• Día 26

    25th Day, 5th December 2023

    5 de diciembre de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    The leaving! It was always was going to be difficult and it is, but dearest Dusty, we are so pleased we came, and especially that we added extra days into the beginning! Thanks to your Mum & Dad and the use of the ‘office’, it has worked out so well. We have seen you for 25 days, which is a fair chunk of the time since you arrived on the 10th October. (Your Mum finished up work on the 9th and went into labour the same night at midnight. You were born at 7.11pm 10th October) leaving no time for her to spend a lesurely week to get a rest and sort out clothes etc. as she had planned.
    We have had a very special time. You are trying to sort out when to sleep, when to eat and when to play! Good luck with that! They’re hard decisions to make. Fortunately your Mum & Dad are very patient, and will help you get the three options prioritised!
    Grandad Euan & I spent a lovely morning with you and your Mum. Natty took the early Christmas photo of the four of us. You did not want to get into your Christmas suit!!!
    Sputnick was facing the wrong way, but I suspect he was wanting to keep an eye on you and your Mum.
    We packaged up the Chicken Marbella meals and lasagna so that Mum could get a few dinners easily. We hope you enjoy them as well!
    We photographed your roof balcony as we passed in the ferry and waved, just in case you and Mum were watching.
    We fell in love with you Dusty. Thanks for staying awake so much of the time so we could make the most of our first meeting❤️. With Love, Trish & Euan
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  • Día 25

    Day 25, 5th Dec. Last Day of our visit

    4 de diciembre de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Would you believe it, you, Dusty had a sleepy morning. We could have done with some fore-warning, but no complaints. Even your Mum got a wee sleep. Grandad Euan removed the shower door to try and investigate its faults, while Grandma Trish came to grips with making your Dad’s ‘Signature’ dish, Chicken Pie, a la Jamie Oliver, plus a huge batch of Chicken Marbella, (some to freeze). Dusty, you slept on and woke up a bit ‘hung-over’. The later afternoon was taken up feeding, diverting and generally amusing yours truly. The Chicken Pie, cabbage & sweet potato was a hit with the support crew!
    There were enough ingredients for another pie for the freezer. We walked home and started quietly and sadly packing up for the trip home to NZ. More cups of tea & chocolate, and wishing so much that our flight wasn't until Jocelyn started work on the next Monday.
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  • Día 24

    23rd Day, Dec 3rd 3023

    3 de diciembre de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Slow Sunday with Dusty! Dad went to Central to collect his motorbike and go for a hike. Lucy & Dusty stayed at home to feed and sleep,
    Not much sleeping so far but the day is not done. We have sung ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ about 20 time to your rapturous approval! That filled in 5 minutes. We then rolled out the heavy artillery; a Bouncinette for you to view the Christmas tree, followed by assembling the little pram and taking it up to your first roof experience! The sun was a bit too much glare for you so these diversions amounted to about 25 mins max! Next a walk to the little beach up the track, with Grandad in charge of Sputnick! You even managed to have a feed from Mum in the front pack! Another life skill achieved! Tick!
    Home and more if the same. Dad got home at 6pm after hiking. His popularity was maintained by bringing pizzas from the Lamma shop. Delicious. Bath abandoned, bed for you and Mum. ❤️
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  • Día 22

    22nd Day, 2nd Sec2023

    1 de diciembre de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Hi Dusty, we walked up to your place, (93 Po Wah Yuen), put our washing on then off down to the ferry into Central as planned. Your Dad stayed behind to work on getting his new sound system installed and putting the cables in place.
    We made it to Pottinger Lane where all the Christmas decorations are sold and your Mum gave it all very serious consideration. You can tell she is a designer, no rushed decisions made! Mission accomplished and off to Joint Dynamics, where, because your Mum knows the staff, she was able to feed you. We meet Grandad Euan (who had gone off on a tool hunting excursion) at the Ferry terminal.
    On the Ferry your Mum meet Jonquil and her her 5 week old son Luke. They have had a really rough time of it! The mums had met on the Lamma Mamas Facebook page, so finally they were able to meet in person which was wonderful. There are about 23 babies in the Lamma Mamas 2023 group!
    Back in Lamma it was feeds and attempted sleeps all afternoon! This front pack doesn’t seem to suit, but it’s really hard to tell. Maybe you are too scrunched up and hot in it?
    You were very happy at times, and very unhappy for short times pm. The bath seemed to go well, but despite your tiredness, it took ages for you to settle; this was finally achieved thanks to your wonderful Dad.
    Mum was busy trying to decorate the perfect 'Noble Fir Tree' imported from the USA 👍. Meanwhile the Chicken Marbella etc got quite cold, but still tasted delicious! It’s going to be hard leaving you all! Grandad Euan continues with DIY and laundry (and croissant buying)!
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  • Día 22

