - This meant it was down to us to free the fella and also gave us the perfect opportunity for a close up as he escaped through the front door!

    Our camp even adopted its own wild jungle dog who stuck by our side when he wasn't busy getting high off poisonous toads. Limbster had a love hate relationship - but ultimately they were brought together by a slip of the hand and slightly more spaghetti than planned. That plus having a snake hunting dog at hand to walk you back at night was a blessing to us all.

    After two weeks settled in this incredible place and spending exactly 0 pounds in doing so meant it was hard to imagine what life on the road once again would be like. But the carribean sun was calling so in true jungle style we packed our things and white water rafted our way out of there.
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