New York - Concrete jungle ...

december 2011 - januari 2012
Een 25-daags avontuur van Alphadog's Travels Meer informatie
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  • Dag 10


    22 december 2011, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Thursday was another day of chillin' out around New York.

    Tracey and I went uptown early and wandered down East 42nd Street (in line with Times Square and running east - west across Manhattan), this is where Grand Central Station and the Chrysler Building can be found. There is the famous photo of Grand Central Station with sun streaming in the windows lighting up the room, no chance of that happening now as it is surrounded by high buildings. It is a very impressive building, the photos show its beautiful blue roof and fantastic architecture.

    We continued down 42nd to the Chrysler Building. This a seriously sensational building. It is on par, if not better than, the Queue Building (aka the Empire State Building) - I definitely think it is a better looking building. The gargoyles and eagles on the outside are all chrome as are the spike and famous curved bits at the very top of the building. There isn't a viewing platorm or anything like that so Tracey and I formed a queue of our own in 42nd Street, just so we didn't miss out on our daily dose.

    Then we headed back to to Bryant Park for a hot chocolate from the Max Brenner shop and to wait for the teenagers to make their way uptown to meet us. Then we headed across to Times Square to go to M & M World. Tracey and the boys were talking about this M & M World and I thought they were talking about the singer Eminem and I was wondering what would be in there. They soon put me straight with much eye-rolling.

    M & M World is pretty impressive. Three levels devoted to all things M & M - tshirts, stickers, dispensing machines, boxer shorts, chocolates, plates, cups, soft toys, and anything else you can think of. We loaded up on some interesting M & M paraphenalia and an appropriate amount of M & Ms themselves before heading up to 5th Avenue again to do some shopping, yes even the teenagers joined in.

    After battling the crowds for a while we headed back to the apartment to rest up before we commenced our evening's entertainment!

    Thursday evening saw us off to Madison Square Garden to watch the New York Rangers play the New York Islanders in ice hockey. Apparently this was a huge match, intense local rivalry, New York pride on the line, more important than life itself!!

    The Islanders were the past greats having won 3 or 4 competitions on the trot in the 1980's but have dropped off a bit in recent times, the Rangers were the up and coming favourites.

    This is one strange game. Luckily I started chatting to they guy next to me otherwise we wouldn't have had any idea, and would have been left sitting in an empty stadium waiting for the 4th quarter to start! There are about 26 teams in the comp across both the US and Canada. The NY Rangers were playing Thursday and then backing up gain to play on Friday, none of this 1 week break between games nonsense. The game has 3 x 20 minute periods of play and there are 6 players from each team on the ice - the goal keeper, 2 defenders, and 3 offensive players. The objective is, of course, to get the puck into the opponent's net, the puck weighs about 1.3kgs so it has a bit of weight behind it and they sure don't hold back. There were unlimited substitutions and they seemed to change the whole team about every 3 or 4 minutes during the game.

    There was a lot of crunching into the barriers like you see on TV and in the movies. There were a few fights which are pretty pointless as they all wear so much padding, and when a fight breaks out they all stand back and watch for a few minutes before the Refs step in and stop them. Fighting and tripping all earn you time on the side lines usually 2 minutes for a trip and 5 minutes for a fight.

    Anyway that's enough of a lesson. I thought it was a good game, it sure takes a lot of skill to be skating (backwards as much as forwards), controlling the puck, and avoiding the opposition. Many of the players were from Eastern Europe or Sweden where I guess they learn to skate at a young age.

    The end result was the Rangers won 4 to 2 much to the crowds' delight.

    The Islanders really did not rate a mention. At an NRL game both teams get introduced and talked about before the game starts, this game was a Rangers' home game so the Islanders were not mentioned or introduced. The crowd was very well behaved, except for some yobs yelling out during the National Anthem, and all in all it was a good night.

    After the game we were back on the B-Line home.

