  • Gün 398

    Country 11 - Denmark

    7 Temmuz 2017, Danimarka ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Our most urban wild camp so far was successful, a relatively quiet night with only a little noise from the nearby road. A 6.30 am alarm got us on our way into Goteborg once we'd picked off the slugs from the tent and given up on any hope of drying it.

    A 9.30 arrival at the ferry terminal was perfect timing for a final visit to our beloved ICA for a departure breakfast of turkish yogurt, cardamom granola and fruit muesli, even more fruit and a cheeky chocolate croissant. Oh and a farewell gift to ourselves of 2 final packs of Marabou chocolate. Apart from the ICA monstrosity we visited yesterday (the waste / sales ratio there must be criminal) its been an awesome place to shop with healthy food and a great range of non-junk. The staff at every checkout all spoke really good English in an instant the moment they realised we didn't understand and weren't Swedish. Pretty impressive!

    Sweden in summary:
    7 wild camps (FREEEEE)
    1 private campsite (20 eur per night)
    1 commercial campsite (3 x injury days)(14 Eur for a tent night, 35 Eur for a 2 person wood hut)
    1 commercial campsite - Stockholm city (30€ per night)

    Moral of the story - Sweden can be done very cheaply and with way more nature and tranquility than ona campsite if you can deal with ants, mosquitos and elks!

    As per the last ferry trip, we boarded the the ferry with the rest of the cars /lorries etc in a lane full of hardcore bikers each revving their engines as they went past to join the queue. A lorry driver fell about laughing as we faked an engine noise cycling up the ferry ramp :D

    As per precedent, it was raining as we disembarked but we decided to carry on and let the shower pass. EuroVelo route 3 is meant to be the crowning glory of the EuroVelo network, complete and signed. We decided we'd go for that one which should take us through the middle of Denmark as the tourist classic route. Impressively after only a few km we were out of the town into the rolling countryside. Little traffic and well signed tracks.

    Until it turned to stoney farm tracks.... disappointing start to EV3! road bikes and city bikes would have no chance. Its a little borderline with cyclability with our touring hybrids but fresh from my crash last week on such a road it wasn't worth the stress of trying to master it. Instead we've decided on a combined aporoach of cycling the route 3, when it turns from ashphalt to stones then we'll go on the orange grade roads.

    Tonight we're on a free community campsite complete with compost toilet, wood shed, benches and tables, 2 x sleeping huts (too full of spiders though) and a hedgehog. Great find!
    Okumaya devam et