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    • Day 63

      Road trip!!

      August 29, 2023 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Big adventure for our last full holiday day!

      Armed with our smart car and a relatively small island we were ready to explore! We started the morning at the Red Beach, not really a fantastic beach but the enormous red cliffs were a spectacular view! After a brief swim there we adventured on to the light house on the south west corner of the island! It was pretty awesome standing right out on the point and being surrounded by sea on almost all sides!

      We then found an accidental Venetian palace that had a secret cafe inside which was an amazing lunch stop and they gave us a farewell shot of a caramel liquor! This was also where we learnt that salad kind of just means dip in Greece 😶

      A quick shower and costume change later and we headed up to Oia, the North western point of the island, to watch the famous Oia sunset. To say that the people around we a bit feral would be an understatement but we again went full scuffed backpacker. We climbed right out in a rocky outcrop and had the most spectacular view of the sunset unimpeded by anyone (except the hens do on a yacht who had a stripper up the rigging dancing to 'it's raining men'). It was the most spectacular end to our big global adventure and we're getting ready to start our journey home tomorrow!
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    • Day 4

      Checking out Today

      July 11, 2023 in Greece ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      Binosanto denotes the wine from Santorini. They do not water raising the grapes. Consequently, the wine has extraordinary sweetness, and the best description would be:

      "It tastes honey 🍯."

      A sampler bottle of Binosanto costs 6 euros, which you may find in a souvenir store.

      Also, it is often recommended to try grilled squids in Santorini.
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    • Day 7

      Perivolos Beach

      August 29, 2019 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Auch die zum Meer hin flache Seite der Insel hat einiges zu bieten. Der Perivolos Strand ist breiter und weniger felsig als die Buchten auf der Caldera Seite. Außerdem gibt es tolle Angebote für Wassersport Begeisterte wie z.B. Jet Skiing, Bananaboot Riding und Parasailing. Hier tummeln sich allerdings auch wesentlich mehr Touristen!Read more

    • Day 4

      Tour durch Santorini

      May 20 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Heute haben wir eine wunderschöne Tour durch Santorini gemacht. Wir sind in Perissa gestartet und sind dann in die Hauptstadt Fira (Thira) mit dem Bus gefahren. Von dort aus ging es zum Hafen Firas. Von dort sind wir zu dem Vulkan gefahren und sind bis nach oben gewandert. Danach haben wir den Vulkan umrundet und sind ein kleines Stück weitergefahren, zu "hot springs" (warme Wasserstelle mit Schwefel vom Vulkan). Von dort ging es dann auf die Insel Thirasia und hatten da 3h Zeit um uns alleine alles anzugucken. Danach ging es zurück nach Fira (Thira) und von dort sind wir mit dem Bus dann nach Oia gefahren. In echt heißt die Stadt einfach "Ia" ohne O.Read more

    • Day 4

      Bel risveglio

      September 8, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Sono le 8 del mattino e ci sveglia la proprietaria dell' hotel.....un ospite californiana al suo giorno di check out fa marcia indietro con la sua audi cabrio in affitto e urta il nostro Ferrarino dune buggy... Ottimo per iniziare la giornata😓Read more

    • Day 31

      24 hours homeless.

      July 20, 2016 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Our last day in Santorini has arrived! We woke up rested in the morning and ready to pack our bags before check out. This is the last time we have to pack before heading home because we are about to spend the next 24 hours homeless.

      You read that right... From the time we check out of Santorini Until our flight home from Athens we officially have no place to stay. All part of the backpacking experience!

      Now I know what you're thinking.. That's some poor planning on our part. But no! We have it all worked out. Just keepbreading and you will understand.

      Ok back to the day.

      So we packed up our stuff and went to check out at the main office at 11am. We stored our bags and were told we had to catch our shuttle to the port at 215pm. We had a few hours to kill, so we decided to stroll along the beach for a bit and look for something to eat.

      We found a cuteblittle restaurant on the beach and ordered souvlaki plates as our last official mealnin Santorini. We took our time eating (we hadba lot of it to spare..) and partway theough the meal we were geeeted by 2 cats. These cats belonged to the owner of the restaurant and were very friendly.. But we noticed one looked like ahe had recently given birth and was sniffing a part of thebfloor board mewing repeatedly. We then heard the baby kittens under the floor... Oh my gosh. After checking it out with the owners they realized she probably gave birth the night before and either couldn't get the kitten s out or forgot how to get under the deck. They promised to pry up the floor boards when his carpenter got there and we qent back to eating, releaved.

      Our server (the woman) came back to talk to us at the end of our meal and we discovered that we both were dancers who loved ballet! As we went to pay and leave, the server gave us a traditional greek plate (the kind you break at weddings and yell 'opa!') to take home as a souvenir.

      How do we always find the nicest people?!

