East Asia

mars - april 2024
Divya and Aushim’s month long adventures across various parts of East Asia Les mer
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  • Dag 9


    17. mars, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    After coming back to Phuket Island, we spent the evening in the Patong area. It’s an extremely lively area filled with street food, clubs, live music bars, restaurants and also a Muay Thai boxing stadium. Bangla road in particular is the centre of energy of this happening place. We started off with some street food - dumplings and rice rolls. And then followed it up with some drinks in the New York live music bar - which was the highlight of the evening. The live band was crazy good and they played popular songs from various genres and periods. We requested “Gimme Gimme Gimme” by ABBA and they eventually did play ABBA but “Mamma Mia” which was pretty good too. We ended the night with some Thai Mango with sticky rice before heading back to the hotel. I think by now, we are a bit addicted to this dish.Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Phuket Big Buddha

    18. mars, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    On our final day in Thailand, we went to see the Phuket Big Buddha on our way to the airport. It’s a majestic 45m tall statue on top of a hill in southern Phuket. We were almost going to skip it because of being short on time, but were so glad we didn’t. The statue is really tall and you can’t help but feel in awe of the structure and the views from atop the hill. The short reads on the spread of Buddhism in South East Asia were nice additions to the monument. Once at the airport, we had some Pad Thai and for one last time because we couldn’t resist, Thai mango with sticky rice. Next up - flight to Bali with a layover in Kuala Lumpur.Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Layover in Kuala Lumpur

    18. mars, Malaysia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    So we had around 3 hours to kill at the Kuala Lumpur airport before our connecting flight to Bali and we considered using one of those capsule hotels. But then I proposed something better - a board game. We played a game of 7 Wonders Duel on the floor of one of the departure gates. I won but to be fair, it was Divya’s first time playing so there was a bit of a learning curve and some minor confusion about some of the rules. Overall, both of us enjoyed playing it. We had some quick early dinner - Soto Ayam and Lotong Vegetables, and then boarded our flight to Bali.Les mer

  • Dag 11

    Balinese food, beach and spa

    19. mars, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    We are in everyone’s favourite holiday destination in Indonesia - Bali, and on our first day here we decided to go on a tour of South Bali, which is mostly all about beaches, water sports and Hindu temples. We started off with doing a Jet Ski along the beach, which was okay, nothing great. We then went for a traditional Balinese massage/aromatherapy (just Divya, not me). It was then time for lunch and we went to a local place and tried a Nasi Campur, which turned out to be more spicy than Divya’s stomach would have liked. We learnt that local places (unlike places catering to tourists) are not able to adjust spice levels. We’ll be careful about this now.Les mer

  • Dag 11

    GWK, Uluwatu and Kecak Dance

    19. mars, Indonesia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Bali has done really well on religious tourism. The majority of its population is Hindu and there are lots of temples dedicated to Hindu gods and goddesses. We visited some of the popular ones on our South Bali excursion. First was the Garuda Wisnu Kencana park (aka GWK), a cultural centre dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Garuda and showcasing their gigantic and majestic statues. Next, we visited the Uluwatu cliff, with beautiful sunset views and light blue sea waves crashing at the bottom of the cliff. It also featured the Uluwatu temple - a thousand year old temple which was coincidentally doing a major one-a-year holy ceremony when we visited. The highlight though was the Kecak dance performance, which happens every evening at a beautiful open amphitheater on top of the cliff. It is a depiction of important scenes from the Ramayana and involved the performers making “kecak” sounds while enacting the scenes and sometimes playing with actual fire. The whole thing was a mesmerising experience - an absolute must for when in Bali.Les mer

  • Dag 12

    East Bali’s Instagram route

    20. mars, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    East Bali has some top spots if you want that perfect photo for your Instagram. We went on a highly recommended photography tour we found on Airbnb. This was going to be Divya’s spotlight day. We started really early (at 4am) and even then couldn’t beat the crowds at our first spot - Lempuyang Temple with the famous Gate of Heaven. Interestingly, the officials had a numbered queue system for clicking pictures at the main spot. We got in the queue and waited for an hour before our number was called. It was fascinating to see an entire experience carved around getting perfect Instagram shots. Next, we went to the Tirta Gangga temple, a picturesque garden with many water ponds and fishes. This was followed by the highlight of the day - the Goa Raja waterfall. We were supposed to go to the Tukad Cepung waterfall but replaced it at the last moment because of accessibility and a recent landslide there, and we were very happy with our decision. The waterfall was beautiful and Divya was able to click many stunning shots over there. We then visited a coffee plantation and tasted the Kopi Luwak (world’s most expensive coffee). We also bought some. Finally we went for lunch over to the rice terraces, which also had the famous Instagram-favourite swings. Divya started on the swings but it started to heavily rain before she could complete them all. She had gotten some nice shots by then, so we called it a day and headed back to our hotel amidst pouring rain.Les mer

  • Dag 13

    Chilling in Ubud

    21. mars, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    We took some time off the crazy travelling schedule to just chill and relax in Ubud. We had initially planned to do an early morning Jeep sunrise tour of Mt. Batur, but both of us felt we would be happier just relaxing in our resort in Ubud. And that’s what we did. We cancelled all our plans. Our room looked over a pool and was surrounded by a hilly landscape of lush greenery. The views were amazing, especially when it was raining, which it did a couple of times. We played board games, swam in the pool, visited the local Ubud centre for some food and shopping, and Divya got a hot and cold stone massage done in the resort spa. This definitely helped us recharge for the upcoming final leg of our trip in South East Asia - Singapore.Les mer

  • Dag 14

    Singaporean food memories

    22. mars, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    We’ve landed in Singapore, a special place for me because I lived and worked here for the first 2 years of my career. Divya was also looking forward to it because I had introduced her to Hainanese Chicken Rice in London and she loved it. This was our chance to experience the authentic version of the dish and that’s what we did. We went first to Lau Pa Sat, a historical food court where I used to have lunch almost every day. The chicken rice was yum, especially the rice and the sauces. We then went to Maxwell food centre to try the version at Tian Tian, which is considered the “original” version. We liked this less mostly because some of the sauces and the broth were already mixed in. The chicken here was much tender though. We also ended up trying Kaya butter toast at Ya Kun Kaya, one of the things I used to have frequently. Another thing on the list was Salmon Pepper Rice at Pepper Lunch Express, but we were already too full and well satisfied to try that.Les mer

  • Dag 14

    Marina Bay

    22. mars, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    After the foodie stuff and a quick foot massage, we headed to Singapore’s most popular spot - Marina Bay. It was fun to travel via MRT again and listen to the announcements in 4 languages on the Purple Line. Our first stop was the Merlion - Singapore’s national symbol. We then took a long walk along the Marina Bay, admiring the skyline (which also includes my former office) and the iconic Marina Bay Sands building.Les mer

  • Dag 14

    Gardens by the Bay

    22. mars, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We visited the Gardens by the Bay - a gigantic and beautiful garden showcasing the flora from around the world. After walking around the garden for a bit, we went to the Flower Dome to see vast arrays of different flowers including a special installation of Sakura. We then went to the stunning Cloud Forest and sat there for a bit admiring the huge rainforest tree with waterfalls flowing through it. Finally in the evening, we saw the light show in the Supertree Grove in the backdrop of western classical music. After all of this, we went back to our friend Ravi’s house, where a delicious homely meal of dal, chawal, paneer and rajma awaited us.Les mer