  • 日204

    Seward, Alaska

    2023年7月3日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌧 48 °F

    I don’t have much of a story to tell about today, so this footprint has some reminiscing included.

    The lack of a story is not because we did nothing today. Rather because we have been to Seward many times since the first time we came here in 2001. On that occasion, we were embarking on a Princess cruise heading south from here to Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    Our second time to Seward was in 2010 when we came here after a week-long Katmai Peninsula bear watching trip. On that occasion, we stayed at the US Air Force Resort on the outskirts of town to explore the area.

    After the pandemic sort of started to subside in 2021, we returned to Seward again. This time we were on a 3-month RV trip. We spent several days here, camped in the “parking-lot”campground overlooking Resurrection Bay.

    With so many visits under out belt, we have essentially seen and done everything Seward has to offer … from Exit Glacier hiking, to Kenai Fjords boat tours, to the lovely Sealife Center, and more.

    Thus, today we set out for a simple wander. It was overcast, gloomy, cold, and drizzly, which a local later told us has been the case most of the summer. We didn’t let the weather deter us.

    Instead of taking the free city shuttle, which has 12 stops at various places around Seward, we walked into town from the cruise port … where Insignia was docked next to the behemoth named Norwegian Jewel.

    Strolling by the small boat harbor, we found the waterfront trail that passes in front of the city-operated “parking-lot” campgrounds. From there, we detoured to the post office to mail a claim for the dental work Mui had done in Ushuaia, Argentina. Our errand completed, we continued over to stroll along 4th Street, which is lined with tourist shops and restaurants. Stepping into the Sea Bean, a favorite coffee shop, we sat down to enjoy hot beverages … and “free” birthday cake in honor of Sea Bean’s 18th birthday!

    Our plan for today included having halibut fish & chips at one of the restaurants. But then we saw the street festival on 4th Street and dived in to see what was available there. When we saw a vendor selling halibut fish & chips, we decided to eat there. Big mistake, unfortunately. It was more batter than fish. Sigh! Oh well, we have a favorite place in Ketchikan where we can rectify our mistake.

    Initially, we had intended to take the shuttle back to the ship, but it was no longer raining, so we decided to head back on foot. Needed to burn the “batter calories” dont’cha know 🤪