  • 日85

    An Unfortunate Change of Plans

    2020年5月25日, オーストラリア ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    When we saw the weather forecast for today we immediately decided that it would be an ideal chance to get on the bikes again. After considering several different options, we eventually decided that it would be fun to ride to Cowes. We pictured ourselves enjoying our coffees and lunches sitting in the sunshine and watching the waves gently lappinb the shore.

    It never turned out that way.

    At 5 am in the morning Maggie woke up with severe stomach cramps. A few minutes later she was retching violently. It was not the day we had planned. For the next hour she alternated between feeling hot and cold. There was no way she was going to be able to get on a bike. I began to fear that we would be going to Wonthaggi Hospital instead of Cowes.

    I did my best to make her comfortable on the sofa, then covered her with a doona. The dog also sensed that all was not well and insisted on making her bed as close as possible to Maggie. I could not help but recall the unfortunate events that took place here about 2 years ago. On that occasion she ended up having emergency abdominal surgery in the middle of the night. It was an extremely stressful time that we never wished to go through again.

    On a couple of occasions Maggie started to become a little delirious. This led me to suspect that she might have food poisoning, although we had both eaten the very same food and I felt fine.

    Eventually she fell asleep. When she awoke, she felt quite a bit better, although she was still very weak. After a cup of tea and some snacks the lights started to come back on again. We never did get to get on the bikes, but I did take her for a drive along the coastline.

    We still don't know what caused the episode, but I am pleased that she is now almost back to normal.