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    • Day 3


      September 10, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      2nd leg
      Wellington NSW

      300 km straight stretch after Nyngan.

      My best friend today "Cruise Control"

      We found a Pub/Hotel right in the middle of nowhere "Mulga Creek Hotel"
      Felt surreal, Casablanca on the TV, a boy from Thüringen works there, work and travel Australia like 😂

      Those red babies will solve our range problem. 20 ltr should almost double the range of our bikes.
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    • Day 113

      III. AUS - OA/NSW 3; Bourke-Mildura

      December 20, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Di, 20.12. Bourke - Cobar
      Langer Tag auf der Straße durch Australiens Outback. In Bourke gab es leider nicht viel zu sehen und in Cobar (ebenso eine kleine Bergbau- und Farmstadt) genossen wir ein weitereres Freibad. Wie so oft in Australien musste man für die Wasserrutsche wieder extra zahlen - sie versuchen gerade im Outback aus allem Geld zu machen :P
      Abends hatten wir dann einen sehr schönen Zeltplatz direkt am Fluss, genossen den Sonnenuntergang und nachts einen super schönen Sternenhimmel :)
      Leider gibt es auch hier nach wie vor sehr große Probleme mit den Aboriginals, die unser Gas und damit die Kühlschrank-Kühlung abdrehten und Luft aus Esters Fahrradreifen ließen - dämlich.

      Mi, 21.12. Cobar - Broken Hill
      Ein weiterer langer Fahrertag: wir fuhren ca. 5h durch Outback und sahen lediglich eine sehr kleine, seltsam und verlassen aussehende Aboriginal-Stadt namens Wilcannia sowie eine Tankstelle.
      In Broken Hill angekommen ging es dann auf einen Spielplatz und abends genossen wir einen schönen Sonnenuntergang mit anschließendem Sternenhimmel in Australiens Outback-Wüste.

      Do, 22.12. Broken Hill
      Broken Hill ist wieder eine größere Stadt mit schönen Gebäuden, jeder Menge Geschäften und Einkaufszentren.
      Es ist v.a. bekannt für seine Schokoladenfabrik sowie eine Kunstgallerie mit einem rießigen Gemälde, dem sog. "The Big Picture" - leider durfte man dort aber keine Bilder machen.
      Nach einem kurzen weihnachtlichen Einkaufs-bummel fuhren wir nach Silverton, einer weiteren ca. 20km entfernten Bergbaustadt. Dort gab es ein traditionelles Café sowie eine urige Kneipe und für Interessierte ein Mad Max Museum.
      Die Region ist ebenso für Sandskulpturen und das Geo Centre bekannt.
      Auf dem Weg zu unserem Zeltplatz machten wir noch ein paar lustige Bilder mit einem kopflosen Weihnachtsmann und genossen abends wieder einen schönen Sternenhimmel.

      Fr, 23.12. Broken Hill - Mildura
      Von Broken Hill ging es weiter Richtung Mildura. Es war wieder eine interessante Fahrt durch Australiens Outback: viel Wüste, Geröll, hier und da ein paar Büsche oder sogar Bäume sowie Emus und Kängurus - als plötzlich mitten im Nirgendwo ein BH-Baum zu sehen war :P Er befand sich am Silver City Highway und Leute hatten über Jahre dort sämtliche Arten von BHs und Bikinis aufgehängt; bizarr und lustig zugleich ;)
      Gegen Mittag aß ich dann einen Butterfisch - eine Spezialität und angeblich nur in Wentworth und Mildura bzw. South Australia zu finden; sehr lecker, zart und weich.
      Über den Murray River überquerten wir dann die Grenze von New South Wales NSW nach Victoria VIC und hatten damit wieder eine Zeitverschiebung von plus einer halben Stunde (Zeitumstellung von 1 zu 1:30pm).
      Nach 5 Tagen Outback und trockenen Wüstenland-schaften war es super schön, wieder grün und mehr Pflanzen zu sehen. Es gab jede Menge Ackerflächen, Weinanbaugebiete und v.a. überall Palmen - Urlaubsfeeling pur :)
      Später ging es dann zu einem Erlebnisbad inkl. tollem Wellenpool und abends dann für diese und weitere 3 Nächte auf einen zu zahlenden Zeltplatz an einem schönen Fluss gelegen und mit einer Menge Ausstattung wie 2 tollen Pools, einem Hüpfkissen, Spielplätzen, Geschäften und v.a. Toiletten & Duschen - perfekt für die Weihnachtsfeiertage :)))

