  • День 16

    Day 15 - March 6

    7 марта 2016 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Kia ora,

    This morning was the last part of our Routeburn Track hike. If we had transportation to pick us up, we easily could have completed it the previous day. On the other hand, it was nice to have a pleasant morning to hike in, and we were finally getting a glimpse of the views this track provides. Numerous waterfalls and rapids ran along the route, and everything in the forest is very green. At times it felt like walking through a rain forest, and in many respects it probably can be technically classified as one.

    New Zealand is considered to be down under like Australia, but they do speak a bit differently than Australians. On the trail, I could easily pick out the Australians, because many would say "g'day mate," whereas I have never heard a New Zealander say that.

    We finished our hike in the morning, and then the 9 of us rode a very scenic drive into Queenstown to reunite with the group. After getting my tent set up, I went straight for the shower. In the afternoon, I went bungy jumping to give those legs a good stretch after the hike. I also snuck in a nap on a bean bag chair while waiting for the bus to the Kawarau Bridge. The bungy is a different sort of thrill than skydiving. When I dove, my instructor was the one who forced me off the plane. This time, I had force myself off the bridge. Did I wet myself? No. Did I scream? You better believe it. It was a lot of fun.

    When I returned to town, I found out about the best dessert in town at a place called Patagonia. It was incredible ice cream. While eating my ice cream, I was treated to the sound of a bagpiper playing Scotland the Brave and Flower of Scotland, along with a couple other tunes I did not recognize.

    I then rode a gondola to a very scenic overlook of Queenstown. It provided perhaps my favorite views in New Zealand, which is saying something.

    At night, the whole group went out to dinner, as it was the last evening for many of us, including all the Americans on the tour. I had one last round of fish and chips for my meal. A few of us decided to stay out a bit later, and I got a few more dance moves out of me before calling it a night in this spectacular town.
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