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    • Dzień 75

      Die Arschkalt Mountains

      20 marca, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Der Tag beginnt, wie der letzte aufgehört hat, mit Dauerregen. Außerdem ist es wieder mal sehr kalt. Damit haben wir das Kapitel Launceston beendet, bevor wir es angefangen haben. Wir haben uns für eine entspannte Rückfahrt nach Hobart entschieden. Über die Berge ging es dann entlang des Great Lake in die Nähe der Hauptstadt. Ist wirklich komisch, daß das ganze schlechte Wetter in den Bergen hängen bleibt und der Süden total trocken ist. Auf dem Gipfel hatten wir 2-3 °C und Schneeregen. ❄️🥶☃️
      Das Positive an diesem Tag war unser neuer Freund Wombi und die 2 Porterhouse-Steaks für umgerechnet 11,50 €.
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    • Dzień 76

      Mount Field Nationalpark

      21 marca, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Zum Abschluss in Tasmanien gab es nochmal schönes, aber "frisches" Wetter. Also los zu den Russel Falls im Mt. Field NP. 60 km von Hobart ist das Klima wieder total anders und wir sind im Regenwald. Mittlerweile sind wir die Riesenfarne ja gewöhnt, aber die Baumriesen sind schon beeindruckend, vor allem, wenn sie umgestürzt sind. Wenn man dann noch leise genug ist, sieht man auch etwas von der Tierwelt.
      Danach noch kurz zu einem Lookout auf die Tasman Bridge, die einige Teile von Hobart verbindet und dann haben wir das Kapitel Tasmanien mit einem weinenden und einem lachenden Auge beendet. Bye Tassie.
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    • Dzień 2 001


      15 listopada 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      A short trip from the peninsular to Hobart. We are staying in a campsite next to Cambridge which is just down the road from Richmond.
      After setting up, in the afternoon, we took the Pinnacle Road to the top of Mount Wellington - the views from the top are extensive and put the location of the city in perspective with the surrounding area. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2 002


      16 listopada 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Our first full day in the area saw us drive out of the city. We drove south through Margate to Kettering where we caught the ferry over to Bruny Island. Are you going to Bruny was the mantra when we told people on other campsites we were coming to Hobart. Arriving on the island after a short ferry crossing our first stop was the cheese, beer and bread farm where we enjoyed some tasters of on-site made cheeses. Very nice they were too, so we have some to enjoy with the family at Christmas.
      The weather turned wet for a period, so we abandoned our plan for the next stop which was to climb the 300 stairs half way along the isthmus which gives good views to the north and south parts of the island. Instead we carried on to Adventure Bay, where we had singled out a decent walk - The Fluted Cape and Grassy Point Walk. The weather had cleared and we set off on a relentless climb up through the forest to the cliff top, some 290 meters above the sea which was directly below. The path then followed the cliff line down to the Grassy Plain where the early settlers located a very profitable whaling station.
      We were on constant lookout for some of the area's white wallaby but only fawny coloured ones were to be seen. The albino ones showing themselves later in the evening apparently. A very pleasant 2 hour walk, after which, we dropped into the chocolate factory shop on our return northwards. Karen was not impressed with the lack of tasters.
      The sky was clear as we drove over the Isthmus so we had a look at the views from the lookout. All of a sudden a fierce wind blew up and a squally shower passed through giving us a bit of a soaking. Undaunted we moved on to the start of our next planned walk which was to see the arch on the beach beneath Elizabeth Cape. A very different landscape of flatland and sandy links with low scrub.
      The arch is reached either by the beach or by passing over the bluff. a longer route. We did not have the time for the longer route so we passed along the beach. Due to the tide, the arch could only be reached by wading through the shallows which Karen was determined to do. Paddling through the water she made the arch in comfort but mistimed the waves on her return and was drenched to well above the knee. Karen's second soaking of the afternoon. Thankfully she had some spare shorts in the car that she was able to change into for the return journey.
      We caught the second to last ferry back to the main island after a full day.
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    • Dzień 2 003


      17 listopada 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We drove into the city - a 15 minute drive from our campsite and over the Tasman bridge. As the city came into view a large cruise ship was in dock and was dominating the sky line. We found long term parking difficult to find on the side streets so, eventually, we used the General Hospital car park as recommended by the receptionist on our site. Our first stop was the information bureau where we signed up for the red bus tour. A number of the cruise passengers were on the bus too, they were on a four day cruise from Sydney with Hobart the only port of call. The Royal Princess was full with 4000 passengers apparently.
      The bus tour took us around the most interesting and historic sites of the city over a 90 minute period, providing us with a commentary as we went. A very pleasant city with a thriving harbour.
      After that we had a wander through the waterfront, Salamanca and Battery Point. Passengers started streaming back to the cruise ship ready for a 4:45 departure.
      A beer and wine at The Whaler in the harbour was very welcome, after which we headed back to base.
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    • Dzień 2 005


      19 listopada 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We had a relatively lazy day before we moved on to the "wild west."
      We drove a short distance to Richmond, where the bridge is considered to be the oldest in Australia. The Sunday market was running. One of the stalls was selling woodcraft by a master woodturner who had crafted some quite astonishing pieces. Woodcraft is very popular over here. The town of Richmond is delightful, with quaint shops and buildings.
      We then drove to Bridgewater by way of Brighton where we stocked up on provisions and completed the riverside walk. After that we returned to base via Lindisfarne.
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    • Dzień 13

      Final day in Hobart

      21 czerwca, Australia ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      Yesterday we travelled from Mt Field to Hobart stopping at New Norfolk for most of the morning. As we were driving through Bart spotted a large number of old trucks, so we immediately pulled over to check them out. They ended up being part of an antique shop that is huge! The building is an old Asylum and it just goes on and on. We probably spent nearly 3 hours looking around. I totally expected Bart to find something that he wanted to get (and yes he did but it was just a $26,000 motorbike - so that's still there, for now anyway 🙄) I did walk away with a 1970's dominos set. Which I was very happy with.

