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  • Day 20

    Will we be able to continue?

    November 28, 2022 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

    Salkantay Trek day 4, part 1. It’s gonna be a long day. I think they purposely don’t talk about day 4 too much because it’s supposedly the hardest one. They keep you focused on day 2, but here we are with no horses available and over 2000ft to walk up anyway. Luckily, we are not hungover and due to our party we got to have a slightly later morning, aka breakfast at 6:15am! We start walking at 7:30 and it’s up and away! We fall behind as usual. But we just say we like to take it all in! It took some real focus today to keep walking, I was managing to count to 2 with every other step to feel like I was making progress. We make it to the top at about 10:00 though, so I say we made real good time! If a chicken can do it than so can I; chicken pace is the one for me. It’s magical to be in the mountains and have such insane views at every turn, too bad I’m just looking at my feet willing them to keep moving the whole time!Read more