Go north

november 2022
Robyn and Trevor trip north to visit Penny & Mark, stay at Russell, Ahipara Beach, visit Cape Reinga and meet with Bronwyn Läs mer
  • 13fotavtryck
  • 1länder
  • 15dagar
  • 71foton
  • 0videoklipp
  • 946kilometer
  • Dag 1

    Leaving on time!

    9 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Heading off soon. I took some photos of the vege garden which is looking good with a lot of new plantings - thought it would be interesting to see how much has grown in 2 weeks.

  • Dag 1

    A long drive

    9 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    It was a long drive, but we knew that. We left close to the time we had planned, and that is a rare thing for us. Checked that the garden watering system had worked - packed the car and off.
    We were a bit surprised to find it was raining and it did pretty much all the way until half way to Taupo. But it was clear there, but cold. Stopped for lunch at the Storehouse as our usual Replite were "having the day off" according to the sign on their door.
    The motorway to Auckland was pretty easy and straight through and it got to 25 and some sun, but rain again in Auckland.
    I don't need to tell you that it was slow through the city motorway at 5:00.
    We did have some fun on the way as per the Boys Get Paid with Nick keeping us up to date on their bets at Riccarton - and what a great days punting with a cool collect of $330,000 in the big race of the day.
    Penny and Mark were very welcoming and it was so good to see them in their home - its been a while. A beer and a few glasses of red wine and we are starting to feel a bit wery. Early to bed tonight.
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  • Dag 2


    10 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    We went today to the Sculptureum near Matakana - I was the only one who hadn't visited this place and we decided that today would likely be the finest day for the next 3/4 days. And it is a super place - we did enjoy our time there - the others were very tolerant of a photographer too. The art is superb - outdoor and indoors.
    Had a quiet lunch in Matakana and then went down the road to Morris and James - it was quiet there and we chose a few pots. We bought a small pot for our patio area at home.
    It was a lovely spring like day for a drive - but we did run into some roadworks and the first was a very long wait in a long queue.
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  • Dag 3

    How to fill in a wet day.

    11 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    It was a wet and windy night and Mark recorded 60 mls over night, but no puddles for an elevated section.
    We had put together a wet day list of activities that included axe throwing, gocarting, art classes, laser tag and 10 Pin Bowling. And 10 Pin Bowling got the nod for today.
    Our 2 games were at 11:30 and we had a lot of fun - the place was a bit run down - our lane had quite an uneven surface and none of us were as flexible as we were the last time we played.
    Penny and Robyn did a little shopping and then we went for lunch on the water front at Orewa. The Cafe is one we've been to several times and it is superb.
    Then we did a drive around Milldale - a new building area near Millwater.
    It's still cloudy here but the rain has gone south and watching a few races o TV.
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  • Dag 5

    Yesterday was Saturday, right?

    13 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    A day late but never mind. Loading this from the balcony of the Duke of Marlborough in Russell. It's been a balmy 25 degrees since we arrived at about 3.
    So back to Saturday, it was like most Saturday mornings - breakfast, coffee and Wordle - except there was some expectation for a great day. Mark was about to head off for golf - he was in the final of his clubs match play champs, BGP were all set for a big day at Riccarton and the Black Ferns were playing their final.
    Mark left for his game, Robyn and I headed to Albany for some clothes shopping for me and Penny had some shopping to do.
    We went to Farmers and it was my lucky day - a pair of Levis, 2 pair of chinos, 2 pair of shorty pajamas and t's to go with them.
    Then we me Penny for lunch at a super cafe near the mall - lunch and coffee.
    I left them to do more shopping and I set out for home to settle in for the races, then Nick text me to say the races had been abandoned - what? it sunny down there. But it was true and what shall I do now - so I gathered my camera gear and headed down to Orewa to take some photos.
    I got a text to say that Mark had won his match (on the last hole) and we waited for him to get home.
    It was time to open a bottle of Coleraine and we enjoyed that and talked about his win and the day.
    And we settled in to watch the big game - and you all know what a great game it was. BGP decided the week was finished for them and that $500,000 profit was probably a good result - and they paid us out.
    Saturday was a pretty good day.
    Sunday Penny left early for work and we had breakfast, had coffee and did Wordle, slowly packed and hit the road around 10:30. Nice warm day, with clouds about - the traffic heading north was flowing pretty well and we had no problems. Went through some heavy showers and we decided not to deviate off the main road until we got to Ruakaka when on a whim we turned right. Got down to the beach, got out went down to the beach and it started to lightly rain.
    Had lunch in Whangarei in a nice cafe that Robyn found (which was part of a roastery).
    Next stop Opua where we caught the ferry barge across to Russell.
    So that's it - our room is just lovely and sitting out on the balcony in such balmy weather is pretty hard to beat. Have been for a walk around town and sorted out a few places to eat.
    Dinners in 30 minutes so need to get going.
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  • Dag 6

    A cracker day

    14 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Yes it was a great day - lovely mild morning with sun and calm. Went down to a street cafe and had bagels and coffee - sat in the sun - the bagels were great but the coffee just average. Had a wander around town - checking out some art and gift shops - just strolling.
    We decided that we would walk up Flagstaff Hill - we did this years ago when we visited with Nan and Grandi in the late '90s. The view is great looking 360 - there were fluffy clouds out across the sounds. The climb was harder this time and came back to rest, then lunch - which was snack food and more coffee - had our lunch on the waters edge with a pair of ducks and several seagulls. A great spot to watch the boats and people coming and going.
    It was mid 20's and we felt the need for a lie down - eyes were shut!
    After that rest we got in the car for a drive - checking a few bays south of Russell and then travel further along the coastal route until we came across a lovely bay - Jack's Bay - it was just picture perfect and a little gem - with a settlement of expensive houses tucked in the bush around the bay.
    Got back near 5 and rested some more before heading down to Hone's Pizza place for dinner. Popular place, especially on a Monday - pizza, chips and IPA.
    The two nights we have been here the sunsets have been magnificent - we sat on the waters edge with lots of others and watched the sun go down.
    So good.
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  • Dag 7

    Don't go to Kerikeri.....

