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  • Dag 14

    Day 14 - Canggu

    29. april 2023, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

    Despite a late night we were up early again and down to breakfast for 9.30am. All this walking is making us constantly hungry!

    After breakfast we packed up all our dirty washing and took it to the local laundry shop. While she wasn't the cheapest we'd seen she was the nearest and she said she'd deliver it back us, washed, ironed, pressed & bagged by 5pm for £17 so we went for it.

    I'd seen online about a market in Canggu and how the town is supposed to be a relaxed village surfing atmosphere. I suggested it to Roy and he was up for it but to my surprise he wanted to start walking it! We'd not walked the beach that far in that direction so it was a new experience. One cool think about the beach is that there are loads of tiny crabs not bigger than a finger nail that create perfectly sized holes in the sand. As you're walking they dodge your feet and scurry straight into their little holes. It's super cute.

    Once we passed Seminyak beach onto where the big party beach clubs are, you could see an immediate difference. The beach was much dirtier with rubbish everywhere, including an inexplicable amount of empty toothpastes. At some points of the beach, water from the town came down and we're 90% sure it was full of sewage. At one point we had to pass through this water that went knee deep. We tried not to think about it.

    We got to Finns Beach Club, stopped off for the loo and a wash. Then went to a local cafe, I had a lychee iced tea (id give it a 6/10) and Roy had a coke zero. We looked on the map and we were still 37 mins away from Canggu after already walking an hour and ten so we thought F that, let's order a grab car. However after 3 attempts and 15 mins of waiting, no one wanted to accept our ride so we had no choice but to walk.

    I started getting worried as it was my plan for the day out and I didn't want Roy to be disappointed. Luckily halfway to the walk to Canggu we passed a premium fake designer shop. Roy was in his element and bought a Gucci shirt, he even took the guys WhatsApp number as he said he can ship to England. As we neared Canggu we were back to the Bali we loved, greenery and rice fields. There were beautiful offerings to the gods on all the streets and incence lit for good karma.

    We got to the market, which was like a Boho chic, art and handcraft stall. Roy got a bracelet made with Roystons on for when he's at the chill & grill. It only cost £1. After all that walking we were ready for lunch so we stopped at the Pit-Stop. The burgers were unreal and for £3 each so worth it!

    As much as we have enjoyed the walking there was no chance in hell we were walking the 1 hr 42 minutes back. On the 4th attempt of trying we finally got a grab car back. At this point it had started to rain too so we were lucky! Roy did his usual and snored most of ride back. I still can't get over how cheap Grab cars are, it only cost £3.70, I dread what a trip like that in traffic like there was would be at home!

    When we got back to the hotel our laundry had arrived. We were well happy with it. Easy to pack and it's great knowing we don't have the hassle of that when we get home!

    I made myself a cuppa and Roy had another hour nap. When he woke it up it was absolutely hammering it down. Raining the heaviest we've seen it here with loud thunder too. We wanted to wait the rain out so it was a great excuse to give mum & dad a video call. (Hi Dad!!) as always it was so nice to speak to them even though we couldn't show them much.

    It was Roy's choice for tea and he wanted to walk into Kuta. The rain had made the pavements quite slippy so we were both walking like we'd shit ourselves in an effort not to fall. There was loads of bat's out tonight which was cool to see and luckily it didn't rain again the entire evening.

    Roy picked Hard Rock Cafe for his meal choice and ordered buffalo chicken tenders & chips. I wanted a last taste of Indonesian food so I ordered their main meal - Nasi Goreng which is prawn fried rice, egg and chicken satay skewers. It was lush. We also shared an onion ring tower. I had snuck in some gin because I wanted to use up the duty free I'd bought so I ordered a tonic water and mission impossible style poured it in.

    After food, we went and did our last bit of present shopping getting stuff for Isaac and Ariana. We passed a gnarly surfer and I couldn't resist getting a pic for dad 🤙

    Halfway on the walk home we gave up. We done over 12 miles and our feet were hurting so for £1.25 we ordered a grab car back to the hotel for our last night's sleep.
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