• Dag 17

    Mount Rushmore and Minuteman

    24 oktober 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    How mad or ambitious you would have to be to decide to take up the position of sculpting four heads of some very familiar presidents out of a mountain.
    The over achiever Gutzon Borglum gave it a go and didn’t do too bad a job either considering he used jackhammers and dynamite.
    Jackhammers you would feel fairly comfortable with on that scale but dynamite, I’de worry you would end up with president no nose.
    Anyone who remembers cracker night will remember the preceding weeks before and the unpredictability of the attempts that were made blowing up stuff with bungers, even on that small scale nothing went to plan, many of us still bear the scars.
    So we’re impressed, to be able get a likeness on that scale and make sure the four presidents have all their facial features where they should be is remarkable, there is no half an ear or a cracked eyeball lying halfway down the mountain.

    These founding fathers could never imagine they nearly got their rock heads blown off by rockets a number of times but if you read the list of the near misses at the Minuteman Missile Historic Site that is what could have happened.
    It was clever stuff. One instance was someone put in a training tape of a nuclear attack and every idiot who had their finger on the button thought it was for real.
    Another time the Russians early warning system told them the Americans had launched a nuclear attack but luckily that day someone with brains was on duty and delayed retaliation.
    He was later highly awarded and at one time he was a guest of the United States where they did a tour of the Minuteman Silos for him, there’s proof Americans don’t get irony. Instead they should have shown him Mount Rushmore and said “there still there because of you”.
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