    15 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We got up, not too early and readied to pack and check out of the that lovely hotel. The day was overcast and packed the car and drove to a cafe called OSO - having pastries and great coffee. It had 60's decor and we sat on an old couch and enjoyed our breakfast.
    Then down to the ferry and soon in Paihia - the ferry ride is so efficient - drive on, wave your credit card near their tablet, drive off - so easy.
    We stopped in Paihia for a wander and see if the place had changed since the last time we were there, but it was very quiet despite the fact we saw a cruise ship in the bay - we also thought it looked a bit run down.
    In the car and I wanted to see the Haruru Falls and stopped there only to find the main viewing area was nearly built out!
    We made the mistake of driving into Kerikeri - wanted to have a wander there and taste some chocolate - but there were major road constructions taking place and the main road was one lane - so traffic in and around the town moved at snails pace and we made a few wrong turns getting out.
    Eventually we got going (having to travel SH10 as sections of SH1 are closed) and decided to stop at Mangonui for lunch. Found a really nice kitchen style cafe that was busy and had a salad each. We sat outside under a sail - each table had a water pistol to keep the seagulls at bay - I found that you only needed to point the pistol at them and they were off. Had a walk down to the wharf and headed off.
    This part of the country is beautiful with bush, forests, beaches and rivers - very pleasant drive. Stopped at Kaitaia at Pak n Save to get some groceries for our stay at Ahipara and then drove the 15km to our new house - we are here for 4 nights.
    We are staying in the top story of a large '90s house with a spectacular view (although it would have been a 180 degree view before a recent house was built in front). We will be happy here.
    Went down to the beach for a walk - it was overcast and quite pleasant.
    The owner says the stars are spectacular here as there is no street lights - but we will need a clear sky too!
    Tomorrow we plan to drive to Cape Reinga as Wednesday looks likely to be the best day weather wise while we are here - so looking forward to that. We have made contact with Syd and Annie King who are tripping around these parts - we will probably catch up with them in the next day or two.
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  • Dag 8

    Top of the North

    16 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Well we've now been to the very southern part of NZ, Slope Point and the very northern at Cape Reinga.
    We chose today as it look like the best chance of a fine day, given what we could see of the forecasts for this week.
    We set off just after 10:00 and stopped in Kaitaia for a lunch pack - 2 x sandwiches and 2 x peanut biscuits came to $14 and would be the cheapest lunch anywhere.
    Then off north - and we soon ran into showers, then heavy rain and we were thinking we had made a big mistake - but we kept going and for the 100 odd minutes it took us to drive north there were on and off showers.
    I was thinking well if its raining we'll just put on our rain jackets and suck it up.
    We followed for a good 50 minutes two Fullers buses and there are very few places to pass on that windy road and there was no way they wanted to pull over or use the "slow vehicle lanes". So thinking about buses and the rain was not good.
    But the gods smiled on us and within a mere 5ks from the Cape the sky cleared up and we could see a deep blue sky and then equally deep blue sea.
    We joined the bus passengers in our track down to the lighthouse and snapping photos on the way down.
    It certainly is a beautiful place - the water and the sky - the rip where the oceans meet - the contrasting green landscape and the yellow/brown sands.
    I asked a camera carrying person (who spoke little English) to take our photo, so we have both records now.
    Went up onto the hill west of the lighthouse - what a view - and then back to our car. The bus people fill the car park area eating their lunch so we decided to go back down the road a little and found a pull off area where we sat and ate our $14 lunch.
    Oops - just pushed the post button - better load some photos.

    Put the photos up - after lunch we headed back because the news said there would be storms with thunder and lightning - but it soon became apparent that wasn't going to happen.
    Stopped off at Rarawa Beach where there was white silica sand - when we got there it was hard to access due to a red stream between the carpark and the beach.
    Also stopped for a fresh fruit icecream that was sooooooo good.
    And then home.
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  • Dag 10

    Exploring Karikari peninsula and rain

    18 november 2022, Nya Zeeland ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Yesterday we decided to take a drive to Karikari peninsula and explore some of the beaches. Made our way to the town centre and drove down Tokerau beach - there was rows of beach houses along a long stretch of beach and most were unoccupied - very little sign of life. Had a sit on a bench and took in the view. It was such a lovely day, perhaps a cooler day too. The sand bank between the beach and land edge was full of shells (see images) - I expect they were a few centuries old.
    We drove further north and came across Carrington Estate where I guess Mark has played a few golf rounds there :) - we moved on to Karikari Estate which is a winery and restaurant. Ordered a platter to share and sat in a large marque (it was a bit drafty outside) with our glasses of Pinotage - not a bad drop. A bus group of old people turned up and joined us (and a few others) in the marque - they were typical old people - noisy and belligerent.
    Sat outside to take our very ordinary coffee and admired the view.
    We drove further up the road and then turned around as the road went to an area of tribal land. So explored more westerly and went to a beach called Rangiputa - it had white sand and we talked with a fisherman there who had just caught a kahawai. Sat there for a while then set out for home.
    We had Syd and Annie King over for the evening - they are staying in Ahipara for a day or two - they have been biking and tripping around here too.
    We drank some red and shared a few stories. Had fish and chips from a local shop here.
    This morning we woke to some heavy rain and easterly wind. So we have sat and did Wordle etc and caught up on photos.
    BUT it is clearing and I can see blue sky - so the day is not a dead loss.
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