  • Dag 514

    Santorini Thira

    11. september 2018, Hellas ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Well it was a lot more blowy on Sunday when we woke in Aliki but the trip along the south coast of Paros went well as sheltered, as did the east coast section but then we had to cross to Naxos, not so nice! We got there OK but there were a few bangs as the bow landed, on arrival we radioed as per pilot book instructions no answer Umm so after waiting for a few condor sized ferries to unload and load we headed around and into Marina to get what we thought was a brusque brush off from the harbour master ‘ you haven’t called why not no place no to anchorage place and call after 6pm?’ Oh dear not looking so good, we had looked for email and phone number but nothing on internet or in our books. We sat in the bumpy anchorage spot considering options, ferry and hotel non refundable this close to departure but if the harbour master didn’t find a spot 6pm was late to try to reach somewhere more sheltered. We decided to risk waiting, fortunately when John called at 6 pm there was a spot not a great one but better than the anchorage and he would find a better space in the morning, thank goodness looked like Santorini trip was on.
    After we tied up with 7 ropes we decided to go and have a well earned drink, while doing this another yacht came in and moored up alongside us, we popped back to make sure everything OK, move dingy so they could get round etc. In the morning they bought us pain au chocolate as a thank you, much appreciated by me!
    The harbour master came around 9:15 and we negotiated another mooring and managed to move without to much bother, alongside boat also moved as a super yacht was due to arrive and go where we were. So another mammoth rope tieing session and John was happy, we secured boat and headed to ferry ⛴.
    Santorini is three quarters of a caldera, the rim of an old volcano with steep sides on the west, sloping gently to the sea on the east it is touristy a bit like Mykonos but not as ‘in your face’ and the views are stunning. I will put photos here and on next post with little or no writing as can only have 6 per post.
    Les mer