      So we headed back to catch our shuttle to the port, and arrived around 3pm. Our ferry was scheduled to leave at 530.

      So we picked a restaurant with shade and free wifi on the boardwalk and got dessert! Tay and I played every card game we could remember that works with 2 people and people watched as ships came in and put of the port.

      At 630 our ferry was ready to board (it must be a greek thing that ferries are always late) and we got on, securing ourselves a spot to sleep on the long couches. This got us a lot of dirty looks from other passengers, but there were 5 stops prior tonours and with 10 hours on board, we needes a place to sleep.

      Let me tell you, the ride was a lot more comfortable that the super jet we had to Santorini HOWEVER with the weather being as windy as it was the past few says the riDE was still pretty rough. There was stil plenty of sick passengers and Tay and I popped motion sickness pills and ate digestive cookies like it was pur day job.

      It is currently 1130pm and we have about 5 more hours on board. Once we land at 530 we don't havebto get to the Athens airport until about 9am to check in for our 12oclock flights back home.

      That 3.5 hour gap is our true time of homelessness... It didn't make sense to get a hostel or air bnb for such a short time so we are going to grin and bear it!

      Can't wait to update you all on the current situation.

      Stay tuned!

      UPDATE: the rest of the ride we hit much smoother waters. We stopped at a port for a bit to ride out the wind and everyone slept. We ended up getting in closer to 5am, then Tay and i caught the 550 bus to the airport where we are currently getting breakfast before checking in!
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    • Day 28


      July 17, 2016 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Up and out of the "hostel" (doomsday bunker) at 10am to check out, we decided to store our bags and check out Paradise beach down the road before catching the 2pm shuttle to our ferry.

      Paradise beach was beautiful (but a tad expensive to do anything but swim) and after what seems like no time at all, we had to head back to the "hostel" to catch our bus.

      Here is where things started getting a bit hinky. Leave it to us to have the hardest time ever!

      Firat of all, the shuttle dropped us at the port and when we got there we were told we were at the wrong port. And the shuttle was gone. Great. We caught a city bus to the other port and found a spot to ait for an hour and a half. Next, we coulsnt find anyone who worked at the port. Literally everyone was confused as to when and where the ferry was coming... But after a little sleuthing I found a small hole in the wall that doubled as an office for the ferry. I was told the ferry was going to be about 20 minutes late and when itnxomes there will be an announcement.

      There was no announcement.

      Regardless, we made it to the ferry eventually and found our seats. We slept right away and thank god... Because this ferry was plowing through waves and apparently so many people were sea sick during the journey... I would have been if I wasn't asleep!

      We got to the ferry and looked for our shuttle bus..... It wasn't there. A sketchy guy told us we werent being picked up and we had to pay 10 euro to get to the hostel. We were MORE than a little pissed off.

      We gotbto the hostel ready to give them a piece of our mind, only to find out it was a misunderstanding and we are being compensated with a free shuttle to the airport (which usually has a charge) to make up for it.

      Let me tell you this hostel completely made our days brighter. Notnonly does it have 4 walls, it is a villa with a walk out porch to the private swimming pool, air conditioning, en suite bathroom and all amenities included. HUGE DIFFERENCE FROM THE LOBSTER TRAP THAT WAS OUR LAST "HOSTEL".

      After dropping our stuff off, we walked to the beach to explore before grabbing dinner and planning our next few days.

      We have some exciting things coming up. Stay tuned to hear more of our crazy adventures!
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    • Day 31

      Donkey Indy 500

      July 20, 2016 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      First full day in Santorini: so much to do!! We started out by renting ATVs from a local shop (and it was only 25€ for 24 hours... Everything included) and after a quick fuel stop we set our to explore the island.

      Let me tell you a few things about Greek drivers.. First, no matter what type of vehicle they are driving - be it a bus or a moped - everyone thinks they can fit into the smallest areas and that they have the right of way. Second, the roads are very narrow and windy, and Greek drivers could not care less. Third... They like to go fast. Really, really fast. In order to survive as a driver in Greece, you need to become a Greek driver.

      So we hauled ass through the city streets towards Fira, the cente of the island. We made a stop to grab a breakfast (donuts) and then cruised through the city. We decided to wing it without maps because A) that's basically how we have handled this entire trip and B) it's virtually impoasible to get lost on an island this small. The only thing we had on the agends was to get to Oia (the northern part of the island) in order to watch the sunset. We found several cute streets, secluded beaches, and houses that are literally caves in mountains.

      After a while, we were getting hungry (again) so we headed towards the southern mountain to see what we could find. We happened upon a cute restaurant made out of an old converted windmill that was absolutely adorable and had a great atmosphere. We ordered a tsaziki appetizer which was giant and each had a greek salad. Honestly I am in love with greek salad.

