Kangaroo Island

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    • Hari 45

      Kangaroo Island

      10 Februari 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Do eus s Flogchaos zemmli a Energie kostet hed ond mer 2h spöter als geplant de Camper hend chönne öbernäh, hemmer eusi Fähri noch Kangaroo Island om en Tag verschobe.

      De Obe hemmer medemene leckere BBQ bi Sonneondergang lo usklinge ond hend en super Freecampplatz grad ide Nöchi vom Hafe gfonde. Zwar hemmer im neue Camper nömme ganz so vell Comfort ond Stauruum förs Gepäck - dennoch lod sechs au done sehr gmüetlech denne läbe.

      Am negste Morge esches denn weder früeh losgange ond bereits am 9.00 semmer denn inkl. Eusem Camper med de Fähri losgfahre. Mer hend natürlech ned so rächt gwösst was eus erwarte werd, wöll Kangaroo Island sehr heftig vo dene Buschbränd betroffe gseh send - de ganzi Weste vode Insle esch praktisch abbrönnt ond nicht befahrbar.
      Trotzdem hends eus gseid dases no velli anderi tolli Spots zom erkonde ged ond en Bsuech sech lohne werd.
      So esches noch 45min Fahrt diräkt losgange ganz in Norde ufe a Emu Bay. Dete hemmer medem eigete Auto diräkt chönne am Beach entlang fahre ond bade wo mer Lost dezue gha hed, was seehr es cools Erläbnis gseh esch! Nochhäne semmer wiiters ade Köste entlang ade super schön Stokes Beach wele mer nor via Walk dör es Steilabyrinth erreicht hed. Dete hemmer denn au mol einigi Stond ordentlech Sonne tankt! Aschliessend esches denn a euse Campground ganz i Süde uf Vivienne Bay gange. D Fahrt uf dene sehr holprige Strosse hed sehr vell Gedold ond Närve brucht, do mer jedes mol Angst gha hed, de Camper brecht zäme. Heil acho semmer denn au scho vo eusem "huuseigete" Koala empfange worde wo diräkt vor eus ufem Baum gsässe esch. Emmer weder es Highlight so eine ide frei Natur dörfe zerläbe! Bimene guete Täller Pasta esch en ereignisriiche Tag z Änd gange. Am negste Morge semmer weder früeh uf ond send zerst uf Seal Bay gfahere. Dete hed mer ufemene Boardwalk d Möglechkeit gha Seelöwene diräkt am Strand zbeobachte. Do mer praktisch die Einzige gseh send, hemmer au ordentlech Platz för Fotis zmache gha. Aschliessend esches wiiter i Wildlife Park gange - primär om de grossi Wonsch vode Yasmin ändlech es knuffigs Wombat zhebe zerfölle. Wie sehr Freud sie gha hed, dröcked d Bilder glaubs zemmli guet us. Jedoch hed sech de Bsuech au so glohnt ond mier hend no paar anderi exotischi Tier gseh so mer uf eusere Reis nonig attoffe hend - u.a es Albino Kängeru.

      De Räst vom Tag hemmer denn in Pennington Bay verbrocht, mol ned am Beach sondern i eusem Camper diräkt med Meersicht. Pönktlech am halbi 8ti am Obe esches denn bimene tolle Sonneondergang med de Fähri zrogggange.

      Alles in allem hed sech de Usflog uf Kangaroo Island trotz vellne verbrönnte Abschnitt uf de Insle glich sehr glohnt ond mer send froh, hemmer s Programm dörezoge. Trotzdem hättet mer eus natürlech chle me Kängerus erhofft wobi mier ja medem Koala förstlech entschädiget worde send. Eusi Reis god etzt wiiter rechtig Great Ocean Road abe wo mier denn die negschte 3 Nächt rechtig Melbourne fahre wärded.
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    • Hari 4

      Off to Kangaroo Island

      29 Oktober 2006, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      I left Adelaide early this morning to catch a flight to Kingscote, on Kangaroo Island. The flight was quick, and it took no time to get in my rental. I was relieved to see it was an automatic, given it will take enough energy just to stay on the LEFT side of the road. As I begin my drive, I'm grateful I'm starting my driving here. There is no one on the roads. And I mean no one. Then I jump. I'm completely startled the first time I see a car driving the opposite direction on the "wrong" side of the road. Unfortunately, there are so few cars, I'm startled every time I see one. I have to constantly think, "Stay left, stay left."

      I first go to the Emu Ridge eucalyptus farms. Fascinating how they make the oil. Saw some emus, too. I see how the theory was developed wherein birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs. I buy some gifts and head for Clifford’s Bee farm. There's no big, red dog, but lots of bees. Of course I do a lot of sampling, and I walk away full. Did you know that the taste of the honey is dependent on the type of flower from which the bee receives the nectar. I bought two bottles to bring home, which taste completely different. I've never noticed. I tried to drive down to a bay, but the roads were too bad to tolerate, and I'm just not that excited about the view.

      I head west and stop at Seal Bay. Way cool. They take you right down to the sea lions and I took about 100 shots. And I thought the Alaskan bears were interesting. This was an incredible experience. Did you know that a female sea lion stays pregnant for 17 months?

      I tear myself away from Seal Bay and head to Flinders Chase Park. This is a national park and where I have decided to camp for the night. In the parking lot of the Visitors' Center I see my first wallaby. He (could be a she) is very cute and none too shy. I snap a few pictures and take off for the Remarkable Rocks. The ocean view is breathtaking on the way. The rocks are actually an old ball of lava that welled up and has been eroding ever since breaking the surface. They are very old and very dramatic, sitting on the cliffs overlooking a sparkling blue sea.

      I drive to the Admiral's Arch from the Rocks. I take a hike then swing around to see that I've just walked over a limestone bridge, under which I am now standing. The limestone seems to drip into the air, and New Zealand fur seals sunbathe on the other side of the hole. I notice the sun is starting to lower, so I drive to my camping spot. I've secured a tent spot in the "bush" at a place called Snake Lagoon. After pitching the tent, I have a thought: "Brenda Reece lived in Red Rock Ranch, thusly named because of Red Rocks. Regina Marette lived by Woodmoor Lake, named because of the water. And I'm staying at Snake Lagoon." OK, so that was a bad thought. I end up taking a walk and see two kangaroos. They are small here because this species can't get too big on a little island. The walk is nice, and I return to The Lagoon. I've renamed it.
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