    Tomorrow it's van Gogh, Cezanne, Degas, Matisse, Tolouse-Latrec, Picasso, Dali, Monet, and soooo many more!
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  • Dag 11

    Homage to the Masters!

    23 december 2011, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Friday was all about the Masters.

    Tracey and I rose early and went to the local supermarket. Usual lot of groceries but, more importantly, we'd run out of Coronas (that's a type of beer Mum) and had to stock up while they are still on special!

    We then rounded up the young-uns and headed up town to West 86 Street, this street runs east west and is about half way up Central Park. This was as far north as we have been and you don't really want to go much past the top of Central Park which is 110th Street.

    We headed through Central Park, past the Jackie Kennedy Onassis Reservoir, to the Guggenheim Museum. This cork-screw like building was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and built in the '50s, it is pretty impressive though not particularly big. They have an interesting collection of art both old and modern and there were heaps of people milling around. The central section has a large sculpture hanging from the roof just called 'All' by a dude called Maurizio Cattelan, lots of bits hanging from the roof including the biggest fooz-ball table I have ever seen.

    After inflicting culture on the teenagers we went outside and partook in that great New York culinary tradition - Street Meat.

    All over town there are little carts on the footpath selling hot dogs, kebabs, pretzels, nuts, and lots more. They usually smell fantastic and some of them will have a queue of people waiting to be served. We tried a hot dog from the cart out the front of the Guggenheim - verdict, it was OK. Probably should have tried one of his other offerings.

    We caught the subway back into town and split up, the boys hung around town for a bit and then headed back to the apartment. Trace and I went to the MOMA - Museum of Modern Art - which is in the middle of the shopping district in town. There are some great paintings here - Monet, van Gogh, Cezanne, Picasso just to name a few. Once again there were lots of visitors to the Museum and their gift shop was quite interesting.

    By this time it was quite dark so we headed back to the apartment for a quiet evening in.

    A few points I have noticed/learned so far:

    - There are heaps of tourists especially from Europe
    - The gutters are steel so the snow plows don't destroy them
    - Man-hole covers really do have steam coming out around them (don't know why)
    - Everyone travels by subway and they have grates in the footpath that blow air like the scene from the Marilyn Monroe movie
    - Driving would be nightmare as pedestrians think they have the right of way and the traffic is so bad anyway
    - The spike at the top of the Empire State Building was designed for airships to moor to it but only 1 ever did as it was considered too dangerous
    - New Yorkers are very friendly and happy to help a tourist
    - It is a very safe city
    - The architecture is stunning, every day we see something that makes us stop and say 'look at that'
    - Americans love (and I mean LOVE) peanut butter. Today Trace and I found those Lindt chocolate balls filled with peanut butter, you can also get M & Ms, cupcakes, and bags of chocolates all filled with peanut butter
    - Light switches turn on/off the wrong way - down is off, up is on
    - Power points don't have an on/off switch, just the plug holes
    - I have taken over 600 photos

    Tomorrow it is mid-town madness!
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  • Dag 12

    Union City

    24 december 2011, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

    Saturday was the last day of shopping before Christmas. Trace and I were up early and headed to the supermarket to get Christmas dinner organised and then we headed towards Chelsea, Noho, and Greenwich Village. These districts are in between the southern end of Manhattan and the main shopping area at the southern end of Central Park. It was a gloriously bright and sunny day and the shops weren't overly busy.

    We visited a number of shops including American Eagle, Espirit, Crate & Barrel, Barnes & Noble, and others. The boys called in for a burger at one of the local Noho shops and decared it the best burger they had ever tasted.

    By this time the boys decided they were worn out and headed back to the apartment while Tracey and I went on to Union Square and the Flatiron district. We headed up to Union Square Park which had a neat market and some cool shops. With all the walking we have been doing we invested in some walking shoes before heading further up towards the Flatiron Building.

