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    • Day 7

      Last day at Yanda Cmpgrd (Gunderbooker)

      December 20, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      For our last day here we decided to take a drive to Toorale NP (right next door but a 200km round trip) and do a couple of the walks they had to offer. No such luck - they were closed. So a lazy day it was! Hooray, I needed it after yesterday's got to lay down under a tree by the river, start my book and do some bird-watching while Pete collected firewood and did the books. Had our first fire this evening once the sun went down - mainly to try and get rid of the flies, they've been horrendous and to get rid of the last bit of firewood as no more camp-fires allowed after this one. Then packed up ready to head off first thing in the morning...Read more

    • Day 9

      Sturt National Park

      December 22, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

      Woke up at dawn (well when the sun peeking over the horizon) and it had cooled down overnight thank goodness so had a great rest. Not an animal in sight...I thought I'd see some roos or a lizard out early but nada. Weird. Oh well, back to sleep then. Another couple of hours on and it was time to face the day. After a quick breaky, we headed off on the Jump Up Loop walk. The Jump Ups are hills in the area was a really rocky path but not too steep this time. Glad we set off at 9.30am because by the time we returned at 11:15am, it was around 36°C. A quick wash of the face then had a game of cards. It just kept getting hotter. I ended up lying on a towel on our outdoor floor in my undergarments for around 3 hours while Pete pottered around doing a few jobs that needed doing - he has become something of a novice plumber and electrician. Downloaded the 2nd season of The Witcher (back when we had wifi) so watched an episode of that before calling it a night 🌙Read more

    • Day 10

      Drive out to Cameron Corner

      December 23, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Another eerily silent different to Gunderbooker with all the bird and insect noise each night. Made bacon & egg rolls for breaky then headed out to Cameron Corner...named after John Cameron, a NSW Land Dept surveyor who led the first survey in 1879. It was approximately a 230km round trip. It was shaping up to be another 40°C day so was nice to sit in the air-con during the peak of the days heat. Again, only saw a couple of roos and emus on our trip. Visited the famed Corner Store for a nice cold beer and a chat with Kim the publican - a lovely lady who was Outback born and bred and took an obligatory photo with the corner stone where NSW, QLD & SA meet. Drove through a variety of different landscapes. One minute it's brown & rocky dotted with small shrubs, next it's red dirt and clumps of dry grass then it's sandy (almost white) with gum trees and green grass growing everywhere!Read more

    • Day 8

      En route to Sturt NP

      December 21, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Up early to set off to our next destination, Olive Downs Campround at Sturt NP (3kms from Qld border). A quick stop at Bourke for breaky, fuel, groceries, beer & post office. The two supermarkets in Bourke are surprisingly well stocked. Funny though, the bottlo attached to the IGA is completely behind glass and metal bars, you have to tell the guy what you'd like and he gets it for you. Hit the road with 5 hours ahead of us...the road was alot better than we thought it would be, only letting the tyres down after a fuel stop at Wanaaring. Only passed a couple of road trains which was good, they are enormous and scary to pass as they stir up so much dust reducing your visibility to zero. Listened to a podcast called The Breakdown which is about Australian rugby's fall from grace...I thought this would keep Pete entertained when I fell asleep but I ended up interested also haha! Not saying I didn't doze off a few times because I definitely did. Stopped at Tibooburra for more fuel and to fill the water tanks in the trailer. Grabbed another couple of souvenirs and a postcard to send Grandma then sat at the pub for an ale before the hours drive into the NP. Saw some roos and some emus on the way Emu was really funny and didn't which way to run and just ran in circles, it cracked us up!! Arrived at the campsite around 6.30pm, there's not much here at all and we definitely feel like were in the Outback. Not a lot of wildlife even...there are a couple of birds nearby and that's it. Flies aren't as bad here and hardly any mozzies which is awesome after Yanda. Night time was deathly silent and somewhat strange. Week one complete, nearly 2000kms travelled.Read more

    • Day 17

      Cameron corner.

      May 12, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      A great place here for the middle of nowhere!. Sunny 🌞...24 deg. A lot of corrugations on the road in today. Dinner at the pub. Lovely talking to Dave...a fellow traveller. On a motorcycle 🏍! Cameron corner is where Qld NSW and SA meet.Read more

    • The Cooper Yowie

      September 5, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      The landscape here stimulates imagination. Imagine a yowie and you can see him. The morning sun plays the shadows and light to create art.

