  • Gün 115

    Welcome to Yangon

    26 Eylül 2018, Myanmar ⋅ ⛅ 88 °F

    I and my checked bag made it to Yangon without missing the connecting flight! While waiting to board in Hanoi, I watched a couple of Vietnamese Air Force MiGs (I believe) land using their chutes. They parked in some open-ended quonset huts, so I guess they use the airport as both commercial and military. In the background of the pic, you can see a white one taxiing.

    I grabbed an hour-long cab ride from the airport for a whopping 10,000 Kyat/6 USD. The kid spoke a heavily accented, basic English and did his best to point out places along the way. I tried to get a shot of the Shwedagon Pagoda with the full moon above it when we slowed for all the traffic jams.

    The hostel serves breakfast in its eighth floor nook, which overlooks part of the city. Cool. Not cool is that I'm in another 30-minute offset time zone.

    A new old friend is arriving from Vietnam this evening and we're meeting after she checks in, so I took today off to stay in the air conditioning. Right now I'm watching the movie "Snakes on a Plane," which, believe it or not, I've never seen before. Pretty stupid, but not terrible for a lazy day on YouTube. When I saw both a coral snake and a king snake, I couldn't help but think of a rhyme my grandfather taught me in North Texas:

    Red touching black is safe for Jack.
    Red touching yellow will kill a fellow.

    Apparently in this movie, they both kill you. LOL!

    So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️
    Okumaya devam et