  • Hari 95

    Vietnam - day 20

    3 Jun 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

    We woke up today and had our final breakfast with Connie which was so sad! Sunbathed together and chatted and then ended up bumping into a girl from Reigate who was staying in our hostel - so random! At about 1pm we caught the bus to Ho Chi Minh, mils had forgotten her towel so I ran back to get it meaning I was sweating so much when we boarded the bus - I then got put in the bottom row in the back of the bus next to 5 local Vietnamese - deffo wasn’t my comfiest bus ride! We soon arrived in Ho Chi Minh and checked into our hostel the hideout. Had delicious tuna banh mi for dinner and then had beers and drinks on our hostel rooftop. Met the nicest pope and even bumped into s girl as she was leaving who knew my friend Mo from Aviva! We went out to a hilarious club called Miss Saigon with about 30 people from the hostel which was so fun! Came back and FaceTimed mumzy to say happy birthday! As we were going to bed we randomly bumped into a group of boys who had made friends with Liz and Daria whilst travelling and happened to be in the hostel room next door to us here!Baca lagi