    This is another iconic New York building. It is built on a small triangle of land and with 22 floors was one of the first skyscrapers. It opened in 1902 and is still used as an office block. This is a nice end of town, some good shops but not as crowded as the main shopping district. It is a few blocks south of the Empire State Building and you can see its triangle shape in some of the photos I took.

    Trace and I then headed back to the apartment to organise dinner for the hungry hordes.

    We decided to try Chinese for dinner tonight so we wandered up Canal Street and over into Chinatown which is only a couple of blocks away. New York's Chinatown is much like any other - loud, crowded, and very in-your-face. We spotted a restaurant called 456 that looked OK (and seemed to be full of locals) and went in. The food was excellent - chicken & corn soup, spring rolls, chicken and cashews, beef and veges, and shredded pork - all for $70 including tip. We were in there just before 6pm but by the time we left there was a queue. I took a photo of it so I could remember the name though the lady did tell us 456 are meant to be lucky numbers.

    After dinner we wandered around Chinatown for a while and then headed back to the apartment.

    Tomorrow it is ho-ho-ho!

    NOTE: I added some photos to Tracey's entry on 12 December, she and Ewan went to Central Park Zoo.
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  • Dag 13

    Christmas in New York City

    25 december 2011, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    Ho ho ho!

    Sunday was declared a day of rest.

    After all the days of walking and looking and shopping we decided we needed a day to chill. Of course this was very disappointing to the teenagers but Tracey and I insisted. On Christmas morning we slept in till after 9am (a far cry from the Christmas mornings of not-that-many-years-ago), had breakfast, handed out Christmas presents, watched TV, surfed the web, read books, and just relaxed.

    We had a sensational Christmas dinner of roast chicken and vegies followed by apple pie and ice cream and after all that ... we relaxed some more.

    By about 3pm the teenagers were begging to go out so we headed into town to visit St Patricks Cathedral and also look at the Christmas lights. One thing I have noticed is the Americans do Christmas really well, not sure if it is the cold weather or tradition but everyone really gets into it. The shops are beautifully decorated and everyone is right into the whole 'Happy Holidays' thing.

    We caught the subway to 42nd Street and headed down towards 5th Avenue and St Patricks.

    Being Christmas day and pretty cool weather one would have thought the city would have been pretty empty - boy was that wrong. It was packed. Of course most of the shops were closed but the footpaths were jammed with people out walking. The crowds were not helped by lots of people flogging knock-off Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and various other brand hand bags. They spread them out on sheets on the footpath so they can pick up and run very quickly if the Authorities turn up. We dropped into St Pats where a Mass was happening ... in Spanish. We lit a couple of candles and pushed our way through the crowds and out the door.

    The Rockerfeller Centre was also crowded so we took a few distance photos of the Christmas Tree and moved on.

    The Cartier, Fendi, Tommy Hilfiger buildings were all lit up - the pictures below show the lights and the crowds. There were a couple of shops open, most importantly the Lindt chocolate shop so we had to drop in to sample the wares - you get a free one for walking in the door! Across the road is the shop that strikes sheer terror into most males - the De Beers diamond shop. Sadly it was closed so we moved on ... quickly.

    We walked up 5th to Central Park and found the FAO Schwarz toy shop which had been on our list to visit. Then we walked across the southern end of Central Park to Columbus Circle and caught the subway home.

    Of course Chinatown was all happening, no one would have thought it was Christmas Day as everything was open as normal.

    A quiet day.

    Tomorrow is Boxing Day - no cricket test, no yacht race, no BBQs - not sure what's going to happen!
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  • Dag 14

    Boxing Day

    26 december 2011, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Monday was a very different Boxing Day. No lying around watching cricket or basking in the sun, this Boxing Day was spent wandering around Manhattan.