    Day 21, Dec 2023.

    1 de diciembre de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    A quick shop in the village to buy ingredients for freezer meals for your parents after we fly back to NZ, then up to 93 Po Wah Yuen. Your neighbour Camilla's computer mal functioned so she came to work on your Mum’s computer. She is due to fly to India tomorrow to run environmental workshops for a schools on how to restore the local habitat. It was lovely learning more about her Italian & Cantonese background.
    You had a peaceful enough am. I had a lovely catch up with Cecily & Bronwyn (via messenger) after I had made four Lasagna dishes for the freezer. Camilla pointed out that they (Italians) always made the pasta by hand). I had enough strife working in the tiny kitchen and the two gas hobs🤣, not to mention the noisy kitchen fan! I can just imagine the carnage if I tried to make pasta. Lasagne is a dish best made in stages I think. Unless you are a Nona with lots of time and a lot of tomato and pasta to be used up.
    In the afternoon, you, dear Dusty, were quite unsettled! You slept on and off in short periods and fed on & off!
    We decided to walk down to the village to get more supplies. Much to our surprise, your Dad was home about 5.30. He had had an all day meeting, and was very pleased to be finish up! The pizza tea was cancelled, and we ate one of the lasagne! I also started to make the Chicken Marbella.
    We had dinner in peace as you had retired gracefully to sleep. Your Mum has hatched a plan to go to Pottinger Lane in Central to look for Christmas decorations tomorrow morning😄. It will have to be a fairly early ferry! You loved your bath that your Mum & Dad gave you tonight. ❤️
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  • Día 21

    Day 20, 30th Nov 3023

    30 de noviembre de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Well, although your Mum has adhered to the sleep program, you my dear Dusty, have erred and strayed, so to speak. It’s now 5.30 and both you & your Mum are technically ‘asleep’. I use the term with skepticism! Mum needs a sleep, and I think you do too! To be fair, you have had short sleeps during the day, and an early bath. The Grandparents have been to the village for supplies for tonight’s dinner. Its to be a pork tray bake according to the NZ Pork Board app! Dad will be late; he has a Wetland Park meeting so we will have an earlier dinner. No progress on Christmas tree decorations today. Grandad has been busy sorting out the clothes dryer drainage system🤨. Well that shows the downside of doing one’s Penguins too early! Dinner cooked but Mums still trying to get you to sleep, and Dad isn’t home yet.🎄Leer más

  • Día 20

    Day 19, 29th of Nov. 2023

    29 de noviembre de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Another big morning out in Central for the Grand Parents with Lucy & Dusty. We took the 0930 ferry. Your Mum had been busy trying to coordinate the collection of the Christmas Tree. Yes, of course it’s a ‘real’ one in a stand. We always had a 'real' one on Palmerston North till your Mum went to Wellington when we slackened our standards and bought a large artificial one.
    The tree arrived so now they have the record player in boxes, ready to be put in the already assembled shelves, and space to be made for the tree! I think that you will enjoy it as much as your Mum. Next year may be a different scenario🤣. The Grandparents walked you around the block for 45 mins. We pulled the pin on shopping on Pottinger Lane for Christmas decorations as you had had enough in the front pack. The afternoon heralded the introduction of a new sleep regimen! Your Mum has an app. with lots of good suggestions. 🤞well and truly crossed that this gives you more settled sleep. The Grandparents finished the re-potting of pot plants. Nice dinner of U.S.A. salmon. You were actually asleep when we left at 2000😘
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  • Día 19

