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  • Day 20

    Lugo - Ponferrada

    June 11, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 61 °F

    Once again, the breathtaking landscape stretches endlessly, adorned with lush green hills and valleys that extend as far as the eye can see, devoid of any visible houses.

    Approaching Ponferrada, the scenery evolves, showcasing hills adorned with vineyards and fruit orchards that dot the spaces between the mountains. These charming farms and houses gradually cluster into quaint villages.

    Up to this point, our journey has been graced by impeccably maintained local roads and highways, complete with clear signage and directional indicators.

    The vibrant yellow hue that catches your attention is the flourishing Scotch Broom, adorning our path as we ascend to the pilgrim statue atop the lofty elevation of 1270 meters.

    The Hotel Temple Ponferrada, conveniently situated within a stroll from the town center, looks like a castle fit for noble knights, exuding a corresponding decor. Our generously sized rooms on the 6th floor are elegantly designed rustically.

    Dominating the cityscape, the Templars Castle of Ponferrada is a testament to its medieval history. Once among the most imposing fortresses in northwestern Spain, it was gifted to the Knights Templar by King Alfonso IX in 1211 as a gesture of peace.

    We dined at Restaurant Doce Torres in the old town across from the castle for our evening meal. As darkness settled in, the courtyard was splendidly illuminated, extending an irresistible invitation for the iPhone to capture the moment in a flawless photograph.
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