  • Gün 27

    Outeiro to Santiago de Compostela

    15 Ekim 2018, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Outeiro to Santiago de Compostela

    Distance 17kms (3.5 hours)

    There were 7 peregrinos in the remote rural Albergue. It was very modern and cosy. The hospilardo arranged for food to be ordered and delivered. Unfortunately, it did not arrive until 9.30pm. We were starving! Once delivered though, all seven of us sat at a long table and shared some of our food.
    I left the Albergue at 7.30am in total darkness and lashing with rain. The rain continued all morning.
    The path meandered along the main N525 route to Santiago. I took a wrong turn once and after half kilometre later, I instinctively knew that I had gone awry. I got back on the Camino and finally arrived at 11am into the main square. I was very wet and bedraggled.
    I made my way to the peregrinos office to collect my Compostela. It was like the Spanish Inquisition. Finally, the official shook my hand and congratulated me on walking the Via de la Plata.
    Ruaidhri arrived shortly after me. We both went to the information office to get details of the Camino Finisterre. Ruaidhri is walking from Santiago to Vigo.
    I have checked into the private Albergue and am drying out.
    Tomorrow, the weather promises to be better and I will begin the Camino Finisterre.
    And that was my 26th and final day on the Via de la Plata / Camino Sanabres.
    Okumaya devam et