    Day 18. 28th Nov

    28 de noviembre de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Another day of two halves Dusty!
    Lovely am, we met you and your Mum in the village, shopped for pot plant trays and potting mix, and food for dinner then stopped off for a mango smoothie! Delicious. Your Mum had a decaf latte instead.
    Back up the hill to 93, and a pleasant couple of hours before you became unsettled! That’s the polite word it🤣. And so the afternoon unravelled. Grandad & I did sone repotting of pot plants on the roof balcony, I counted 38! (I swear they haven not been attended to since I did them about three years ago. Better not tell your Mum I said that. To be fair, pot plants haven't been a priority in their busy lives!) and they were all inhereted.
    At some point in desperation we gave you a bath which you seem to enjoy, much to the pit crew’s amazement. Mayhem followed; you finally fell asleep about 8.30pm.
    We got a call from your Dad asking us to meet him at the Ferny at 8.25pm. He was bringing home a new stereo system (your parent’s Christmas present) ! We took the wooden trolleys down to the pier then helped lift, push & drag the 4 boxes up that hill to your place! Job done. You and Mum were asleep when we got back and even Sputnick had the self preservation 'smarts' to not bark at our arrival!
    Day done. We hope you get some sleep❤️
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  • Día 18

    Day 17. 27 th Nov

    27 de noviembre de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Today was predictably the opposite of yesterday. We stayed at home to give Lucy and Dusty a rest from yesterday’s ups and downs.
    It seem to work. Dusty and Mum had two sleeps in the morning. It was 25c and felt very hot.
    I started cleaning out the pot plant collection on your lovely roof, by shifting them out from the balcony wall and throwing the broken pots away and scrubbing the tiles. It was so hot on the roof I had to leave some for later, but the mosquitoes caught up with me then. Tomorrow I will get potting soil and bamboo stakes to support some of the plants.
    Dusty, you were a treasure all day! We had lovely times as you tried out your bouncer for awhile, and you loved your bath again today. What a sweetheart. You did lots of feeding and exercise, so all together a lovely day. Thanks Dusty.
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  • Día 16

    Day 15, 25th Nov. 2023

    25 de noviembre de 2023, Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Saturday am and a relaxed weekend day. We woke fairly early, lazed around the office having a leisurely breakfast and sitting in the roof balcony. Lucy & Dave were having a much needed slow time. Dusty, you are the quintessential non morning person; no actively, then come afternoon, and frequently at night, it’s all on! Today was no exception. The plan was for you and your Mum & Dad to come up to the office, but you slept, 💤. I had a lovely chat to Gill Salt in Bannockburn and eventually the Lammna Cassells family arrived. We went for walk up to the community garden at Tai Peng, looking across to Yung Shue Wong Village, up to the ridge, not far from the windmill.
    Remind me never to complain about gardening in Palmie, ever again. Apart from marauding wild pigs, no water source close by, very sandy soil, rampant growth, typhoons etc, what’s not to like about gardening on Lamma?
    It was a lovely walk. You were in the front pack with your Dad, but both of you were a bit too warm. We stopped off for an ice cream on the way home.
    We returned to 93 Po Wah Yuen where, once you were set free you were in high spirits. We gave you a bath and you rewarded us ( especially your Mum) with beautiful smiles! The best yet!!! Then you reverted to your afternoon self🙂. About 15 attempts at putting you down so your Mum could get some sleep failed dismally. Your Dad got about an hours sleep!
    Grandad was busy sorting out the mirror hanging for the bathroom. It’s now in place and looking good. Off you all went to friends place for an early dinner. You Mum looks as though she will be asleep the moment she sits down!
    Grandad & I went to the Thai restaurant at the base of the steps into the village. We tried the pomelo salad and shrimps. We asked for it to not have chilli, but that was never going to happen! The following chicken was ok, but a tiny portion. The glutinous rice was just one big clump, but placed on a
    banana skin. I did enjoy the fresh coconut. I wished I could scrape out the coconut flesh though!
    Back home to the office after some minor purchases in the village. We had toast & jam (using the new toaster) followed by almond croissants and a cuppa! Excellent. Another day with you and your first real smiles. What bliss.
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