  • Dag 4

    Cape Point

    10. juni 2010, Sydafrika ⋅ 🌙 10 °C…

    After today, I think its a possibility that this is the most beautiful city i have ever laid eyes on. Its absolutely incredible. The day started ordinarily enough. Caught a cab to central Cape Town to meet up with Matt and Dave.
    We ambled about town, making a visit to Green Market Square, where there was several small stalls and stands (mostly selling World Cup Merchandise).
    World Cup Fever has certainly hit this town, the symbol of which is undoubtedly the HORNNNNNNNNN. There are horns going off everywhere, and i mean everywhere. Continuously, you cant go a second without hearing one, or seeing 10 people blowing them. They are literally just walking on main roads, across intersections, blowing horns

    Its chaos, but you cant help but smile and appreciate their enthusiasm.
    Irritating as it may be, I was left with two choices; 1. continue to (rightfully) resent what is clearly an irritating instrument, or 2. embrace it, and when you cant beat (or ignore) them, join them. I chose the latter, purchasing a giant horn painted with the colours of the south African flag.
    We then elected to hire a car for a few days with a few adventures in mind; Cape Point, Waterfront, and some wine regions.
    Today we would journey off to Cape Point and the Cape of Good Hope. It was about a 2 hour journey along the coast, and wow, I quite simply have never seen as spectacular natural scenery. If the Great Ocean Road is good, this is 109045x better, give or take.
    Aside from a minor reversing incident by Dave... the drive went off without a hitch and was one of the best things iv experienced. We even stumbled across a wild Ox-like-thing (possibly a Zebu??) and some Osterich.
    Cape Point is the most southwestern tip of Africa, and made for some beautiful photos at sunset.
    Then i headed home, hit the gym and have now backed up all my photos onto my ipod.
    Tomorrow, im off to Robben Island first thing in the morning.
    Having such fun, and the whole aspect of World Cup excitement hasnt really set in yet... just a couple days til kick off!!
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