      We got to the caravan park where we are going to spend our last 2 nights and I got some much needed washing done.

      Today, we headed out early to get a bus into the city (fortunately it comes right past the caravan park) we spent the morning walking around the city, stopping at Mures Seafood for lunch. Then headed off for the afternoon on a Pennicott Cruise down the Derwent River to Stormy bay, past Iron Pot Lighthouse and around Betsy Island.

      Pennicott do the best cruises if you are ever in Tasmania they are well worth doing (last trip we did the Wilderness Cruise out from Port Arthur - a very different cruise to this one, but spectacular) this cruise was more sedate and you didn't get wet which we appreciated seeing how cold it was.

      Because it was the Winter Solstice the sun set at 4:40pm so the lighting when we got out there at around 3:30pm and on our way back in was just beautiful. There were so many rain bands around us we had a rainbow somewhere pretty much most of the trip.

      It was a fantastic way to end our holiday. Now to pack up the van, try and get everything back in our suitcases tomorrow morning and off to the airport again. I know my darling husband is really looking forward to the warmer weather again!
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    • Dzień 17 Hobart (finally) our final stop

      7 marca 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We left Port Arthur accommodation about 10 am and headed for Hobart and the last place we would be staying on our trip. On our way back to the Tasman Highway, we stopped into Tasman Honey, a company that has been in the area for over 40 years, producing raw honey in the region. It was good to actually talk to an experienced bee keeper and get some advice and ask some questions about bee keeping in Tasmania. It also answered my curiosity about the Bumble Bees; The only good Bumble bee is a dead one. They get in and starve colonies, and the wasps are worse for bee colonies. We also got a sign for our yard for our bee keeping.
      After we finished there we continued on to Sorell where we had lunch... if I had realised just how close we were to our final stop we could have just waited but we left Sorell about 1pm and arrived at our accommodation at Riversdale Estate Winery about an hour later after spending about 45 mins at Frogmore Creek Winery, which is on the same road; we are staying in wine country.
      We got settled, then checked out Coal River Farm, Cheese and Chocolate. Here we met the resident goat, Chillis and Millie got to feed him and give him a scratch... well the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. We also got to watch the chocolatiers making Easter Ducks and Bunnies. We had some cheese tasting and as we were leaving one of the chocolatiers asked Millie if she liked duck chocolate (though I think he said dark) because he had a reject he gave Millie of a duck that only had 1 eye for free. She thought it was so cute and was absolutely wrapped in it.
      After that we came back to our accommodation and I had a nap before we went to dinner in Richmond at the Richmond Arms Pub and after dinner I went aurora chasing.
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    • Dzień 18

      Zoodoo Zoo and Wicked Cheese Co.

      8 marca 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      So I chased aurora's until about 12.30am, and hopefully got something on camera.
      Slept till about 8am and then we got up and got ready for Zoodoo zoo, getting to the zoo by 10am.
      Being a Tuesday, zoodoo zoo was very quiet to begin the day, but got busier as the day went on. We checked out the devils (surprise surprise), wombats and birds, where we got into a conversation with a macaw who wanted his head scratched and a beautiful blue cheaky parrot who kept asking what we were doing. We headed for the marmosets and capuchins where we were mistaken about where the 10.30 talk was, so we then moved on to the lions, reptiles, possums, sugar gliders, emus, zebras and managed to see a camel in the distance, getting back to the lions in time for the 11am talk.
      Millie and Lindsay booked in for a feed the Meerkat experience, so they got ready and when to that after Millie got to have a play on the play center they had there.
      They got their feed a meerkat experience where they met 3 little cheaky boys Scooter, Cookies and Cream and got to feed them meal grubs. Millie was a little concerned and restless around them as their claws were a little poker.
      After their experience, we went to the barnyard experience feeding alpacas, a shetland pony, a donkey, sheep and (butting) goats (their skulls really go crack when they collide). Then we got to feed deer and kangaroos and wallabies and got to meet an albino white kangaroo.
      We can't take Lindsay anywhere thought. She got bitten by one of the meetkats today when a meal worm fell on her finger. Then while she was feeding the kangaroos she got bitten on the bum by the white deer... and I got it all on video... enjoy!
      By this stage we had seen about all we could bit as we were leaving we got to listen to the Tasmanian Devil talk. Customary visit to the gift shop, and the walk in aviary on the way out as well.
      We left Zoodoo and went into Richmond for some supermarket basics, then to Wicked Cheese Co to have some afternoon tea, trying cheeses, chocolates and distilled spirits and Millie got to try milking a cow, and by cow I mean a fibreglass statue of a cow.
      We spent the afternoon relaxing and scrapbooking the images for today's entry.
      I may also go stargazing tonight as well, depends on the clarity of the sky.
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