      Gnarley trees with interesting shapes. Remnant puddles disappearing after the rain. Sunrise and sunset, a thousand pictures every day.Read more

    • Lake Bindegolly from the Air

      September 14, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      It is not the place we expected. The trees are small and well adapted to the harsh conditions. The lake for much of it area is seasonal, however a large part has water for 9 of 10 years. Tough grasses cover the sandy red soil.

      This morning there was a short opportunity to get the eye in the sky. It can manage fiar winds but the gusts here have been quite strong and unpredictable so no flights for most of the day.

      From the air it is possible to see the distant water expanse in the lakes to the north. Only a month ago the last of the water in the lake this side of the road dried up leaving impressive dried mud. This is quite a surreal place to walk in the late afternoon.

      As I have commented earlier on this trip, it is so different t to what I ever imagined.
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    • Lake Bindegolly

      September 14, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Lake Bindegolly is a huge area that has water during the wet season. There is normally water in some of the lake all year long so wildlife is abundant, Currently there are lots of birds with one very loud singing honeyeater serenading us often nearby.

      A large area has been made national park to protect unique plants only found here. There are walking trails with good bird watching.

      The flowering trees are very impressive with masses of white, pink, yellow and even purple flowers covering them.

      Its a nice spot to camp even with the still very cold nights and warm days. Last night the temperature fell to around 7 degrees. Even those temperatures would be OK if it were not for the strong winds.
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    • Wilson River Camping Area

      September 2, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Also known as the Noccundra waterhole, this is a nice spot along the river where we can camp for a donation. Not far away is the Noccundra Pub where you can book in for a feed and visit the amenities block. All this camping goodness for a donation at the amenities.

      This is quite a beautiful spot with ample water in the waterhole. I have taken a bucketful and added a small amount of alum. It was fully cleared in under 1/2 an hour so we have washing up water and when we come back, water to wash our clothes.

      On the way here we had to use the windscreen wipers, 6 wipes of huge rain drops. While refuelling there were a few more drops. Now it is very windy with 50+ kph gusts. I won't be doing any aerial photos here. The poor little drone would be swept away and perhaps lost. Even the birds are absent. I have seen one brave little Willie Wagtail but I fear he too is clutching to a twig somewhere hoping it does not break.

      Diesel was $1.88/l out here at the Noccundra hotel. Hardly surprising given the long distance it has to be transported. We needed to top up our tank to make the trip out to the Dig Tree and back. Nearly 500k with little reserve. I'm hoping we don't experience strong headwinds.

      The mornings are still pleasently cool with just a bit of cloud. That made for a very nice sunrise over the waterhole this morning. Yesterday was another spectacular outback sunset. Last night another billion bright stars that gave enough light to see to walk.

      The water in this waterhole is the typical Muddy colour. I decided to clarify 5 litres with a pinch of alum. It settled in about 30 minutes so I decided to see what would happen if I added a 8l to the muddy remains after I decanted the clear water, by morning I had another bucket of beautiful clear water. Conclusion? I had overdosed by a considerable amount, even though I had only used a pinch of powder.
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    • Dig Tree - Cooper Creek

      September 3, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      As I write this, we are being pelted by rain. A totally unexpected event in one of the driest parts of the country and probably out of season. Thunder and lightning effects for good measure.

      There was predicted rain up to 5mm for Noccundra, but we are quite a way from there. The storm seemed to be brewing up earlier in the afternoon. We were still not expecting rain. Then just on sunset a few random drops. We still did not expect rain.

      The wind then got intense, up a bit from frantic and gusty. Still not expecting rain. Next we thought we saw a flash of lightning. Must have been the new clock randomly flashing its night light.

      Around 9:00pm some really heavy drops started pounding on the van. It was actual real rain. One hour later it is still raining and turning out to be quite a decent storm.

      Rain has been falling moderately heavy now for 3 hours and seems like setting in. The dirt outside that I thought to be mostly sand is now soft gooey slush 3-4 cm deep so far. I nearly slipped when I went out earlier. We may not be able to move until everything dries out a bit.

      ***** Earlier today. ******
      On the way here we stopped for a bearded dragon who did not want to get off the nice warm road. Not particularly scared of us but decided to scuttle for cover when tapped on his tail. We also saw two dingos that were not very worried about us either.
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