    The boys went to the Central Park Zoo for a look around while Tracey and I went to the Fairmont for hot chocolate. We met up and went to FAO Schwarz, this is a huge toy shop covering 3 floors and has lots of stuff! It is where Tom Hanks played the big piano in the movie Big - you walk across the floor and the notes play. We didn't have a go as the queue was too long but it was an interesting shop. Other highlights included a big pink Barbie fooz-ball table and Lego versions of Jack Sparrow, Indianna Jones, and the Statue of Liberty.

    Afterwards we headed down towards the East River to see the UN Building. 5th Avenue was packed with people but once you get off it to one of the other streets the crowds weren't too bad. The building was closed so we missed the opportunity to queue and go through a security screen but it was still good to see.

    We headed back up 42nd Street as the boys wanted to see Grand Central Station - very impressive.

    We dropped into the Lego shop in the Rockerfeller Centre, one of my favourite shops. The Rockerfeller Centre must be one of the most perpetually crowded places in New York ... of course it was packed.

    By this time we had had enough of the crowds and headed back to the apartment for an early night.

    Tomorrow we get out of Manhattan ... and we also get wet!
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  • Dag 15


    27 december 2011, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    On Tuesday we decided to get out of Manhattan, at least for a while. In the 2 or 3 weeks we have been here we have been focused on Manhattan Island but today we changed all that. We braved the subway and headed for ... Brooklyn.

    Brooklyn is across the East River from Manhattan. It is on the B-Line which is the same subway line we catch into the city, all we had to do was get on the other platform. When you get on the subways in New York you need to look to make sure you are on the 'Uptown' or 'Downtown' platform as that tells you which way you are going - into or out of the city. The subways are all underground and the trains travel on the right not the left like Sydney so it is easy to get disorientated.

    The station we use is the Grand Street station and it is the last stop on the B line before it goes over the Manhattan Bridge into Brooklyn - and the only section of subway I have been on that is above ground. I was reading the guide book and it talked about a trendy section of Brooklyn called Dumbo ... another one of those acronyms it means Down Under Manhattan Bridge Overpass. Anyway we didn't go to Dumbo (too trendy for us) we went up to Prospect Park which is sort of like the Central Park of Brooklyn.

    New Yorkers love their acronyms for place names Soho, Noho (North or South of Houston (street)), Nolita (North of Little Italy).

    Anyway we got off at the 7th Avenue station and I have to admit I really didn't know what to expect when we got up to street level, no idea what type of neighbourhood we were going to end up in - but there were no problems. Brooklyn is a lovely place. The first thing I noticed was the quiet. There wasn't so much traffic and we weren't hemmed in by tall buildings. We headed up towards Prospect Park and through the big Civil War Memorial Arch, really impressive. There was a bust of JFK in front of it.

    Prospect Park is huge, we wandered around playing fields, picnic areas, playgrounds, ponds - most of the locals have no back yard so parks like this one are where their kids get to run around and play. This part is where you see the classic New York terrace houses (called Brownstones) like what you see in the movies - see the pictures to see what I mean. We wandered down a few streets and then headed back towards the subway station. Dave summed it up when he said that if he had to live in New York he would like to live in Brooklyn.

    We caught the B-Line to Noho where it started to rain so we dropped into Kmart and bought an umbrella. We stopped into a burger joint and we spotted a celebrity!!!!! In the shop eating a burger was Chris Noth who plays Big in Sex and the City, is currently in the The Good Wife, and used to be a cop in Law and Order. Tracey is also sure she saw Hillary Swank walking her dog on the Lower East Side (at least we think it was her) a few weeks ago.

    The boys headed back to the apartment while Trace and I headed up Broadway to the Max Brenner Chocolate shop and it was HUGE! It's a full-on restaurant with crowds of people and they served all kinds of food not just chocolate. We then wandered through Union Square to the unusual elephant sculpture (see the picture for that one) and over to Barnes & Noble. By this time it was pouring rain and the tops of the buildings were shrouded in fog.