      Sa, 24.12. - Mo, 26.12. Mildura
      Oja, das war definitiv ein ganz anderes und besonderes Weihnachtsfest für mich:
      Bereits morgens um 7 bis zu 35* und über den Tag verteilt bis in die Nacht bis zu 42*, strahlend blauer Himmel und Sonne satt, jeder Menge Zeit für Fahrradtouren am Fluss, Swimmingpool, Sport im Freien unter Palmen etc. ;)
      Bei 35* wurden dann auch die letzten Weihnachtsgeschenke besorgt und schön verpackt, bevor ich abends mit Ester ganz kreativ einen Weihnachtsbaum und Elfen aus Obst bastelte :)

      Sonntag morgens setzten wir dann alle unsere Weihnachtshüte auf und feierten Bescherung - Geschenke s. Bilder unten ;)
      Danach habe ich ein bisschen gewaschen (trocknet innerhalb von 1h), bevor wir wieder auf dem Springkissen, im Pool oder einfach nur Fahrrad fahren, Frisbee spielen oder entspannen waren. Hier gibt es übrigens auch Schnee in Form von Blütenstaub der umliegenden Bäume ;)
      Abends genossen wir dann noch eine schöne Weihnachts-Lichter-Show und sehr schön dekorierte Weihnachtslandschaften :)

      Montags am Boxing Day ging es dann ins Kino und den Film Trolls, einem wirklich schönen Film über Glücklichsein :)
      Danach fuhren wir noch zu einem Spielplatz, bevor wir dann schön entspannten - Mildura war schön relaxing und eine saubere, auch etwas reicher aussehende Stadt. Unser Zeltplatz war übrigens auf der anderen Seite des Murray Rivers in NSW, Mildura in VIC - jeden Tag Grenzübergang ;)
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    • Day 64

      Dunlop station.

      June 19 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Spent a wonderful morning at Dunlop station. Such provenance here. Belonged originally to Samuel McCaughy. 1,000,000 acres. Beautiful morning tea 🍵 before our tour. First mechanised shearing shed in the world.Read more

    • Day 63–65

      Trilby station.

      June 18 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Trilby station....our 2nd on the Darling River run. 320,000 acres of working Merino sheep. River front camp site...but very steep banks. Mild weather...fabulous fire at nights. Our own private long drop....Read more

    • Day 61–63

      Rose Isle station...

      June 16 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Rose Isle station....50,000 acres of sheep and cattle. Beautiful camp kitchen with fabulous fire. Went walking to find the hot bath nestled in the trees by the river. Thoroughly enjoyed. Al caught heaps of carp! Beautiful morning tea 🍵 put on by the owner Samantha and Garry. Our first station on the Darling River run.Read more

    • Day 14

      Louth - Home ( a mission)

      July 27, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      We had a nice evening in the warm bunkhouse, and we had the place to ourselves. We were pondering our plans to get back by a reasonable time on Friday (today is Wednesday). As it was just over 1100km to home we made a tentative plan to make it to Tenterfield, stay the night there, then get up early Friday and grab Wanda before the cat hotel closed (she had to out that day - or else!).

      We set off at 8.39am and decided to drive around the Trilby Station (this property is 127,621 acres overall) camp-site. There were quite a few camp sites, many with residents, both riverside (Darling) and a very nice Billabong. It's a great setup.

      After this self-guided tour, we headed off. It was 25km to Louth, not a great deal there except for a memorial column built with much precision in keeping some sort of time, similar to a sun dial. So we kept heading east with nothing but flat grazing land with many fat cattle and sheep, as well as thousands of wild goats, our first roadkill feral cat, wild pigs, emus, but no 'roos. It was like this all the way through to Bourke. Here, we found an oasis of a cafe near the Old Wharf on the Darling River. We discovered that just east of Bourke is where the Darling starts. Fascinatingly, there are four rivers junctioning quite close to one another here, the Culgoa (which feeds from the north), the Barwon (which feeds from the east), and the Bogan (from the south). That all goes into the Darling, which goes into the Murray at Wentworth. Hence, we drove the Darling River.