      After eating, we hopped back on Gin and Tonic (our ATVs) and raced through the streets towards the top of the mountain. We made it to the top to find a couple of secluded military bases and a monestary.. But we couldn't explore the monastery because we were not dressed conservatively. C'est la vie!

      As we came down the winding hills, a buss was heading straight as us so naturally I pulled off into the side of the road to let him pass. Did I accidentily spin out and pull a 180 into a ditch doing so? Possibly. Did I recover spectacularly and have the bus driver givingnme a thumbs up as he passed? Also possible. They are All Terrain Vehicles, after all... I was simply testing their capabilities!

      After the mountain, we decided to check out the famous steps that donkeys can bring you up and down. We got lost a cew times trying to find it (mainly because no one in Europe can give directions... Honestly) but eventually found prime parking in the middle of Fira and hiked up the mountain through some crazy busy streets. When we finally found the donkeys, we hopped on one each and were led down the steps by its trainer.

      Taylor named her donkey Paco and mine had a bit of an identity crisis before I settled on Minou.. And the ride down was great but a bit steep! When we got to the bottom we looked up at the steps we would have to walk and decided to take the donkeys back up the hill. I got to stay on mine, but Tay was transferred to a bigger donkey who she eventually named Speedy.

      Speedy and Paco must have thought they were in the donkey Indy 500 because holy.. Did they fly up the hill. They literally forced their way past many other donkeys and seemed to be racing each other as we flew up the steps back to Fira town.. It took us half the time to get back up than it did to get down! Still, I had a great time and I am so happy we had then chance to ride the donkeys like my Poppy suggested :)

      When we finally made it back to our ATVs (somehoe the walk back seemed to be uphill again.. How do we always find a way to walk uphill BOTH DIRECTIONS) we jumped back on and decided to travel by the beaches before heading up to Oia. We went through many tiny back roads on the way to see all of the beaches, literally exploring all of the island. I am not exaggerating when I say this.. We actually covered the whole island.

      When we got to Oia, we found a street that led to Ammoudi Bay - a famous section of Santorini. Wellnit was obbiously very popular because it had one TINY road down the hill towards the bay and it was full of cars, mopeds, ATVs and busses who DID NOT GET OUT OF THE WAY FOR ANYONE. SERIOUSLY SO ANNOYING. When we finally got through and parked, we climbed down the the sea sode and managed to find this hidden swimming cove near tide pools and a rock you could jump off of. We didn't swim as we had left our bathing suits in the ATV but we watched people struggle to get in and out of the water long enough to feel like we had the experience ourselves.

      We hiked back to the ATVs amd after some careful maneuvering (they don't have a reverse so we had to push them out by hand. Around 2 busses. And 2 busloads of asian tourists) we were on our way again. We finally headed up to Oia centre where we parked our atvs again and went into the town to explore.

      One of the first thibgs we had to do was find the spot where everyone takes pictures in Santorini. You know the spot.. With the blue dome shaped roof in the background? After exploring and navigating through tourists, we found the spot and took our Santorini pictures.

      We started to get hungry and so we stopped at this cute restaurant overlooking the city which was definitely expensive but worth every penny for the view. We stayed for a couple of hoirs to kill time before the sunset, the headed over to the viewing section to secure our spot.

      As the time past by, people atarted to flood the area to get a good view... There were so many people on this tiny spot it was absolutely ridiculous! The sunset was spectacular (regardless of the stupidity of those around us. "Does the sun set somewhere else in winter" honestly. Honestly? Ahhhhhhhh) and as soon as it went down we joined the hoard heading back to the one road that takesbyou out of oia.

      After what seemed like an eternity, we broke free from the crowd and rushed to our ATVs so we could attempt to get home! We flew through the streets on the bayside (literally flew. There were two guys on another atv that we passed and they looked so butthurt. It was great) and headed back into our village ofnPerissa whrre we attempted to find aloe to sooth our burnt skin.. But it was too expensive.

      After calling it a night, we parked and went to bed in orser to be ready for our next adventure.

      Stay tuned!
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    • Day 1

      Griechische Küche

      August 29, 2021 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Die griechische Küche ist geprägt von den geographischen Gegebenheiten. In dem insel- und damit auch küstenreichen Land spielen Fisch und Meeresfrüchte eine große Rolle. Gleichzeitig ist Griechenland jedoch auch ein sehr gebirgiges Land mit einem Gebirgsanteil von knapp 80 %. Schaf- und Ziegenfleisch haben auf dem griechischen Speiseplan eine große Bedeutung.Read more

    • Day 1

      Erster entspannter Strandspaziergang

      August 29, 2021 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Der Strand hat tiefes, glitzerndes Wasser und ist mit schwarzem Lavasand bedeckt, der typisch für die Strände von Santorini ist. Es ist ein langer, gut organisierter Strand mit vielen Restaurants und Bars.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Perívolos, Perivolos

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