    Trace and I kept going up towards 34th Street getting rather wet on the way but there were some interesting places we dropped into look at. The doorman out the front of the Empire State Building was telling people there was zero visibility at the top but people were going anyway. We dropped into Victorias Secret for some important shopping ...

    Then it was back to the apartment in the bucketing rain.

    Important blog note - Wednesday (today) is our last day in Manhattan before we leave Linda's wonderful apartment and fly out to San Francisco. My frequency of blog updates will depend on access to the internet but rest assured we will endeavour to keep it going! I actually have to do today's entry but given today isn't over I can't do it yet!!
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  • Dag 16

    Goodbye to New York

    28 december 2011, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    Tomorrow (Thursday) we fly out early to San Francisco and I am not sure if we will have access to the internet so I thought I would do today's (Wednesday's) blog tonight before we leave. You lucky little readers!!!

    Today was bright and sunny in the morning but the clouds rolled in and the wind came up which made it icy in the afternoon! We went up to 88 Orchard for breakfast, they do a good bagel and jam. Then we headed back to the apartment to do some packing and cleaning up.

    The boys went uptown for one last visit while Trace and I had a last look around the Lower East Side.

    A few streets over there is the New Museum of Contemporary Art which actually featured on Masterchef - one of them was booted off when she tried to recreate the building using a cake, pretty dopey idea but it is a nice building. It was a very different museum, not many exhibits and some of them were a bit odd - a giant slide that goes between floors (one and a half hour wait for that one so we skipped it), and a mirror carousel that you could ride on.

    Like I said a bit odd but very popular and worth seeing.

    Then we wandered around and found the Australian restaurant Bondi Road. It was closed and looked a bit of a mess but the write up was quite good. We went further down towards the East River and cut across to the Williamsburg Bridge. This is the third bridge near the Lower East Side, the others being the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges. This bridge is the one that we came in on the first night and is at the end of the movie 'How to Lose a guy in 10 days'.

    Trace and I walked up to the first pylon as it was a tad cool. The bridge is surrounded by high-rise tenements, see the pictures below, it would be hard living in one of these. The bridge had great views and a very pink framed walkway for pedestrians and bike riders.

    By now Trace and I were a bit cool so we headed back to the apartment to try and defrost.

    Food time! We checked Linda's list of recommendations and the Meatball Shop sounded good. Dave has been battling a cold and wasn't hungry so we left him at home and walked the few blocks to the restaurant. It sure hadn't warmed up at all but this restaurant was excellent. It was packed with a few individual tables, people sitting at the bar, and one long communal table down the middle of the room. You ordered your food by marking off the menu with a dry-erase marker and giving it to the waitress. The food was really good. Tracey had beef meatballs and salad with spaghetti, Ewan had a beef meatball hero, and I had a spicy pork with mushroom sauce and cheese on a wholemeal roll. Desert was caramel ice cream and ginger snaps sandwich for Trace and I, Ewan had an ice cream float.

    Afterwards we rolled home for our last night in New York.

    Tomorrow we climb aboard the Delta plane to San Francisco arriving there at about 1.30pm. I'll give you all a full report as soon as I can.

    Goodbye New York. Things that stick in my mind:

    - The architecture
    - The Christmas displays
    - The noise
    - The crowds
    - The shopping
    - The museums

    I would definitely like to come back but next time aim to get to Boston, Washington, and a few other highlights outside of New York.
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  • Dag 17

    Hello San Francisco!

    29 december 2011, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Greetings everyone from foggy San Francisco!

    On Thursday morning we were picked up bright and early by our driver from Delancey's Car Service. It was cheaper to hire an SUV for $70 to take all of us and our goods and chattels to the airport than it was to get 2 taxis.

    It was a nice touch for our last views of New York to be in the morning sun though the photo opportunities were limited. The car trip was actually our first car trip for 2 weeks and it is terrifying. Apart from the fact every fibre of your being is screaming to get on the other side of the road the road rules are really viewed as mere guidelines. A red light means the person behind you has to stop, you don't. Want to change lanes, just do it. Speed limit ... what speed limit?