      A lovely cuppa and shared muffin, Jen took over the driving, and we continued east. Through Brewarrina, then onto Walgett, across much the same landscape. At Walgett, we grabbed 2 salad rolls and 2 ginger beers for lunch and drove out of town to eat. After lunch, it was Brett's turn to drive through the same type of landscape. It was along here that we spotted our first wild horse, yay! Collarenebri was next, nothing there, so we forged on to Moree.

      Must comment on the towns between Bourke and Moree. They are pretty much ghost towns, not many people about, and businesses were only visually differentiated from either operational or non operation by their window and door covering. Operational - lockable steel grills. Non operational - secured timber boards, usually covered in graffiti. It is very sad and speaks volumes of the behavioural issues going on in these places.

      Between Walgett and Moree, we got behind a Honda CRV who was going well, so we sat behind him right into Moree. A fuel stop here, a window wash, check of the tyre pressure, re-stocked Jen's sour worm supply. We pushed on.

      On to Warialda, where we decided to deviate in a northerly direction to Coolatai, then a right turn towards Ashford. It was a shorter route, never before undertaken, to our destination, Tenterfield. The sun was setting quickly now, and it was 'Skippy alert' time - slow the pace. A nature break, driver change, on we went. Through Ashford, on to Bonshaw. Many little 'roos spotted, none threatened us, luckily.

      At Bonshaw, we turned right onto the Bruxner Way (formerly known as Highway) towards Tenterfield. By the time we hit Tenterfield, it was 7.30pm. A team decision was made to push for home. Both of us are wide awake, having had dinner on the run, google- assist revealed just 3 hours to go, we went for it.

      Just after leaving the town limits en route to Casino, we found ourselves behind the very same Honda CRV we were following between Walgett and Moree. We might have saved distance, but not time. It was a very good run through to Casino, only 2 'roos, and they were spotted together, about 20 k's out of Casino. No roadkill.

      From Casino to Lismore to home, all smooth sailing, pulling up at a reasonably decent hour 10.40pm.

      We unpacked most of our personal stuff, did some sorting, and left the rest on the truck for tomorrow.

      All in all, we covered 5,565 km in 14 days. We got to see some wonderful things and could have spent so much more time seeing a lot more. We figured that if we were to see most things at each location (outside of Adelaide, of course), then we'd probably be just leaving Charleville by now.

      The truck performed magnificently. We probably should've camped a bit more, but no regrets. It's amazing what we learned, saw, and did by doing a fly-by-seat-of-your-pants (don't know why we just didn't say "kind of unplanned") holiday.

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    • Day 1

      Home - Bourke - Fords Bridge

      April 7, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 30 °C

      We left home at around 11, after a frantic morning of last minute prep we got our infamous photo at Nyngan and met up with our travelling party at the logical place, the big Bogan. After a quick fuel stop down the road at Bourke we made it to Ford's Bridge before dark. It was aRead more

    • Day 13

      Historic North Bourke Bridge

      August 10, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      The old bridge still stands but is in need of repairs. Many years now it is a tourist attraction but no longer is it considered safe.

      Until repairs are carried out it is closed to pedestrians. Of course it is closed to vehicular traffic.Read more

    • Day 13

      Mount Oxley

      August 10, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      About 40 kilometres from Bourke is Mount Oxley. The road up is a little bit scary. Really glad there was nobody coming the other way.

      On top is a huge array of communication Towers and satellite dishes. Today was very windy and seems every loose part was vibrating with a lot of noise.

      Futher overwas the amenities and barbecue. The views were amazing and the rocky landscape unusual.

      It is said the sunsets here are spectacular but we preferred to be back at our camp before dark. There are lots of kangas around.
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    • Day 14

      Bourke Weir

      August 11, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      When built this weir on the Darling River was the only one. It was built to provide a reliable water supply for the town. A lock beside allowed riverboats to move across the different levels.

      Around 1941 the lock was no longer used.Read more

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