  • Dia 31

    24 hours homeless.

    20 de julho de 2016, Grécia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Our last day in Santorini has arrived! We woke up rested in the morning and ready to pack our bags before check out. This is the last time we have to pack before heading home because we are about to spend the next 24 hours homeless.

    You read that right... From the time we check out of Santorini Until our flight home from Athens we officially have no place to stay. All part of the backpacking experience!

    Now I know what you're thinking.. That's some poor planning on our part. But no! We have it all worked out. Just keepbreading and you will understand.

    Ok back to the day.

    So we packed up our stuff and went to check out at the main office at 11am. We stored our bags and were told we had to catch our shuttle to the port at 215pm. We had a few hours to kill, so we decided to stroll along the beach for a bit and look for something to eat.

    We found a cuteblittle restaurant on the beach and ordered souvlaki plates as our last official mealnin Santorini. We took our time eating (we hadba lot of it to spare..) and partway theough the meal we were geeeted by 2 cats. These cats belonged to the owner of the restaurant and were very friendly.. But we noticed one looked like ahe had recently given birth and was sniffing a part of thebfloor board mewing repeatedly. We then heard the baby kittens under the floor... Oh my gosh. After checking it out with the owners they realized she probably gave birth the night before and either couldn't get the kitten s out or forgot how to get under the deck. They promised to pry up the floor boards when his carpenter got there and we qent back to eating, releaved.

    Our server (the woman) came back to talk to us at the end of our meal and we discovered that we both were dancers who loved ballet! As we went to pay and leave, the server gave us a traditional greek plate (the kind you break at weddings and yell 'opa!') to take home as a souvenir.

    How do we always find the nicest people?!

    So we headed back to catch our shuttle to the port, and arrived around 3pm. Our ferry was scheduled to leave at 530.

    So we picked a restaurant with shade and free wifi on the boardwalk and got dessert! Tay and I played every card game we could remember that works with 2 people and people watched as ships came in and put of the port.

    At 630 our ferry was ready to board (it must be a greek thing that ferries are always late) and we got on, securing ourselves a spot to sleep on the long couches. This got us a lot of dirty looks from other passengers, but there were 5 stops prior tonours and with 10 hours on board, we needes a place to sleep.

    Let me tell you, the ride was a lot more comfortable that the super jet we had to Santorini HOWEVER with the weather being as windy as it was the past few says the riDE was still pretty rough. There was stil plenty of sick passengers and Tay and I popped motion sickness pills and ate digestive cookies like it was pur day job.

    It is currently 1130pm and we have about 5 more hours on board. Once we land at 530 we don't havebto get to the Athens airport until about 9am to check in for our 12oclock flights back home.

    That 3.5 hour gap is our true time of homelessness... It didn't make sense to get a hostel or air bnb for such a short time so we are going to grin and bear it!

    Can't wait to update you all on the current situation.

    Stay tuned!

    UPDATE: the rest of the ride we hit much smoother waters. We stopped at a port for a bit to ride out the wind and everyone slept. We ended up getting in closer to 5am, then Tay and i caught the 550 bus to the airport where we are currently getting breakfast before checking in!
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