    Anyway, I digress. We were flying in a Delta 757 and we had the very back row to ourselves - 3 seats on either side. Don't know how we ended up in the back row but it was pretty comfortable. Dave took a few good photos of Manhattan from the plane as we took off from JFK.

    The trip across was interesting, I slept for the first bit, it was cloudy anyway. There were lots of farms across Iowa which gave way to snow into Wyoming and Nevada as we neared the Rocky Mountains. You could see the lakes were frozen and it looked damn cold. The mountains also meant a few patches of turbulence which always keeps it interesting.

    We could see the El Capitan mountain as we were getting closer to San Francisco. Really big, but we'll see it close-up on Saturday when we do our Yosemite tour so more on that later.

    We made it to San Francisco but landed from the south so there wasn't much to see except the typical San Francisco Bay fog. Our transfer was with Go Lorries transfers, it was warp factor 5 again but at least he didn't speak Klingon. We are staying at the Handlery Union Square Hotel which is quite old but very central. We went for a bite just up the road at David's Delicatessen which was one of those old style dinners where the waiter worked in the middle and everyone sat around the outside. We then went for a walk around Union Square and the main shopping district.

    The shops were much the same as New York but laid out completely differently of course, Manhattan has a very convenient grid layout which San Francisco doesn't - damn rude. One thing we did find was a huge Westfield! And we saw our first cable car!

    We have noticed that there are a lot of beggers. There were a lot in New York also but they were more spread out, in San Fran there seem to be a few on every corner. After wandering around in Nordstroms, the Ferrari Shop, American Eagle, Kate Spade, and even Walgreens we headed back to the Hotel. We are starting at 8am tomorrow morning for a tour of San Francisco and a trip to Alcatraz.

    More tomorrow!
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  • Dag 18

    Escape from Alcatraz

    30 december 2011, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Friday was a tour of San Francisco and then Alcatraz in the afternoon. We were scheduled for pick up at 8am so it was an early start. The truck was embarrassing to say the least, a huge white thing with zebra stripes - it was themed as an urban safari and we were on safari, pith helmets and all.

    Anyway we cruised around a few hotels to collect others and then we headed in the general direction of the Golden Gate bridge. The first stop was the Palace of Fine Arts, a huge Grecian palace with urns and godesses. This was originally built from chicken wire and cement for an expo in the early 1900s but was loved so much it was rebuilt using moulded cement and now it looks amazing. The large dome can be seen for miles.

    Then we headed out to the Golden Gate Bridge and stopped underneath the southern pylon. Needless to say the fog hid most of the bridge. There is a walk/cycle way from Fisherman's Wharf to the bridge and after 9/11 they stopped people walking around the fort so someone called Hopper put a set of hands up so people could touch the fence before they headed back, there are also a set of paw prints for the dog walkers (see the picture).

    Then we went for a drive through the Presidio. This is a large former military base that was returned to the people in the 1990s. It is also the scene of a movie of the same name starring Sean Connery and Meg Ryan. It was interesting driving around having a look.

    The weather meant we couldn't see a lot but the tour took us to City Hall, the Fairmont Hotel, Fisherman's Wharf, and past the Painted Ladies. A few interesting facts:

    - San Francisco Bay area (includes the cities of Oaklands, San Jose, Sausalito, and a number of other big towns) has a population of 8 million people
    - San Francisco itself has a population of 800,000 - a lot smaller than Adelaide
    - It has a very large gay population
    - It has a very large homeless population
    - Another huge earthquake is expected in the next 15 years
    - There are more dogs than children as it is a very expensive city to live in
    - Famous residents include OJ Simpson and Joe Dimaggio

    Anyway. The afternoon was Alcatraz. Before it became a notorious gaol this island, which is a short 12 minute ferry ride from the City, was a fort and military prison. Many of the buildings on the island relate to that past rather than the prison. We walked up the hill to the main prison block looking at the old fortifications and buildings, many had been destroyed by fire at sometime so the whole island has a sort of post apocalyptic feel about it.

