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    • Tag 9

      Bushland Gardens

      14. April 2023 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      On our way to the East Coast we dropped into the Bushland Gardens. A native garden full of sculptures that had been developed by a group from Hobart including Sue and her husband Chris.

    • Tag 144–145

      Country Calm Before Hobart's Hustle

      26. Mai in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      One more stop lay between us and Hobart, where Sal would join her friends for their eagerly anticipated Girl’s Weekend. Our destination was Ye Olde Buckland Inn, a charming historical spot nestled in Tasmania’s picturesque countryside. In Queensland, we were accustomed to driving for hours between campsites, traversing vast distances under the endless sun. Here in Tasmania, however, everything seemed to be just an hour away, making our travel wonderfully leisurely and filled with delightful surprises.

      We arrived at Ye Olde Buckland Inn, its rustic charm and timeless ambiance greeting us warmly. The inn, steeped in history, stood as a testament to a bygone era, its old walls whispering tales of the past. The big paddock behind the inn was to be our resting place for the night. It was an open expanse under the clear blue sky, with no clouds or trees to obstruct the sunlight. This meant we could efficiently top up our battery system using only solar power. Our bus’s electrical system, designed with a huge reserve, often required ample sunlight to get back to 100 percent, and this spot was perfect for that.

      The paddock was serene, with only one other caravan parked on the far side, giving us a sense of solitude and peace. As the sun climbed higher, its warmth enveloped us, creating a cozy outdoor environment. We decided it was the perfect moment for some grooming, and Anth was in need of a haircut. Sal, ever the meticulous barber, found a warm spot in the sun and set to work. The scene was idyllic, the gentle snip of scissors blending with the natural symphony of birds and rustling leaves. Her skilled hands quickly transformed his unruly hair into a neat and tidy style. The sun shone brightly, casting a golden glow over the paddock, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

      As the afternoon progressed, the temperatures began to drop. We made a hasty retreat to the bus, the warmth of the interior a stark contrast to the cooling air outside. We spent the evening in quiet contemplation, the bus cozy and inviting, a sanctuary from the encroaching cold. Tomorrow promised to be another busy town day, filled with errands and preparations. It also marked a temporary farewell to Sal as she headed off for her weekend with friends.

      The night at Ye Olde Buckland Inn felt like a peaceful interlude, a moment of calm before the flurry of activity in Hobart. As we settled in for the evening, the stars began to appear in the clear sky above, each one twinkling like a tiny beacon of light. We felt a sense of contentment, knowing that each stop on our journey brought its own unique charm and memories.

      In the quiet of the night, we reflected on our travels, the places we had seen, and the adventures yet to come. The inn, with its rich history and tranquil surroundings, had provided us with a brief but cherished respite. We knew we would carry the memories of this place with us as we continued our journey through the enchanting landscapes of Tasmania. The road ahead was filled with promise, and with hearts full of gratitude and anticipation, we looked forward to the next chapter of our adventure.

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Buckland, Q4983282

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