    The cell block was really interesting. They give you an audio headset to listen to as you walk around so you know who was in what cell and something about the history. The Clint Eastwood movie is pretty close to the truth about the only escape, 3 of them disappeared so they don't know if they made it or not. There was also another near breakout that ended in some guards being killed and the Marines dropping grenades on prisoners from the roof. I'll add comments to the photos so you can get a better understanding.

    One interesting story was that Al Capone was brought across the country by train and the train carriage he was in was lifted onto a barge to take him to Alcatraz so he never left the train. Alcatraz wasn't real big with about 300 prisoners as a maximum but it sure was uncomfortable.

    We caught the ferry back to Fisherman's Wharf and had crab cakes and I tried a corn dog ... and then wished I hadn't. It is very touristy but interesting regardless. We tried to get a cable car back to the hotel but there was a 1 hour wait so we caught a trolley bus instead. They have an interesting system here - Pop, you'll like this - for their trolley car network they have antique trolley cars from various US and international cities. So you might see trolley car from Philadelphia in a 1940's colour scheme, or one from an international city at a particular point in time - there is meant to be one from Melbourne but we haven't seen it yet. So rather than have them sit in a museum the old cars are actually used on the network - what a great idea. The fare was $2 to take you back into the city, vs $6 on a cable car.

    Tomorrow it's off to visit Sam ... Yosemite Sam that is.
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  • Dag 19

    An amazing place

    31 december 2011, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Saturday was an early start. We were picked up at 6.30am and were on the road by 7.30, before the sun was even up. The bus headed across the Bay Bridge to Oakland and into the San Joaquim Valley. This is a very large, very flat valley behind San Francisco, our destination was Yosemite National Park.

    The San Joaquim Valley would be a difficult place to live. Seems like there was a lot of unemployment and a lot of migrant workers. The current economic environment would not have helped matters and the ever-present fog did not enhance the area's appeal. Once through the Valley, and after a fat breakfast of burgers, we started to climb the Sierra Nevada mountain range. The scenery started to change with high mountains and granite outcrops starting to become common. Finally after about 5 hours driving we arrived.

    The Yosemite Valley was quite simply stunning. The pictures below do not do it justice, even when you are standing there looking at it you can't believe you aren't looking at a painting. The valley was carved in the last ice age and was not discovered until about 1851 as it is quite a remote place and you do travel through rough terrain to get there. It's surprising that while the Indians of course knew about the valley the Spanish and the Mexicans who settled this area at various stages didn't find it, it wasn't until the California Gold Rush pushed white people into remote areas that it was found.

    The first photo stop was at a look out called Tunnel View, named because there is a road tunnel close by. This is the typical view of Yosemite with the big peak called El Capitan on the left and the half dome in the distance on the right and a flat valley floor covered in pine trees. I'm not going to try and describe it have a look at the pictures, the white bits you can see around to top of the valley are frozen waterfalls and there was some ice along the sides of the river but it wasn't that cold at all.

    I was watching the news the other day and they were saying that last year the US had 125% of their average snow fall, this year they have had just 25% and everyone was commenting about how little snow there has been. Usually the valley would have had a lot of snow at this time of year.

    We were dropped at the visitors centre and told we had about 3 hours before we had to be back. We walked around looking at Yosemite Falls, headed across the other side of the Valley and did a walk up one of the many walking trails. It sure was steep and being bear, coyote, and mountain lion country you tend to stay alert. We then headed back down across the meadows at the bottom of the valley for the trip home.

    We arrived back in San Francisco at about 9.30pm. We managed to stay awake until midnight and that was that.

    Tommorrow we hang out in San Fran for the day.

    Happy New Year from all of us.
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